At its March 18 meeting, the Faculty Council heard a report on two committees addressing faculty governance currently in the college. In the wake of the restructuring of several departments and programs announced in fall 2012, the College formed one committee to review the processes leading to those decisions (Process Review Committee) and a second to review faculty governance structures in the college (Shared Governance Committee). “There were three basic findings” in the report of the first committee, Kristin Wendland said: “One is that the bylaws in the college are unclear and don’t have specific guidelines about how to change or reorganize departments and programs. The second was that the deans did not violate any of the college bylaws in their decisions to reduce the departments and reallocate funds. The third was that there were problems in communication between the college administration and the affected departments.” This committee recommended a reexamination of the college bylaws, a strengthened appeals process, improved communications, and an updated vision of the liberal arts mission. Two key recommendations that came out of the Shared Governance Committee, according to Wendland: “To change the bylaws to provide for a representative college senate, and to endorse a clear set of guidelines for the ongoing evaluations of programs and departments.”