Experience A Day With Nature


Emory CHN301


住在城市里,我每天只看见汽车和高楼,呼吸着不太清新的空气,看不到许多的树木和草地, 难怪城市又称“混凝土森林”。 我坐在我的办公室里,整天对着我的电脑。 回到我的公寓向窗外望去,也只看到附近的高楼,整天都不能见到大自然。 我只可以用街道旁边的树和我家里的一盆以假乱真的花,梦想着回到大自然里到底是什么样子。




词汇 Vocabulary:

1. 清新 qīng xīn fresh (adj.)
例句: 呼吸着不太清新的空气。Example: Breathe in air that is neither fresh nor clean.
2. 混凝土 hùn níng tǔ concrete, cement (n.)
例句: 城市又称“混凝土森林”。Example: The city is also known as the “concrete forest.”
3. 以假乱真 yǐ jiǎ luàn zhēn to take false articles for genuine ones (v.)
例句: 我只可以用街道旁边的树和我家里的一盆以假乱真的花,梦想着回到大自然里到底是什么样子。Example: I can only pretend that the trees on the street next to my home and the potted plant inside my home are real while wondering what it would be truly like once we return to the nature.
4. 压力 yā lì pressure, stress (n.)
例句: 平常在城市里工作的压力和烦恼好像也飞走了。Example: It seems that all my worries and the stress of my job in the city are completely flying away.
5. 烦恼 fán nǎo worries (n.)
例句: 平常在城市里工作的压力和烦恼好像也飞走了。Example: It seems that all my worries and the stress of my job in the city are completely flying away.
6. 周围 zhōu wéi surrounding (adj.)
例句: 周围都是草地。Example: Surrounded by grass.
7. 环境 huán jìng environment (n.)
例句: 我觉得重视环境的人们说得对。Example: I think people who value the environment are correct.
8. 毫不留情 háo bù líu qíng ruthlessly, unsentimentally (adv.)
例句:我们 毫不留情地浪费资源。Example: We unsentimentally destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.
9. 浪费 làng fèi to waste, squander (away) (v.)
例句: 我们毫不留情地浪费资源。Example: We unsentimentally destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.
10.无疑 wú yí undoubted (adj.)
例句: 她无疑培养了我们的生命,给了我们资源生存,满足了我们的要求。Example: She has no doubt influenced the development of our lives, provided us with the resources to survive, and satisfied our demands.
11. 培养 péi yǎng to cultivate (v.)
例句: 她无疑培养了我们的生命,给了我们资源生存,满足了我们的要求。Example: She has no doubt influenced the development of our lives, provided us with the resources to survive, and satisfied our demands.
12. 照顾 zhào gù to take care of (v.)
例句: 当我们长大以后,也应该照顾她。Example: After we have benefited and grown, we should still take care of her.
13. 珍惜 zhēn xī to cherish (v.)
例句: 可惜我们常常不仅不珍惜大自然,而且还不断地破坏我们周围的环境,同时毫不留情地浪费资源。Example:  It is very pitiful that not only do we not cherish nature, but we continuously destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.
14. 资源 zī yuán resources (n.)
例句: 例句: 可惜我们常常不仅不珍惜大自然,而且还不断地破坏我们周围的环境,同时毫不留情地浪费资源。Example:  It is very pitiful that not only do we not  cherish nature, but we continuously destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.
15. 轻松 qīng sōng at ease (adj.)
例句: 我回到城市里,心情很轻松。Example: I return to the city my heart more at ease and my body full of energy.
16. 充满 chōng mǎn to fill with, full of (v.)
例句: 我回到城市里,心情很轻松,身体也充满了活力。Example: I return to the city my heart more at ease and my body full of energy.
17. 接近 jiē jìn to approach, get closer to (v.)
例句: 每个城市人都要想办法去野外接近大自然。Example: Every city dweller should go outside the city to get closer to nature.
18. 必要 bì yào necessary (adj.)
例句: 即使是到一个小小的公园走走也是很有必要的。Example: Even if just walking in  small gardens, this is necessary.



1. 为什么城市被称为“混凝土森林”?

Why is the city called the “concrete forest”?

