Ad Hoc Committee on Grievance Policies Begins Work

Professor of Law William Buzbee spoke during the March meeting about the preliminary work of an ad hoc committee of the Faculty Council to examine the various faculty grievance policies and procedures in place in the various schools within the university. Buzbee, who is chairing the committee, suggested that tentative tasks for the committee included identifying the current policies and procedures at Emory; considering the possible need for a changed conflict or grievance process or an ombudsperson role on campus; gathering information on other universities’ analogous structures or procedures; and identifying best practices and structures for possible use at Emory. The committee members are Cheryl Crowley (Russian and East Asian Languages and Culture), Steve Everett (Music), Sharon Lewis (Psychology, Oxford), and Randy Strahan (Political Science). The committee, Buzbee said, aims to report to the Council in mid-fall about research results and recommendations.

Click here to read all Council Concerns reports on Faculty Grievance Policies.