Loving Birds

















1. 将近 jiāngjìn Nearly (adj.)
例句: 走过将近一个世纪人生之路的老人陈秀莲告别了人间。Example: An old lady nearly a century old passed away.
2. 世纪 shìjì Century (n.)
例句: 走过将近一个世纪人生之路的老人陈秀莲告别了人间。

Example: An old lady nearly a century old passed away.

3. 悲哀 bēiāi Sorrow (n.)
例句: 悲哀弥漫在亲人的脸上和心上。

Example: Her relatives’ hearts were full of sorrow.

4. 弥漫 mímàn Be full of (v.)
例句: 悲哀弥漫在亲人的脸上和心上。

Example: Her relatives’ hearts were full of sorrow.

5. 盘旋 pánxuán Circle; spiral (v.)
例句: 鹭鸟低低地盘旋在半空中。Example: Herons stayed circling the sky.
6. 伤心 shāngxīn Sadly (adv.)
例句: 一些成年的鹭鸟,则飞到老人的床前,伤心地眨着眼睛。

Example: Some adult herons flew to the old lady’s bed and sadly blinked their eyes.

7. 真实 zhēnshí True (adj.)
例句: 这里面有个真实而感人的故事。Example: The following is a true and impressive story.
8. 感人 gǎnrén Impressive (adj.)
例句: 这里面有个真实而感人的故事。Example: The following is a true and impressive story.
9. 茂密 màomì Dense; thick (adj.)
例句: 这里山林茂密。Example: The forest is dense.
10. 缓缓 huǎnhuǎn Slowly (adv.)
例句: 汉江从山脚缓缓流过。Example: Han River is slowly moving at the bottom of the mountain.
11. 猎枪 liè qiāng Hunting gun; shotgun (n.)
例句: 袁德山拿出猎枪。Example: Yun De Shan took out his hunting gun.
12. 制止 zhì zhǐ Stop; Forbid (v.)
例句: 他的母亲陈秀莲制止了他。Example: His mother, Chen Shou Lian, stopped him.
13. 孝顺 xiàoshùn Filial (adj.)
例句: 孝顺的儿子听从了母亲的劝告。Example: The filial son heeded his mother’s words..
14. 筑巢 zhùcháo Nest (v.)
例句: 两对鹭鸟在袁德山家门前的树上筑巢安家。Example: The pair of herons nested in the tree in front of Yun De Shan’s house
15. 孵 Hatch (v.)
例句: 当年就孵出了几只幼鸟。Example: A few young herons were hatched there
16. 害怕 hàipà Fear; be afraid of (v.)
例句: 鹭鸟对袁家人还有些害怕。Example: The herons feared the Yun family.
20. 戒心 jièxīn Vigilance (n.)
例句: 鹭鸟消除了戒心。Example: The herons removed their vigilance.
21. 承包 chéngbāo Lease; contract (v.)
例句: 袁德山家承包的三十亩山林。Example: Yun De Shan’s family leased thirty acres of land.
22. 玩耍 wánshuǎ Play (v.)
例句: 鹭鸟陪伴着她在院子里玩耍。Example: The herons played with her in the yard.
23. 羡慕 xiànmù Admire (v.)
例句: 同行的小伙伴羡慕得不得了。Example: Her friends and classmates admired badly.
24. 繁殖 fánzhí Propagation (n.)
例句: 五月是鹭鸟繁殖的季节。Example: May is the season of . Propagation.
25. 挣扎 zhēngzhá Struggle (v.)
例句: 幼鸟经常用力挣扎着跳出鸟巢。Example: Baby birds struggled to jump out of their nests.
26. 侵害 qīnhài Hurt; encroach (v.)
例句: 他们要防止树林中的鹰、野猫、蛇等动物侵害鹭鸟。Example: They had to prevent predators, like eagles, cats, and snakes, from hurting baby herons.
27. 轮流 lúnliú Take turn; alternate (v.)
例句: 袁德山一家七口人都要轮流在山上护鸟。Example: All seven Yun family members take turns going to the mountain to protect the birds.
28. 拐杖 guǎizhàng Cane (n.)
例句: 她拄着拐杖。Example: She took her cane.
29. 气喘吁吁 qìchuǎnxūxū Be out of breath; breathless (v.)
例句: 才爬到山顶,他就已经气喘吁吁了。Example: He was already out of breath, by the time he arrived at the mountain top
30. 小心翼翼 xiǎoxīnyìyì Very cautiously (adv.)
例句: 她小心翼翼地把鸟蛋放回鸟巢。Example: She cautiously returned the eggs to their nests.
31. 天堂 tiāntáng Heaven (n.)
例句: 这三十亩山林成了鸟的天堂。Example: This thirty acre forest mountain became a heaven for the birds.
32. 捕杀 bǔshā Hunt; kill (v.)
例句: 人们不会捕杀鹭鸟。Example: People refrained from hunting the herons.
33. 遮天盖地 zhētiāngàidì To cover the sky and the ground (v.)
例句: 成千上万只鹭鸟飞舞而来,遮天盖地。Example: 10,000 herons flew and danced to cover the sky and the ground.
34. 考察 kǎochá Inspect; observe (v.)
例句: 日本有位著名的鸟类专家曾经来到这里考察。Example: A famous Japanese ornithologist once visited to observe the herons.
35. 奇迹 qíjì Miracle (n.)
例句: 这是一个奇迹。Example: This is a miracle.
36. 贡献 gòngxiàn Contribution (n.)
例句: 他感谢这家人为保护鸟、保护大自然所做的贡献。Example: He gave told the family how much he appreciated their contribution to protecting the environment and the herons..
37. 莫名其妙 mòmíngqímiào Bafflingly (adv.)
例句: 鹭鸟也莫名其妙地烦躁不安。Example: The herons became very anxious without reason.

