Al Gore’s “The Inconvenient Truth”

戈尔的<<The Inconvenient Truth>>: 全球变暖

Emory CHN301


在2004年时, 我住在奥兰多,一个经常有许多台风的地方。可是,这年十月, 我经历了一件特别的事情。在一个月里, 三个非常猛烈的台风袭击了奥兰多和周围的地区。 这件出人意料的事情是从没有发生过的。 事后一想,在那么短的期间里,怎么可能有三个巨大的台风发生呢?气象学者觉得这个异常的事情是全球变暖的迹象。总之,现在全球变暖对地球环境带来的变化日益增多,气候改变也增加了对大自然的损害。戈尔的电影<<The Inconvenient Truth>>很清楚地说明人类如何造成全球变暖的事实,而全球变暖造又如何造成目前环境的问题和它对未来的影响。


戈尔在整部纪录片里都在呼吁对环境爱理不理的人们,千万不能忽视自己伤害大自然的后果。我认为他给我们的警告是不可视而不见的。如果我们不立即改变我们的日常习惯,等到我们发现和目睹全球变暖对环境所造成的严重破坏,到那时,在情急之下才做改变就已经来不及了,一定会吃亏 。戈尔提供了不同的图表,许多科学证据说明全球变暖是一个真实的情况。事实证明,过去这十四年来是历史上最热的十四年。可是,戈尔说,人类可以改善全球变暖的情况, 就好像我们曾经解决一部分臭氧层的问题一样。 我也同意人类可以有能力来改变我们的日常习惯,成为一个有保护环境意识的公民。

总之,<<The Inconvenient Truth>>反映了人类怎么对待大自然。在保护环境上,戈尔也谴责美国总统布什做得不够。戈尔提醒了我们,一定要爱护大自然,减少空气里的二氧化碳,在家里也要节电。既然我们人类都住在同一个世界上,看到地球生了病,应该理所当然地医治我们所亲爱的土地。

 词汇 Vocabulary:

1. 台风 tái fēng typhoon, hurricane (n.)
例句: 我住在奥兰多,一个经常有许多台风的地方。Example: I lived in Orlando, a place that often experiences hurricanes.
2. 猛烈 měng liè violent (adj.)
例句: 在一个月里, 三个非常猛烈的台风袭击了奥兰多和周围的地区。Example: In one month, three extremely violent hurricanes hit Orlando and the surrounding regions.
3. 袭击 xí jī to hit, attack (v.)
例句: 在一个月里, 三个非常猛烈的台风袭击了奥兰多和周围的地区。Example: In one month, three extremely violent hurricanes hit Orlando and the surrounding regions.
4. 出人意料 chū rén yì liào out of expectation (adj.)
例句: 这件出人意料的事情是从没有发生过的。Example: This phenomenon had never been experienced. 
5. 异常 yì cháng abnormal (adj.)
例句: 气象学者觉得这个异常的事情是全球变暖的迹象。Example: Meteorologists believe this abnormal occurrence is a sign of global warming.
6. 迹象 jì xiàng phenomenon, occurrence (n.)
例句: 气象学者觉得这个异常的事情是全球变暖的迹象。Example: Meteorologists believe this abnormal occurrence is a sign of global warming.
7. 日益增多 rì yì zēng duō increasing number of  (noun phrase)
例句: 现在全球变暖对地球环境带来的变化日益增多,气候改变也增加了对大自然的损害。Example: Current global warming is caused by an increasing number of changes to the environment and weather that harm nature.
8. 损害 sǔn hài to harm (v.)
例句: 现在全球变暖对地球环境带来的变化日益增多,气候改变也增加了对大自然的损害。Example: Current global warming is caused by an increasing number of changes to the environment and weather that harm nature.
9. 事实 shì shí fact, reality (n.)
例句: 造成全球变暖的事实。Example: This makes global warming a fact.    
10. 截然不同 jié rán bù tóng very different (adv. + adj.)
例句: 人们对这种现象的原因有截然不同的看法。Example: People have very different opinions about this phenomenon of nature.
11. 循环 xún huán cycle (n.)
例句: 地球的天气有它自己的循环。Example: The earth’s weather has cycles.
12. 融化 róng huà to melt (v.)
例句: 冰川也开始融化。Example: Global warming causes glaciers to melt.
13. 警告 jǐng gào warning (n.)
例句: 他给我们的警告是不可视而不见的。Example: I believe his warning should not be neglected.
14. 视而不见 shì ér bú jiàn to neglect  (v.)
例句: 他给我们的警告是不可视而不见的。Example: I believe his warning should not be neglected.
15. 目睹 mù dǔ to witness (v.)
例句: 目睹全球变暖对环境所造成的严重破坏。Example: We will witness firsthand the impact of global warming on the Earth.
16. 情急之下 qíng jí zhī xià  the situation is urgent
例句: 在情急之下才做改变就已经来不及了。Example: If we wait until the situation is urgent to change our habits, it will already be too late.
17. 改善 gǎi shàn to improve (v.)
例句: 人类可以改善全球变暖的情况。Example: Humans are capable of improving the current global warming situation.
18. 臭氧层 chòu yǎng céng ozone layer (n.)
例句: 人类可以改善全球变暖的情况, 就好像我们曾经解决一部分臭氧层的问题一样。Example: Humans are capable of improving the current global warming situation. We have resolved problems of a similar scale before, such as ozone layer depletion.
19.反映 fǎn yìng to reflect (v.)
例句: <<The Inconvenient Truth>>反映了人类怎么对待大自然。Example: “An Inconvenient Truth” reflects humanity’s treatment of nature.
20. 谴责 qiǎn zé to condemn (v.)
例句: 他谴责我们的环境保护做得不够。Example: Gore also condemned us for not doing enough to protect the environment.
21. 理所当然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán certainly (adv.)
例句: 看到地球生了病,就应该理所当然地医治我们所亲爱的土地。Example: When we see the Earth becoming sick, we must certainly take care of the Earth, our beloved homeland.