2. 周末作者为什么会去公园?去做什么?

Why does the author go to the park on weekends? What does the author do there?

3. 作者对于大自然有什么样的认识?

What does the author realize about nature?

4. 请你也描述一下你曾经感受过的大自然的一天?

Can you describe a day when you have had an experience with the natural             world?


Experience a day with nature

             Living in the city,  I only get to see cars and skyscrapers and breathe in air that is neither fresh nor clean.  I cannot see many trees or grass either.  No wonder the city is also known as the “concrete forest.”  At work I sit in my office facing the computer the whole day long and then return to my apartment to face the window, but I can still only see the nearby highrises, not nature.  I can only pretend that the trees on the street next to my home and the potted plant inside my home are real while wondering what it would be truly like once we return to the nature.

Under the bright sun and cool weather, I finally wake [ see note re: tense] up.        On the weekend I finally have opportunities to go outside the city to a small public park to enjoy nature.   When I see the little birds flying freely in the blue sky, it seems that all my worries and the stress of my job in the city completely fly away. I open my eyes widely, look to the left and to the right, and realize that I am sitting on vast strip of grass [see note]. Next to me are various different colored flowers: red, yellow, purple, and pink.  Suddenly, from inside the shrubs appears a small brown rabbit.  I take out the bread that I brought with me and place it on the ground.  At first it seems that the rabbit is very frightened, but it slowly realizes that I am harmless. I sit under the shade of a big tree and inhale the fresh air deeply, watching the rabbit begin to eat the bread.

The sense of nature outside of the city makes me think that people who value the environment are correct.  Nature truly is mankind’s mother.  She has no doubt influenced the development of our lives, provided us with the resources to survive, and satisfied our demands.  After we have benefited and grown, we should still take care of her.  It is very pitiful that not only do we not value nature, but we continuously destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.

In the evening I return to the city, my heart more at ease and my body full of energy.  I think that as the city develops, it feels as if there is less and less of nature left and therefore every city dweller should go outside the city into nature; even if just by walking in  small gardens, it is necessary.


Emory CHN301


住在城市裡,我每天隻看見汽車和高樓,呼吸著不太清新的空氣,看不到許多的樹木和草地, 難怪城市又稱“混凝土森林”。 我坐在我的辦公室裡,整天對著我的電腦。 回到我的公寓向窗外望去,也隻看到附近的高樓,整天都不能見到大自然。 我隻可以用街道旁邊的樹和我家裡的一盆以假亂真的花,夢想著回到大自然裡到底是什麼樣子。




詞匯 Vocabulary:

1. 清新 qīng xīn fresh (adj.)
例句: 呼吸著不太清新的空氣。
Example: Breathe in air that is neither fresh nor clean.

2. 混凝土 hùn níng tǔ concrete, cement (n.)
例句: 城市又稱“混凝土森林”。
Example: The city is also known as the “concrete forest.”

3. 以假亂真 yǐ jiǎ luàn zhēn to take false articles for genuine ones (v.)
例句: 我隻可以用街道旁邊的樹和我家裡的一盆以假亂真的花,夢想著回到大自然裡到底是什麼樣子。
Example: I can only pretend that the trees on the street next to my home and the potted plant inside my home are real while wondering what it would be truly like once we return to the nature.

4. 壓力 yā lì pressure, stress (n.)
例句: 平常在城市裡工作的壓力和煩惱好像也飛走了。
Example: It seems that all my worries and the stress of my job in the city are completely flying away.

5. 煩惱 fán nǎo worries (n.)
例句: 平常在城市裡工作的壓力和煩惱好像也飛走了。
Example: It seems that all my worries and the stress of my job in the city are completely flying away.

6. 周圍 zhōu wéi surrounding (adj.)
例句: 周圍都是草地。
Example: Surrounded by grass.

7. 環境 huán jìng environment (n.)
例句: 我覺得重視環境的人們說得對。
Example: I think people who value the environment are correct.

8. 毫不留情 háo bù líu qíng ruthlessly, unsentimentally (adv.)
例句:我們 毫不留情地浪費資源。
Example: We unsentimentally destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.

