We Made It to the Finals!

Team Picture2Billy DeMarzo-Sanchez (BBA16), Jonathan Kim (BBA15), Alex Rogers (BBA16) and Malika Shettar (BBA16) advanced to the finals and secured 5th place amongst the 35 competing teams at the National Diversity Case Competition sponsored by the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. In the spirit of the competition, teams included at least two underrepresented minority students.

The team had three weeks to propose the next designer partnership to help position Target as the fashion-forward retailer within the Hispanic market. Solid team dynamics and diligent work over winter break produced a recommendation to partner with Vegas Nay.

The competition offered multiple networking opportunities with finance and accounting firms and major companies in the area. “Once we made it into the finals,” Jonathan noted, “the judges really paid attention.” Students remarked that now when interviewers ask, “tell us about a time when you applied your analytical and creative skills to a challenging project,” they are armed with numerous examples and stories from their diversity case competition experience.



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