Let’s Talk About Pain

Do you understand our sensation of pain? Before everything, the pain I’m talking about today is physical, not some types of emotional pain you feel after a huge fight or a breakup. Speaking of physical pain, we usually tend to relate them to injuries –  well, that’s partially correct. Let’s try and understand pain from…

Synesthetes and their Arts

Synesthesia refers to the phenomenon in which stimulation of one sense modality gives rise to a sensation in another sense modality (Harrison and Baron 1994). I know it sounds tedious and confusing. To put this definition into plain and simple terms, a few concrete examples might help. Imagine seeing waved colors when listening to your…

Vanessa Wang

Hi everyone! My name is Yang (Vanessa) Wang, and I come from Beijing, China. I haven’t declared my major yet, but I’m thinking of some combination like QSS and PSYC. I don’t really have a professional biology background, but I did learn a bit of neuroscience in my psychology class before, and I found them…