Canvas Studio (formerly Arc) is Here

canvas studio logo

Canvas Studio, Instructure’s video learning platform (formerly and also known as Arc), is now available in Emory Canvas courses. We are excited that all faculty and students at Emory have access to Canvas Studio. It makes adding video activities to your Canvas courses easy. Get started by clicking the Studio link in the course navigation menu or the universal navigation (always at left in blue) to access Canvas Studio. Then…

1. Add Video to Canvas Studio

Once you add a video, you can request automatic captioning in Canvas Studio. It’s a fast way to make content more accessible.

2. Make It Interactive

After students watch your video, get straightforward analytics from the Insights tab: see how many individuals watched through each ten second portion of the video.

More Information


In this post, I borrow heavily from my colleague’s previous post announcing Arc at Emory.

Header photo by SpaceX on Unsplash