Thanh Thuy Phan

这幅山水画是中國 明代的。画的畫家只用黑色和灰色,不太华美。还有,在画里有一个高高的树。这棵树是在河旁边的。画的底部有两个男人。他们都在船上坐吧一个雨伞。在画的顶部有山,山被云层覆盖。





This painting is from the Ming Dynasty. The painting only uses the colors black and gray. It is not very colorful. Also, the painting has a tall tree. The tree is next to a river. At the bottom of the painting there are two men. They are both sitting in a boat under an umbrella. At the top of the painting, there are mountains covered in clouds.

I chose this painting because I particularly like the calmness depicted in the painting. The colors of the painting are also simple but very meaningful. I think that we should try to simplify or lives. This way we can appreciate nature.

Chen Chun is the painter of this picture. His parents were Suzhou officials. His teacher was Wen Zheng Ming. Chen Chun’s paintings often have flowers and birds. He also did landscape paintings.

In this scene, the two men are good friends and old classmates。The weather seemed gloomy. They both know that it looks like it will rain, but they want to go to the bottom of the river to visit their teacher to wish him a happy birthday. After they departed, it started to rain. Luckily, the men had brought an umbrella. The two of quickly opened the umbrella. While they waited for the rain to stop, they appreciated the beautiful scenery.


Measure word forpainting
明代 Míng dài Ming dynasty
畫家 Huà jiā Painter
灰色 huī sè Gray
华美 huá měi Colorful
底部 dǐ bù Bottom
chuán Boat
雨伞 yǔ sǎn Umbrella
顶部 dǐng bù Top
云层 yún céng Clouds
覆盖 fù gài Cover
冷静 lěng jìng Calm, calmness
欣赏 xīnshǎng Appreciate
大自然 dàzìrán Nature, mother nature
陳淳 Chén Chún Proper name
蘇州 Sū zhōu Major city in Jiangsu Province
官员 guān yuán Official (government official)
文徵明 Wén Zhǐ Míng Proper name of Chen Chun’s teacher
阴沉 yīnchén Gloomy
幸运 xìngyùn Lucky
拜访 bài fǎng Visit


One thought on “Thanh Thuy Phan

  1. I like that you noted the simplicity of the colors used in the painting and how this indicates the calmness associated with the scene. We should strive to simplify our lives to achieve the calmness of nature.

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