The Emory Sponsor-Investigator Association (ESIA) was founded in 2012 by Professor of Hematology and Medical Oncology Jacques Galipeau. Galipeau spoke at the January 15 Faculty Council meeting about his efforts to engage faculty who pursue translational research—that is, science aimed to go “from bench-top to bedside.” “Industry and NIH sponsored clinical trials here at Emory have declined,” he said. “This is a trend nationally, and it is a real threat. Clinicial trials are the meat and potatoes of Emory’s translational research enterprise. Everybody’s been dumped on Survivor Island.” In response, he founded the ESIA to serve as an advocate for Emory investigators who do sponsored research, to coordinate efforts and share resources, and to facilitate communication. The ESIA now boasts 146 members and has hosted three workshops. “I think the great untapped resource is scholarly engagement,” he said. Council President Gray Crouse commended the grass- roots-style faculty initiative, saying, “I would hope to see this emulated in other areas of the university, where people can get together and actually do things they couldn’t individually.”