Art Therapy and Stroke Patients

1 in every 4 persons has a stroke. So sadly, it’s likely that most of us have had experienced or know someone who has had a stroke. I am a part of that demographic. For me, that person was my uncle. I had never known a time where I didn’t see him in a wheelchair…

Do Study Playlists Work?

Music has always been my outlet. I have played the piano for over 13 years; Its ability to transport myself to a different world, new feelings, has proved vital, even therapeutic in many life events. I find even music to be helpful academically: I’m writing this post as I’m listening to music. With a quick…

Victor You

Hi everyone! My name is Victor You. I was born in Tennessee and moved to Connecticut at age 5. I’m currently undecided with my major, but I am considering something pre-med. Outside of class, I love to spend time with friends and family, explore new places and foods, and in the winters I like to…