Tibet Railroad



Emory CHN 401

王悦(Selina Wang )

 在中国的西南边疆,有一片被称为“世界屋脊”和“地球第三极”的圣洁之地――青藏高原。她曾是那么的遥远和神秘,然而在科技发达的今天,它却变的近在咫尺:青藏铁路,这条贯穿青藏高原的巨龙揭掉了她神秘的面纱。把昆仑山、唐古拉山的险峻, 三江源、可可西里的美丽,通天河、沱沱河的神秘连成一串的青藏铁路给青藏高原带来了生机,同时也带来了危机。被予为“世界上最后一块净土”的青藏高原不仅是中国乃至世界的气候调节器, 而且是中国和南亚地区的“江河源”、“生态源”, 是世界上仅有的独特生态系统和世界山地生物物种一个重要的起源和分化中心。青藏铁路的修建将会对这个原始、独特而脆弱的生态环境带来极大的挑战。由于修建青藏铁路对自然环境的破坏是不可避免的,所以有很多人都对这项工程怀有疑问。特别是有些环保人士,更是极力反对,他们声称修建青藏铁路会破坏这片“世界上最后一块净土”。可是在我看来,青藏铁路的修建却是利大于弊。







2.高原湖泊、湿地生态系统在青藏高原逐渐隆起的漫长过程中,这里生成了草甸、湿地、冻土、荒漠的独特高原生态系统,是长江、黄河、澜沧江、怒江、雅鲁藏布江的发源地。为保护高原湖泊和湿地生态系统,工程尽量绕避湿地,无法绕避时,对通过湖泊、湿地进行桥路方案比选,并尽量选择以桥代路方案。为了避免路基建筑对地表径流的切割影响,在相应路段加大了涵洞设置数量,以保证地表径流对湿地水资源的补充,防止湿地萎缩。青藏铁路古露车站位于西藏自治区北部羌唐草原,需要占用14万平方米的湿地。在车站施工前期,建设者就考虑如何保护这片湿地。专家提出,湿地上的牧草不同于普通牧草,离开充足的水分后将不能成活,除非再造一个与原来相同的湿地环境。“再造湿地”方案于2003年春天实施。 “人造湿地”建成后,经过多年观测和比较,目前古露湿地草皮移植成活率达98%以上,已与高原自然湿地基本适应并浑然一体。









青藏铁路” 百度百科http://baike.baidu.com/view/2580.htm

“青藏高原” 百度百科http://baike.baidu.com/view/4979.htm




1. 屋脊

wū jǐ

ridge (of a roof) (n.)


Example: At the northwestern border of China, there is a revered area, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is also named as “roof of the world” and “the third pole of the earth”.

2. 高原

gāo yuán

plateau (n.)


Example: At the northwestern border of China, there is a revered area, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is also named as “roof of the world” and “the third pole of the earth”.

3. 科技发达

kē jì fā dá

scientific and technological development

例句: 在科技发达的今天,它却变的近在咫尺。

Example: With today’s scientific and technological development, it is now close at hand.

4. 近在咫尺

jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

close at hand; well within reach (adj.)

例句: 在科技发达的今天,它却变的近在咫尺。

Example: With today’s scientific and technological development, it is now close at hand.

5. 贯穿

guàn chuān

to run through (v.)


Example: This giant dragon that runs through the Q-T Plateau took off its mysterious veil.

6. 生机

shēng jī

(new) lease on life (n.)

Example: The Qinghai-Tibet railway brings a new lease on life to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

7. 危机

wēi jī

crisis; crunch (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet railway brings this new lease on life to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but also brings a crisis.

8. 气候调节器

qì hòu tiáo jié qì

climate regulator (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the climate regulator of China and even of the world.

9. 生态系统

shēng tài xì tǒng

ecosystem (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is one of the world’s unique ecosystems.

10. 挑战

tiǎo zhàn

challenge (n.)


Example: The construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway will bring a big challenge to this environment.

11. 净土

jìng tǔ

(the) pure land (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the last pure land on Earth.

12. 海拔

hǎi bá

elevation (n.)


Example: Its average elevation is above 4000 meters.

13. 克服

kè fú

to overcome; conquer (v.)
例句:为了克服青海、西藏目前的交通“瓶颈”, 2001年中国政府投资巨额资金262.1亿元建造青藏铁路。

Example: In order to overcome the current bottleneck of communication between Qinghai and Tibet, the Chinese government invested huge funds in 2001, $262.1 billion [renminbi] to build the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

14. 瓶颈

píng jǐng

bottleneck ( n.)


Example: In order to overcome the current bottleneck of communication between Qinghai and Tibet, the Chinese government invested huge funds in 2001, $262.1 billion [renminbi] to build the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

15. 保护措施

bǎo hù cuò shī

protection measure (n.)


Example: Many effective protection measures have been used in the process of building the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

16. 低氧

dī yǎng

hypoxia (n.)


Example: It is high, cold and people can suffer from hypoxia there.