1. 电影<<The Inconvenient Truth>>想说明什么?

What message does the movie An Inconvenient Truth try to send?

2. 根据作者的描述,我们能否忽视环境保护?为什么?

According to the author, can we neglect environmental protection? Why?

3. 请说说你可以为保护环境做点什么事。

Please talk about what you can do for environmental protection.


Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” – Global Warming

            In 2004, I lived in Orlando, a place that often experiences hurricanes.  However, this October, I experienced something extraordinary.  In one month, three extremely violent hurricanes passed through Orlando and the surrounding regions.  No one has ever experienced this phenomenon.  Thinking back on it, how can three hurricanes of that caliber occur in such a short time span?  Meteorologists believe this abnormal occurrence is a sign of global warming.  In other words, the current global warming is caused by the increasing number of changes in the environment and weather that cause harm to nature.  Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” clearly depicts humanity’s contribution to global warming; in addition, it also talks about the current and future impact of global warming on the environment.

In the film, analysis shows that in 2004, the United States experienced the largest number of tornados, and the same year also marked the largest number of typhoons to be experienced in one year in Japan.  People have very different opinions about this phenomenon of nature.  Some believe that the Earth’s weather has cycles, and this sort of phenomenon is normal, so they do no fuss.  I believe this opinion is very irresponsible.  Others believe that the changes in the weather are prompted by global warming.  Al Gore warns us that the current emission of carbon dioxide is very high, raising the Earth’s temperature and thus creating stronger typhoons, and causing glaciers to melt and the Earth’s overall geography and environment to change rapidly.

Throughout the film, Al Gore appeals to the environmentally indifferent population.  They cannot ignore the adverse consequences their actions have on nature.  I believe his warning should not be met with a blind eye.  If we do not change our daily habits, we will witness firsthand the impact of global warming on the Earth.  If we wait until the situation is desperate to change our habits, it would be too late already, and we will lose out.  Al Gore presents various charts and diagrams of scientific evidence to prove that global warming is indeed occurring.  Records show that the past fourteen years has been the hottest fourteen years in history.  However Al Gore says that humans are capable of improving the current global warming situation.  We have resolved problems of similar scale such as ozone layer depletion before.  Similarly, I agree that humans have the ability to change our daily habits and take actions to protect our environment as conscious citizens.

In short, the film “An Inconvenient Truth” is a reflection of humanity’s treatment of nature.  With regard to protecting the environment, Gore also condemned U.S. President George W. Bush for not doing enough.  Al Gore reminds us that we must treasure nature, decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, and also save energy at home.  Since we are all living on the same planet Earth and seeing the Earth become sick, it is natural and to be expected that we take care of the Earth, our beloved homeland.