9. 浪費 làng fèi to waste, squander (away) (v.)
例句: 我們毫不留情地浪費資源。
Example: We unsentimentally destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.

10.無疑 wú yí undoubted (adj.)
例句: 她無疑培養了我們的生命,給了我們資源生存,滿足了我們的要求。
Example: She has no doubt influenced the development of our lives, provided us with the resources to survive, and satisfied our demands.

11. 培養 péi yǎng to cultivate (v.)
例句: 她無疑培養了我們的生命,給了我們資源生存,滿足了我們的要求。
Example: She has no doubt influenced the development of our lives, provided us with the resources to survive, and satisfied our demands.

12. 照顧 zhào gù to take care of (v.)
例句: 當我們長大以后,也應該照顧她。
Example: After we have benefited and grown, we should still take care of her.

13. 珍惜 zhēn xī to cherish (v.)
例句: 可惜我們常常不僅不珍惜大自然,而且還不斷地破壞我們周圍的環境,同時毫不留情地浪費資源。
Example: It is very pitiful that not only do we not cherish nature, but we continuously destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.

14. 資源 zī yuán resources (n.)
例句: 例句: 可惜我們常常不僅不珍惜大自然,而且還不斷地破壞我們周圍的環境,同時毫不留情地浪費資源。
Example: It is very pitiful that not only do we not cherish nature, but we continuously destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.

15. 輕鬆 qīng sōng at ease (adj.)
例句: 我回到城市裡,心情很輕鬆。
Example: I return to the city my heart more at ease and my body full of energy.

16. 充滿 chōng mǎn to fill with, full of (v.)
例句: 我回到城市裡,心情很輕鬆,身體也充滿了活力。
Example: I return to the city my heart more at ease and my body full of energy.

17. 接近 jiē jìn to approach, get closer to (v.)
例句: 每個城市人都要想辦法去野外接近大自然。
Example: Every city dweller should go outside the city to get closer to nature.

18. 必要 bì yào necessary (adj.)
例句: 即使是到一個小小的公園走走也是很有必要的。
Example: Even if just walking in small gardens, this is necessary.


1. 為什麼城市被稱為“混凝土森林”?

Why is the city called the “concrete forest”?

2. 周末作者為什麼會去公園?去做什麼?

Why does the author go to the park on weekends? What does the author do there?

3. 作者對於大自然有什麼樣的認識?

What does the author realize about nature?

4. 請你也描述一下你曾經感受過的大自然的一天?

Can you describe a day when you have had an experience with the natural world?


Experience a day with nature

Living in the city, I only get to see cars and skyscrapers and breathe in air that is neither fresh nor clean. I cannot see many trees or grass either. No wonder the city is also known as the “concrete forest.” At work I sit in my office facing the computer the whole day long and then return to my apartment to face the window, but I can still only see the nearby highrises, not nature. I can only pretend that the trees on the street next to my home and the potted plant inside my home are real while wondering what it would be truly like once we return to the nature.

Under the bright sun and cool weather, I finally wake [ see note re: tense] up. On the weekend I finally have opportunities to go outside the city to a small public park to enjoy nature. When I see the little birds flying freely in the blue sky, it seems that all my worries and the stress of my job in the city completely fly away. I open my eyes widely, look to the left and to the right, and realize that I am sitting on vast strip of grass [see note]. Next to me are various different colored flowers: red, yellow, purple, and pink. Suddenly, from inside the shrubs appears a small brown rabbit. I take out the bread that I brought with me and place it on the ground. At first it seems that the rabbit is very frightened, but it slowly realizes that I am harmless. I sit under the shade of a big tree and inhale the fresh air deeply, watching the rabbit begin to eat the bread.

The sense of nature outside of the city makes me think that people who value the environment are correct. Nature truly is mankind’s mother. She has no doubt influenced the development of our lives, provided us with the resources to survive, and satisfied our demands. After we have benefited and grown, we should still take care of her. It is very pitiful that not only do we not value nature, but we continuously destroy our environment while squandering away its resources.

In the evening I return to the city, my heart more at ease and my body full of energy. I think that as the city develops, it feels as if there is less and less of nature left and therefore every city dweller should go outside the city into nature; even if just by walking in small gardens, it is necessary.

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