17. 恢复

huī fù

restore; resume (v.)


Example: If this environment is destroyed, it will be very hard to restore.

18. 多样性

duō yàng xìng

variety; diversity (n.)


Example: We must conserve world-wide biodiversity.

19. 通道

tōng dào

passageways (n.)


Example: The Qinghai-Tibet railway also set up passageways for wild animals in the relevant areas.

20. 迁徙

qiān xǐ

migration (n.)


Example: The wild animal passageways guarantee their normal life, for migration and propagation.

21. 繁衍

fán yǎn

propagation (n.)


Example: The wild animal channels guarantee their normal life, for migration and propagation.

22. 草甸

cǎo diàn

meadow (n.)


Example: This area includes a unique plateau ecosystem that combines meadows, wetlands, frozen earth and desert.

23. 湿地

shī dì

wetland (n.)


Example: This area includes a unique plateau ecosystem that combines meadows, wetlands, frozen earth and desert.

24. 冻土

dòng tǔ

frozen earth (n.)


Example: This area includes a unique plateau ecosystem that combines meadows, wetlands, frozen earth and desert.

25. 方案

fāng àn

plan (n.)


Example: The project chooses to use bridges instead of roads as much as possible.

26. 涵洞

hán dòng

culvert (n.)


Example: It increases the number of culverts set up in the relevant sections.

27. 浑然一体

hún rán yī tǐ

(to) completely blend in(v. phrase)


Example: (It) has basically adapted to the plateau’s natural marsh and been completely blended into it.

28. 植被系统

zhí bèi xì tǒng

vegetation system(n.)


Example: (It) protects the unique vegetation system of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

29. 施工范围

shī gōng fàn wéi

range of construction (n.)


Example: (It) strictly stipulates the range of construction and the walking route of people and vehicles.


zhuó shǒu

(to) commence; embark  (v.)

Example: The group that is building the Q-T railway has embarked on a project to install or transplant vegetation on both sides of the Gela section of the newly-built Q-T railway, so that it has become a “giant green dragon.

31. 移植

yí zhí

(to) transplant (v.)

Example: The group that is building the Q-T railway has embarked on a project to install or transplant vegetation on both sides of the Gela section of the newly-built Q-T railway, so that it has become a “giant green dragon.

33. 巨龙

jù lóng

giant dragon (n.)


Example: The group that is building the Q-T railway has embarked on a project to install or transplant vegetation on both sides of the Gela section of the newly-built Q-T railway, so that it has become a “giant green dragon.

34. 积极

jī jí

positive, active (adj.)


Example: The construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway has brought positive effects results to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

35. 严峻

yán jùn

severe; rigorous; grim (adj.)


Example: The construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway has overcome the three severe challenges, the earth frozen all the year round; the altitude, cold and the lack of oxygen, and the vulnerable ecology.




Why is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau called “the last pure land on earth” ?

2. 为什么作者认为青藏铁路的修建是利大于弊?

Why does the author believe there are more benefits instead of problems if the Qinghai-Tibet railway is built?


What are the methods used to protect the environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau when building the railway?

4. 修建青藏铁路对环境保护的积极作用是什么?

What are the positive effects of building the railway in terms of environmental protection?


Do you agree or disagree with the author’s opinion on building the railway? Why?



This research paper, “The Green Giant Dragon On The Roof Of The World——Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Environment Protection,” focuses on the relationship between the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway and the environmental protection on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The author first introduces the background information about the traffic conditions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the reason for building the Qinghai-Tibet railway. The discussion about the Qinghai-Tibet railway’s effects on the environment comes next, and is divided into three parts: the protection measures for the natural reserves and wild animals, the protection measures for the ecosystem of the plateau lakes and marshes, and the protection measures for the plateau and frozen ground floras.  In addition, the author illustrates the positive impacts of the Qinghai-Tibet railway on the environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At the end, it is concluded that the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway not only solves the previous traffic problems and promotes the economy, but also helps protect the environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Air Pollution Since 1949


Emory CHN 401

翁嘉 (Weng Jia) 


经过很多年的抗日战争和国共内战以后,中国社会贫穷,经济落后。中国共产党政府认为需要很快地,并且大量地发展工业和农业来提高人们的生活水平。在上海和一些大城市依靠过去的工业基础,政府开始了建国早期的工业生产。还比如在东北吉林,黑龙江和辽宁,政府从苏联接管了过去日本军队留下来的工厂,农场也开始了工业生产。这些基础总的来说规模还不是很大,所以当时对大气的污染还不是十分严重。 但是1958年以后污染问题就开始出现了。

中国共产党主席毛泽东在 1958年宣布全国进入“大跃进”运动。这个运动是以大力发展工业为主,最后达到跟英国甚至美国的生产水平。为快速地达到目的,政府没有考虑到对环境的破坏,使空气污染一步步严重下去。全国都开始“大炼钢铁 ”,各地都是大大小小的炼钢工厂。和炼钢铁一样,发电,取暖,都需要燃料。当时的主要原料是煤炭。煤炭被燃烧后会释放大量的二氧化碳。全国都在没有节制地用煤,各地工厂不断地把二氧化碳排到空气中。一些城市里面也都是黑色的烟雾。






