How do you recognize what you see?

Last winter break, I was playing a game with my friends while waiting for dinner. One person draws a word using shapes and colors, and the other people guess what it is. We drew a lot of different objects, such as cars, cartoon characters, famous persons and a lot of different objects. The most fascinating…

Night Blindness

As I entered my teen years, I was so excited to start driving. As expected, I loved the freedom it made me feel. As I started driving more often at night however, I realized I didn’t like it so much. I sometimes had a harder time seeing. It felt like the lights from oncoming traffic…

Secrets of the Eye

Recently in class we watched the documentary, “Secrets of the Mind,” which features scientist V.S. Ramachandran, who is known for his extensive experiments and theories in behavioral neurology. Most popularly known for developing the mirror box, a device created to help amputees who suffer from phantom limb syndrome, Ramachandran also developed theories about blind sight…

Magenta Doesn’t Exist?

Recently in class we learned about the mantis shrimp and its ability to see color like no other animal on the planet. Mantis shrimp (Stomatopoda) are brightly colored crustaceans that live on reefs. They are commonly known among fisherman as “thumb splitters” because of their hammer-like claws which can deliver blows that accelerate as fast…

Sensory Illusions: The Brain and Misperception

Illusions are fascinating phenomena that almost everyone has likely experienced at one point or another in their lives, leaving them utterly bewildered and baffled as to how seemingly unreal effects or situations suddenly become very real. In fact, even researchers who devote themselves to studying various aspects of these phenomena are left perplexed and with…