Japanese Farm House

日本民房村落博物馆(Open Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses

Ya-yun Huang 黄雅筠(采访)

Qiong Le 乐琼(文档制作)

  • Questions:

(If you want to practice listening comprehension quickly, please read the English version of questions at the end of this document.)

 1)      关于被采访者黄先生的信息不正确的是____。

a)      是从台湾台北来的

b)      是来大阪观光的

c)      是来大阪学习的


2)      黄先生是怎么来大阪的?

a)      乘坐公车

b)      乘坐地铁

c)      乘坐出租车


3)      黄先生对日本古代的民房很有兴趣是因为____

a)      他是学都市计划的

b)      曾经住在大阪

c)      他的女朋友喜欢


4)      对这一座博物馆正确的描述是____?

a)      它有很多日本有代表性的现代建筑

b)      它是一座非常有名的户外博物馆

c)      参观者可以感受到日本特有的城市气氛


5)      日本民房的特色是_____?

a)      华丽

b)      朴素

c)      雄伟


6)      日本民房是指______?

a)      现代日本农民住的家

b)      城市有钱人在农村住的家

c)      古时候一般日本人住的家


7)      黄先生欣赏日本民房是因为_____?

a)      它的华丽的风格

b)      它非常自然,非常简单

c)      他的女朋友喜欢住在这样的房子


8)      下面说法不正确的是______ ?

a)      这座博物馆的风景漂亮

b)      黄先生和他的女朋友在这里观光很高兴

c)      黄先生照了很多照片


9)      黄先生接下来还要在哪个地方游览?

a)      京都(Kyoto)

b)      大阪(Osaka)

c)      东京(Tokyo)


10)  以下哪个是不正确的说法?

a)      黄先生希望能参观更多著名日本景点

b)      黄先生希望能搬到日本住

c)      黄先生很喜欢这个户外博物馆


1. 村落 cūn luò village (n.)
例句: 我们来到大阪附近的日本民房村落博物馆。

Example:  We came to the Open Air Museum a village of Old Japanese Farm Houses near Osaka.

2. 民房 mín fáng farm house (n.)
例句: 我对日本古代的民房很有兴趣。

Example:  I’m very interested in the ancient Japanese farm houses.

3. 博物馆 bó wù guǎn museum (n.)
例句: 这一座博物馆,是非常有名的户外博物馆。

Example:   This is a very famous open air museum.

4. 代表性 dài biǎo xìng typical;  representativeness  (n.)
例句: 在这个博物馆,可以看到很多日本有代表性的民房。

Example:  In the museum, you can see a lot of representative Japanese farm houses.

5. 搭 to take (v.)
例句: 我是从大阪搭地铁来的。

Example:  I took the subway to come from Osaka.

6. 地铁 dì tiě subway(n.)
例句: 我是从大阪搭地铁来的。

Example:   I took the subway to come from Osaka.

7. 特有的 tè yǒu de peculiar to; characteristic of; typical; unique (adj.)
例句: 在这个博物馆,也可以感受到日本特有的农村气氛。

Example:  In the museum, you can also experience the unique atmosphere of rural Japan.

8. 气氛 qì fèn atmosphere  (n.)
例句: 在这个博物馆,也可以感受到日本特有的农村气氛。

Example:  In the museum, you can also experience the unique atmosphere of rural Japan.

9. 特色 tè sè characteristic; distinguishing feature; unique feature (n.)
例句: 您觉得日本民房的特色是什么?

Example:   What do you think is the distinguishing feature of Japanese farm houses?

10. 自然 zì rán natural (adj.)
例句:日本民房的特色是非常的自然,非常的简单, 与大自然融为一体,没有华而不实的部分。

Example: A characteristic Japanese farm house is very natural, very simple, as being part of nature, not something flashy.

11. 融为一体 róng wéi yī tǐ fused together (v.)
例句: 日本民房的特色是非常的自然,非常的简单, 与大自然融为一体,没有华而不实的部分。

Example: A characteristic Japanese farm house is very natural, very simple, as being part of nature, not something flashy.

12. 华而不实 huá ér bù shí produce flowers but bear no fruits— be flashy without substance(adj.)
例句: 日本民房的特色是非常的自然,非常的简单, 与大自然融为一体,没有华而不实的部分。

Example: A characteristic Japanese farm house is very natural, very simple, as being part of nature, not something flashy.