戈爾的<<The Inconvenient Truth>>: 全球變暖

Emory CHN301


在2004年時, 我住在奧蘭多,一個經常有許多台風的地方。可是,這年十月, 我經歷了一件特別的事情。在一個月裡, 三個非常猛烈的台風襲擊了奧蘭多和周圍的地區。 這件出人意料的事情是從沒有發生過的。 事后一想,在那麼短的期間裡,怎麼可能有三個巨大的台風發生呢?氣象學者覺得這個異常的事情是全球變暖的跡象。總之,現在全球變暖對地球環境帶來的變化日益增多,氣候改變也增加了對大自然的損害。戈爾的電影<<The Inconvenient Truth>>很清楚地說明人類如何造成全球變暖的事實,而全球變暖造又如何造成目前環境的問題和它對未來的影響。


戈爾在整部紀錄片裡都在呼吁對環境愛理不理的人們,千萬不能忽視自己傷害大自然的后果。我認為他給我們的警告是不可視而不見的。如果我們不立即改變我們的日常習慣,等到我們發現和目睹全球變暖對環境所造成的嚴重破壞,到那時,在情急之下才做改變就已經來不及了,一定會吃虧 。戈爾提供了不同的圖表,以許多科學証據來說明全球變暖是一個真實的情況。事實証明,過去這十四年來是歷史上最熱的十四年。可是,戈爾說,人類可以改善全球變暖的情況, 就好像我們曾經解決一部分臭氧層的問題一樣。 我也同意人類可以有能力來改變我們的日常習慣,成為一個有保護環境意識的公民。

總之,<<The Inconvenient Truth>>反映了人類怎麼對待大自然。在保護環境上,戈爾也譴責美國總統布什做得不夠。戈爾提醒了我們,一定要愛護大自然,減少空氣裡的二氧化碳,在家裡也要節電。既然我們人類都住在同一個世界上,看到地球生了病,就應該理所當然地醫治我們所親愛的土地。

詞匯 Vocabulary:

1. 台風 tái fēng typhoon, hurricane (n.)
例句: 我住在奧蘭多,一個經常有許多台風的地方。
Example: I lived in Orlando, a place that often experiences hurricanes.

2. 猛烈 měng liè violent (adj.)
例句: 在一個月裡, 三個非常猛烈的台風襲擊了奧蘭多和周圍的地區。
Example: In one month, three extremely violent hurricanes hit Orlando and the surrounding regions.

3. 襲擊 xí jī to hit, attack (v.)
例句: 在一個月裡, 三個非常猛烈的台風襲擊了奧蘭多和周圍的地區。
Example: In one month, three extremely violent hurricanes hit Orlando and the surrounding regions.

4. 出人意料 chū rén yì liào out of expectation (adj.)
例句: 這件出人意料的事情是從沒有發生過的。
Example: This phenomenon had never been experienced.

5. 異常 yì cháng abnormal (adj.)
例句: 氣象學者覺得這個異常的事情是全球變暖的跡象。
Example: Meteorologists believe this abnormal occurrence is a sign of global warming.

6. 跡象 jì xiàng phenomenon, occurrence (n.)
例句: 氣象學者覺得這個異常的事情是全球變暖的跡象。
Example: Meteorologists believe this abnormal occurrence is a sign of global warming.

7. 日益增多 rì yì zēng duō increasing number of (noun phrase)
例句: 現在全球變暖對地球環境帶來的變化日益增多,氣候改變也增加了對大自然的損害。
Example: Current global warming is caused by an increasing number of changes to the environment and weather that harm nature.

8. 損害 sǔn hài to harm (v.)
例句: 現在全球變暖對地球環境帶來的變化日益增多,氣候改變也增加了對大自然的損害。
Example: Current global warming is caused by an increasing number of changes to the environment and weather that harm nature.

9. 事實 shì shí fact, reality (n.)
例句: 造成全球變暖的事實。
Example: This makes global warming a fact.

10. 截然不同 jié rán bù tóng very different (adv. + adj.)
例句: 人們對這種現象的原因有截然不同的看法。
Example: People have very different opinions about this phenomenon of nature.

11. 循環 xún huán cycle (n.)
例句: 地球的天氣有它自己的循環。
Example: The earth’s weather has cycles.

12. 融化 róng huà to melt (v.)
例句: 冰川也開始融化。
Example: Global warming causes glaciers to melt.

