Tibet Railroad



Emory CHN 401

王悦(Selina Wang )

 在中国的西南边疆,有一片被称为“世界屋脊”和“地球第三极”的圣洁之地――青藏高原。她曾是那么的遥远和神秘,然而在科技发达的今天,它却变的近在咫尺:青藏铁路,这条贯穿青藏高原的巨龙揭掉了她神秘的面纱。把昆仑山、唐古拉山的险峻, 三江源、可可西里的美丽,通天河、沱沱河的神秘连成一串的青藏铁路给青藏高原带来了生机,同时也带来了危机。被予为“世界上最后一块净土”的青藏高原不仅是中国乃至世界的气候调节器, 而且是中国和南亚地区的“江河源”、“生态源”, 是世界上仅有的独特生态系统和世界山地生物物种一个重要的起源和分化中心。青藏铁路的修建将会对这个原始、独特而脆弱的生态环境带来极大的挑战。由于修建青藏铁路对自然环境的破坏是不可避免的,所以有很多人都对这项工程怀有疑问。特别是有些环保人士,更是极力反对,他们声称修建青藏铁路会破坏这片“世界上最后一块净土”。可是在我看来,青藏铁路的修建却是利大于弊。







2.高原湖泊、湿地生态系统在青藏高原逐渐隆起的漫长过程中,这里生成了草甸、湿地、冻土、荒漠的独特高原生态系统,是长江、黄河、澜沧江、怒江、雅鲁藏布江的发源地。为保护高原湖泊和湿地生态系统,工程尽量绕避湿地,无法绕避时,对通过湖泊、湿地进行桥路方案比选,并尽量选择以桥代路方案。为了避免路基建筑对地表径流的切割影响,在相应路段加大了涵洞设置数量,以保证地表径流对湿地水资源的补充,防止湿地萎缩。青藏铁路古露车站位于西藏自治区北部羌唐草原,需要占用14万平方米的湿地。在车站施工前期,建设者就考虑如何保护这片湿地。专家提出,湿地上的牧草不同于普通牧草,离开充足的水分后将不能成活,除非再造一个与原来相同的湿地环境。“再造湿地”方案于2003年春天实施。 “人造湿地”建成后,经过多年观测和比较,目前古露湿地草皮移植成活率达98%以上,已与高原自然湿地基本适应并浑然一体。









青藏铁路” 百度百科http://baike.baidu.com/view/2580.htm

“青藏高原” 百度百科http://baike.baidu.com/view/4979.htm




1. 屋脊

wū jǐ

ridge (of a roof) (n.)


Example: At the northwestern border of China, there is a revered area, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is also named as “roof of the world” and “the third pole of the earth”.

2. 高原

gāo yuán

plateau (n.)


Example: At the northwestern border of China, there is a revered area, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is also named as “roof of the world” and “the third pole of the earth”.

3. 科技发达

kē jì fā dá

scientific and technological development

例句: 在科技发达的今天,它却变的近在咫尺。

Example: With today’s scientific and technological development, it is now close at hand.

4. 近在咫尺

jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

close at hand; well within reach (adj.)

例句: 在科技发达的今天,它却变的近在咫尺。

Example: With today’s scientific and technological development, it is now close at hand.

5. 贯穿

guàn chuān

to run through (v.)


Example: This giant dragon that runs through the Q-T Plateau took off its mysterious veil.

6. 生机

shēng jī

(new) lease on life (n.)

Example: The Qinghai-Tibet railway brings a new lease on life to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

7. 危机

wēi jī

crisis; crunch (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet railway brings this new lease on life to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but also brings a crisis.

8. 气候调节器

qì hòu tiáo jié qì

climate regulator (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the climate regulator of China and even of the world.

9. 生态系统

shēng tài xì tǒng

ecosystem (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is one of the world’s unique ecosystems.

10. 挑战

tiǎo zhàn

challenge (n.)


Example: The construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway will bring a big challenge to this environment.

11. 净土

jìng tǔ

(the) pure land (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the last pure land on Earth.

12. 海拔

hǎi bá

elevation (n.)


Example: Its average elevation is above 4000 meters.

13. 克服

kè fú

to overcome; conquer (v.)
例句:为了克服青海、西藏目前的交通“瓶颈”, 2001年中国政府投资巨额资金262.1亿元建造青藏铁路。

Example: In order to overcome the current bottleneck of communication between Qinghai and Tibet, the Chinese government invested huge funds in 2001, $262.1 billion [renminbi] to build the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

14. 瓶颈

píng jǐng

bottleneck ( n.)