 Discussion Questions:

1. 袁德山一家为保护鹭鸟做了哪些事情?请一一列出。

What did the family of Yun De Shan do in order to protect the herons? Please make a list.

2. 你觉得袁家为什么要为鹭鸟做这些事情呢?

Why did this family do such things for the herons?

3. 如果你是他们,你会怎么做?为什么?

If you were them, what would you do? Why?

4. 你曾经参加过某些保护动物的组织或活动吗?如果有,请跟大家分享你的经历。

Have you ever been involved with any kinds of animal protection organizations or events? If yes, please share your experiences.

5. 我们在日常生活中还可以怎样保护野生动物?

What else can we do in the daily life in order to protect the wild animals?


On October 22, 2002, an old lady nearly a century old passed away. Her relatives’ hearts were full of sorrow, but the herons in the sky were sadder still. More than 10,000 herons were supposed to fly south months ago, but instead they stayed circling the sky. One by one, they cried out in mourning. The herons were reluctant to leave and stayed perched on the roof all day and all night. Some adult herons flew to the old lady’s bed and sadly blinked their eyes. It was as if they were saying goodbye to the old lady.

Why would the death of a person make birds so sad? The following is a true story. At the bottom of Qinglin Mountain in the Hanzhong area of Sanxi province, near a great forest and a slowly moving mountain spring, lived the family of Yun De Shan.

On March 16, 1969, the daughter of the hunter Yun De Shan was born. Her name was Yun Xiu Feng. On the same day that she was born, a pair white herons fell into the family’s yard. Yun De Shan took out his hunting gun. His mother, Chen Shou Lian, forbid killing the birds. She said that birds also have lives and as long she was alive, nobody could touch one feather. The son heeded his mother’s words. From then on, the pair of herons nested in the tree in front of Yun De Shan’s house. A few young herons were born there.

In the beginning, the herons feared the Yun family. Later, they saw that the family treated them well and became more relaxed. In the fall they flew to the south. The following spring, twenty pairs of herons returned with them. Yun De Shan’s family treated all the herons with the same respect.

Three years passed and the mountain and its valley became the home of many herons. Yun De Shan’s family leased thirty acres of land and the herons nested everywhere. Yun Xiu Feng grew up with the herons. From the day she began working, the herons played with her in the yard. Even when she went to school, herons would often accompany her on the road, which earned her admiration from her friends and classmates.

Baby heron are born in the late spring. As they grow bigger, baby birds try to jump out of their nests. In order to prevent predators, like eagles, cats, and snakes, from hurting baby herons, all seven Yun family members take turns going to the mountain to protect the birds. If the birds fall out of their nests, they carefully put them back.

One year, when Chen Shou Lian was more than 70 years old, she heard the birds crying out in fear. She took her cane and climbed the mountain to take a look. She found two young people trying to steal the birds’ eggs. She ordered them to leave and returned the eggs to their nests.

Through the efforts of people dedicated to protecting herons, this thirty acre forest mountain became a heaven for the birds. When visitors passed through this bird mountain, they tried not to make a sound. Also, people refrained from hunting the herons.  After the first pair of herons landed in his yard, Yun De Shan did not touch a gun again. From 1987-1990, the number of birds reached 10,000. Whenever a visitor entered the forest, 10,000 herons flew and danced in the sky and on the ground. The land became the home of the herons.

A famous Japanese ornithologist once visited to observe the herons. Once in the forest, the scholar exclaimed, “Miracle, miracle!” He said he had never before seen such a large flock of herons. He wanted to write about the benefits of the methods the family utilized in protecting the birds. When he said goodbye, he gave told the family how much he appreciated their contribution to protecting the environment and the herons.

In August of 1992, the kind old lady Chen Shou Lian suddenly became sick. The herons became very anxious without reason. After the old lady passed away on October 22, Yun De Shan guessed that the herons would not come again. But, in the beginning of the summer 1993, the herons flew back according to their migratory patterns.


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