13. 警告 jǐng gào warning (n.)
例句: 他給我們的警告是不可視而不見的。
Example: I believe his warning should not be neglected.

14. 視而不見 shì ér bú jiàn to neglect (v.)
例句: 他給我們的警告是不可視而不見的。
Example: I believe his warning should not be neglected.

15. 目睹 mù dǔ to witness (v.)
例句: 目睹全球變暖對環境所造成的嚴重破壞。
Example: We will witness firsthand the impact of global warming on the Earth.

16. 情急之下 qíng jí zhī xià the situation is urgent
例句: 在情急之下才做改變就已經來不及了。
Example: If we wait until the situation is urgent to change our habits, it will already be too late.

17. 改善 gǎi shàn to improve (v.)
例句: 人類可以改善全球變暖的情況。
Example: Humans are capable of improving the current global warming situation.

18. 臭氧層 chòu yǎng céng ozone layer (n.)
例句: 人類可以改善全球變暖的情況, 就好像我們曾經解決一部分臭氧層的問題一樣。
Example: Humans are capable of improving the current global warming situation. We have resolved problems of a similar scale before, such as ozone layer depletion.

19.反映 fǎn yìng to reflect (v.)
例句: <<The Inconvenient Truth>>反映了人類怎麼對待大自然。
Example: “An Inconvenient Truth” reflects humanity’s treatment of nature.

20. 譴責 qiǎn zé to condemn (v.)
例句: 他譴責我們的環境保護做得不夠。
Example: Gore also condemned us for not doing enough to protect the environment.

21. 理所當然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán certainly (adv.)
例句: 看到地球生了病,就應該理所當然地醫治我們所親愛的土地。
Example: When we see the Earth becoming sick, we must certainly take care of the Earth, our beloved homeland.


1. 電影<<The Inconvenient Truth>>想說明什麼?

What message does the movie An Inconvenient Truth try to send?

2. 根據作者的描述,我們能否忽視環境保護?為什麼?

According to the author, can we neglect environmental protection? Why?

3. 請說說你可以為保護環境做點什麼事。

Please talk about what you can do for environmental protection.


Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” – Global Warming

In 2004, I lived in Orlando, a place that often experiences hurricanes. However, this October, I experienced something extraordinary. In one month, three extremely violent hurricanes passed through Orlando and the surrounding regions. No one has ever experienced this phenomenon. Thinking back on it, how can three hurricanes of that caliber occur in such a short time span? Meteorologists believe this abnormal occurrence is a sign of global warming. In other words, the current global warming is caused by the increasing number of changes in the environment and weather that cause harm to nature. Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” clearly depicts humanity’s contribution to global warming; in addition, it also talks about the current and future impact of global warming on the environment.

In the film, analysis shows that in 2004, the United States experienced the largest number of tornados, and the same year also marked the largest number of typhoons to be experienced in one year in Japan. People have very different opinions about this phenomenon of nature. Some believe that the Earth’s weather has cycles, and this sort of phenomenon is normal, so they do no fuss. I believe this opinion is very irresponsible. Others believe that the changes in the weather are prompted by global warming. Al Gore warns us that the current emission of carbon dioxide is very high, raising the Earth’s temperature and thus creating stronger typhoons, and causing glaciers to melt and the Earth’s overall geography and environment to change rapidly.

Throughout the film, Al Gore appeals to the environmentally indifferent population. They cannot ignore the adverse consequences their actions have on nature. I believe his warning should not be met with a blind eye. If we do not change our daily habits, we will witness firsthand the impact of global warming on the Earth. If we wait until the situation is desperate to change our habits, it would be too late already, and we will lose out. Al Gore presents various charts and diagrams of scientific evidence to prove that global warming is indeed occurring. Records show that the past fourteen years has been the hottest fourteen years in history. However Al Gore says that humans are capable of improving the current global warming situation. We have resolved problems of similar scale such as ozone layer depletion before. Similarly, I agree that humans have the ability to change our daily habits and take actions to protect our environment as conscious citizens.

In short, the film “An Inconvenient Truth” is a reflection of humanity’s treatment of nature. With regard to protecting the environment, Gore also condemned U.S. President George W. Bush for not doing enough. Al Gore reminds us that we must treasure nature, decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, and also save energy at home. Since we are all living on the same planet Earth and seeing the Earth become sick, it is natural and to be expected that we take care of the Earth, our beloved homeland.

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