Example: In order to overcome the current bottleneck of communication between Qinghai and Tibet, the Chinese government invested huge funds in 2001, $262.1 billion [renminbi] to build the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

15. 保护措施

bǎo hù cuò shī

protection measure (n.)


Example: Many effective protection measures have been used in the process of building the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

16. 低氧

dī yǎng

hypoxia (n.)


Example: It is high, cold and people can suffer from hypoxia there.

17. 恢复

huī fù

restore; resume (v.)


Example: If this environment is destroyed, it will be very hard to restore.

18. 多样性

duō yàng xìng

variety; diversity (n.)


Example: We must conserve world-wide biodiversity.

19. 通道

tōng dào

passageways (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet railway also set up passageways for wild animals in the relevant areas.

20. 迁徙

qiān xǐ

migration (n.)


Example: The wild animal passageways guarantee their normal life, for migration and propagation.

21. 繁衍

fán yǎn

propagation (n.)


Example: The wild animal channels guarantee their normal life, for migration and propagation.

22. 草甸

cǎo diàn

meadow (n.)


Example: This area includes a unique plateau ecosystem that combines meadows, wetlands, frozen earth and desert.

23. 湿地

shī dì

wetland (n.)


Example: This area includes a unique plateau ecosystem that combines meadows, wetlands, frozen earth and desert.

24. 冻土

dòng tǔ

frozen earth (n.)


Example: This area includes a unique plateau ecosystem that combines meadows, wetlands, frozen earth and desert.

25. 方案

fāng àn

plan (n.)


Example: The project chooses to use bridges instead of roads as much as possible.

26. 涵洞

hán dòng

culvert (n.)


Example: It increases the number of culverts set up in the relevant sections.

27. 浑然一体

hún rán yī tǐ

(to) completely blend in(v. phrase)


Example: (It) has basically adapted to the plateau’s natural marsh and been completely blended into it.

28. 植被系统

zhí bèi xì tǒng

vegetation system(n.)


Example: (It) protects the unique vegetation system of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

29. 施工范围

shī gōng fàn wéi

range of construction (n.)


Example: (It) strictly stipulates the range of construction and the walking route of people and vehicles.


zhuó shǒu

(to) commence; embark  (v.)

Example: The group that is building the Q-T railway has embarked on a project to install or transplant vegetation on both sides of the Gela section of the newly-built Q-T railway, so that it has become a “giant green dragon.

31. 移植

yí zhí

(to) transplant (v.)

Example: The group that is building the Q-T railway has embarked on a project to install or transplant vegetation on both sides of the Gela section of the newly-built Q-T railway, so that it has become a “giant green dragon.

33. 巨龙

jù lóng

giant dragon (n.)


Example: The group that is building the Q-T railway has embarked on a project to install or transplant vegetation on both sides of the Gela section of the newly-built Q-T railway, so that it has become a “giant green dragon.

34. 积极

jī jí

positive, active (adj.)


Example: The construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway has brought positive effects results to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

35. 严峻

yán jùn

severe; rigorous; grim (adj.)


Example: The construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway has overcome the three severe challenges, the earth frozen all the year round; the altitude, cold and the lack of oxygen, and the vulnerable ecology.




Why is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau called “the last pure land on earth” ?

2. 为什么作者认为青藏铁路的修建是利大于弊?

Why does the author believe there are more benefits instead of problems if the Qinghai-Tibet railway is built?


What are the methods used to protect the environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau when building the railway?

4. 修建青藏铁路对环境保护的积极作用是什么?

What are the positive effects of building the railway in terms of environmental protection?


Do you agree or disagree with the author’s opinion on building the railway? Why?



This research paper, “The Green Giant Dragon On The Roof Of The World——Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Environment Protection,” focuses on the relationship between the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway and the environmental protection on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The author first introduces the background information about the traffic conditions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the reason for building the Qinghai-Tibet railway. The discussion about the Qinghai-Tibet railway’s effects on the environment comes next, and is divided into three parts: the protection measures for the natural reserves and wild animals, the protection measures for the ecosystem of the plateau lakes and marshes, and the protection measures for the plateau and frozen ground floras.  In addition, the author illustrates the positive impacts of the Qinghai-Tibet railway on the environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At the end, it is concluded that the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway not only solves the previous traffic problems and promotes the economy, but also helps protect the environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

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