13. 欣赏 xīn shǎng appreciate; enjoy (v.)
例句: 我很欣赏这样的朴素风格。

Example:   I really appreciate this simple style.

14. 朴素 pǔ sù simple (adj.)
例句: 我很欣赏这样的朴素风格。

Example:   I really appreciate this simple style.

15. 风格 fēng gé style; manner (n.)
例句: 我很欣赏这样的朴素风格。

Example:   I really appreciate this simple style.

16. 贴心 tiē xīn considerate (adj.)
例句: 您真是非常贴心。

Example:   You are really very considerate.

17. 接下来 jiē xià lái next, then (adv.)
例句: 您接下来还有其他行程吗?

Example:   Are there plans for more travel?

18.  行程 xíng chéng journey; travel (v.)
例句: 您接下来还有其他行程吗?

Example:    Are there plans for more travel?

19.  逛 guàng Wander about (v.)
例句: 我下午还想去京都逛一逛。

Example:    In the afternoon, I also want to wander about in Kyoto.

20. 景点 jǐng diǎn Scenic spot; attraction (n.)
例句: 那里有很多著名的日本景点。

Example:   There are many famous Japanese attractions there.

 问题讨论(Discussion Questions:


Please tell us about the unique museums in your country.


Do you like the Open Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses? Why?

3)人们应该多建设像日本民房村落博物馆这样的博物馆还是应该多建设一些现代化的 建筑?

Do you think people should be building more museums like the Open Air Museum of Old     Japanese Farm Houses or should we be constructing more modern buildings?

4) 你觉得人如何可以更好地保护传统的东西?我们应该做些什么?在别的国家有没有成功的可以借鉴的办法?

What do you think about how people can better protect traditional things? What should we do to protect them? Are there any successful ways that we can borrow from other countries?


记者:各位好,我是「Chinese Beyond Emory」在日本的特派记者黄雅筠,今天我们来到大阪附近的日本民房村落博物馆,访问到一位观光客。








旅客:这应该先说什么是日本民房,也就是古时候一般日本人住的家,他们的特色是非常的自然,非常的简单, 与大自然融为一体,没有华而不实的部分,我很欣赏这样的朴素风格。





记者: 祝您这次来日本玩得愉快,也谢谢您接受我们的访问。我是「Chinese Beyond Emory」的记者黄雅筠,也感谢各位的收听,再见。

 English Translation of the multiple choice questions:

 1) Which of following descriptions of Mr. Wong, the interviewee is incorrect?

a) He is from Taipei, Taiwan

b) He is in Osaka for sightseeing

c) He is in Osaka to study


2) How did Mr. Huang come to Osaka?

a) By bus.

b) By subway.

c) By taxi.


3) Mr. Wong is very interested in the ancient farm houses in Japan because

a) he is studying urban planning.

b) he has been living in Osaka.

c) his girlfriend likes them.


4) Which of the following is the correct description of the museum?

a) There are many representative examples of modern architecture in the museum.

b) It is a very famous open-air museum.

c) Visitors can feel the unique urban atmosphere in this museum.


5) What is the character of the Japanese farm houses?

a) They are flashy.

b) They are simple.

c) They are majestic.


6) A Japanese farmhouse is ______?

a) a home for modern Japanese farmers.

b) a home for urban rich people in rural area.

c) a home where Japanese common people lived in ancient times.


7) The reason that Mr. Wong appreciates Japanese farm houses is that___

a) they are of flashy style.

b) they are very natural, very simple.

c) his girlfriend likes to live in that kind of house.


8.) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) The landscape of the museum is beautiful.

b) Mr. Wong and his girlfriend are very pleased to visit here.

c) Mr. Wong takes a lot of photos.


9) Where will Mr. Wong go next?

a) Kyoto (Kyoto)

b) Osaka (Osaka)

c) Tokyo (Tokyo)


10) Which of the following is NOT correct?

a) Mr. Wong hopes to visit more famous Japanese attractions.

b) Mr. Wong hopes to move to Japan to live.

c) Mr. Wong likes this open air museum.


Answer Key:C B A B B ,  C B B A B

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