Where Did Van Gogh’s Mind Go?

         There is a lot of mystery around what ailed the renowned painter Vincent van Gogh.  Some doctors think he had epilepsy, some think he had manic depression or schizophrenia, and others think he had a mix of both conditions.  Personally, I believe van Gogh had temporal lobe epilepsy, which led to manic depression.  According to Dr. Blumer,…

Stigma on Personality Disorders

The progressive world that we know today is characterized by constant new scientific discoveries, such as cures to long standing diseases and discovering the intricacies of the human genome, as well as an ongoing cultural revolution: everyone must be treated with fairness, and be viewed in the same way, no matter a person’s race, ethnicity,…

Learning by Doing

One of the journal prompts that we received in class was about the different methods we had used to learn about the structure of the retina. I found this topic to be particularly interesting because it made me think about how the process of learning can be achieved through multiple mediums; and different mediums can…

Is Nearsightedness a Genetic Defect?

When I was in high school, I started to notice that if I sat far away from the board, I couldn’t read the words as well as I could if I were closer to the board.  I thought it was normal that things were slightly blurry if they were far away because humans are not perfect,…

Alcohol, the Brain, and Relationships

Researching the impact that alcohol can have on the maintenance of relationships is an important topic because alcoholism is a prevalent issue in our society that is affecting many people. This could possibly be prevented through further research on the effects that alcohol can have directly on relationships, as well as educating the public on…

different ways of seeing

There are millions of species of animals that inhabit this earth, including us. We come in all different shapes and sizes, with different behaviors and anatomies. But one of the most incredible things about us is that we all work. There is not one single way to survive. Some of us walk on two legs,…

The Five [Blended] Senses

Imagine being able to see smells, taste colors, or hear sights. Imagine counting to ten, and simultaneously seeing flashes of vibrant colors take over your vision. Imagine listening to a symphony and being taken over by feelings all across your body that correspond with each instrument being played. This is real life for the four…

Pain: the sixth sense

Have you ever wondered why it hurts when you get a cut, get bruised, or break a bone? Everyday our bodies are exposed to thousands of external stimuli that cause pain. Pain is “a distressing sensation, as well as an emotional experience that is linked to actual or potential tissue damage, with the sole purpose…

Carolina Sadurski

Hi! My name is Carolina, and yes, I was named after the state. I spent the first 17 years of my life growing up in Greenwood, SC and I am happy to be at Emory studying biology. I love the outdoors, especially the mountains and the beach, and I can speak a little bit of…

Jai Arora

Hello! My name is Jai Arora, and I am a first year at Emory University. I am from Dallas, TX, and I am interested in potentially majoring in Quantitative Sciences with a concentration in Economics on the pre-med track! I am a part of Suri A-Capella, EUMR, and EASL. I love to sing, play tennis,…