1. 工业革命 Gōngyè gémìng Industrial Revolution (n.)
例句: 自从欧洲的工业革命以来,人类对空气的污染慢慢地变得严重起来。Example: Since the Industrial Revolution in Europe, air pollution caused by humans has gradually become more severe.
2. 加深 jiāshēn worsening (n.)
例句: 空气的污染是随着经济的发展一起加深的。Example: Concurrent with the development of the economy is the worsening of air pollution.
3. 清朝 qīngcháo Qing dynasty (n.)
例句: 中国的空气污染其实从清朝晚期就开始了,但是大规模地影响大气层还是一九四九年中华人民共和国成立以后。Example: China’s air pollution problem actually began in the late period of the Qing dynasty, however the country’s large scale impact on the atmosphere did not occur until after 1949 with the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.
4. 成立 chénglì establishment (n.)
例句: 中国的空气污染其实从清朝晚期就开始了,但是大规模地影响大气层还是一九四九年中华人民共和国成立以后。Example: China’s air pollution problem actually began in the late period of the Qing dynasty, however the country’s large scale impact on the atmosphere did not occur until after 1949 with the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.
5. 抗日战争 kàngrì zhànzhēng Sino-Japanese War (n.)
例句: 经过很多年的抗日战争和国共内战以后,中国社会贫穷,经济落后。Example: After many years of the Sino-Japanese War and the Civil War, China’s society became impoverished and its economy  deteriorated.
6. 贫穷 pínqióng impoverished (adj.)
例句: 经过很多年的抗日战争和国共内战以后,中国社会贫穷,经济落后。Example: After many years of the Sino-Japanese War and the Civil War, China’s society became impoverished and its economy deteriorated.
7. 生活水平 Shēnghuó shuǐpíng standard of living (n.)
例句: 中国共产党政府认为需要很快地,并且大量地发展工业和农业来提高人们的生活水平。Example: China’s Communist Party believed that they needed to quickly develop the industrial and agricultural sectors in order to improve citizens’ standard of living.
8. 规模 guīmó scale (n.)
例句: 这些基础总的来说规模还不是很大,所以当时对大气的污染还不是十分严重。Example: Generally speaking, the scale of these developments were not too large, therefore  their impact on the atmosphere was not yet serious.
9. 目的 mùdì goal (n.)
例句: 为快速地达到目的,政府没有考虑到对环境的破坏,使空气污染一步步严重下去。Example: To quickly achieve its goal, the government did not take into account the damage it would do to the environment and thus the polluting of the atmosphere continued.
11. 炼钢工厂 Liàngāng gōng chǎng steel refinement (n.)
例句: 全国都开始“大炼钢铁 ”,各地都是大大小小的炼钢工厂。Example: The entire country began “the great steel refinement” and steel factories of various sizes sprouted up everywhere.  
12. 燃料 ránliào fuel (n.)
例句: 和炼钢铁一样,发电,取暖,都需要燃料。Example: Like steel refinement, power generation and heating also required fuel.
13. 烟雾 yānwù black smoke (n.)
例句: 一些城市里面也都是黑色的烟雾。Example: The cities were filled with black smoke.
14. 口罩 kǒuzhào masks (n.)
例句: 一些大城市比如说北京,天津,沈阳人们出门的时候都需要带上厚厚的口罩,要不然就会把废气吸到体内去。Example: In a few large cities such as Beijing, Tainjin, and Shenyang, people had to wear thick masks to keep from breathing in exhaust gas.
15. 煤 méi coal (n.)
例句: 最严重的是在冬天,北方的冬天都用煤取暖,一到了冷的季节整个城市都会是煤的味道,连地上的雪都会很快变成黑色。Example: Pollution is most serious in the winter.  Northerners use coal for heating which makes the city air taste like coal during the winter seasons.  Even the snow quickly becomes black.
16. 法律 fǎlǜ laws (n.)
例句: 即使这样,由于没有保护环境的意识和法律,对空气的污染,尤其是工业污染只是越来越严重。Example: Even so, there is still a lack of awareness about environmental protection and no laws to control air pollution.
17. 沙尘暴 shāchén bào dust storms (n.)
例句: 人为的原因当然以工业为主,一些自然的空气污染就包括沙尘暴和火山爆发等等。Example:  Natural sources of pollution include dust storms and volcanic eruptions, etc..
18. 火山爆发 Huǒshān bàofā volcanic eruptions (n.)
例句: 人为的原因当然以工业为主,一些自然的空气污染就包括沙尘暴和火山爆发等等。Example: Natural sources of pollution include dust storms and volcanic eruptions, etc..
19. 活火山 huó huǒ shān active volcanoes (n.)
例句: 中国的没有很多活火山,但是有很严重的沙尘暴问题。Example: China does not have many active volcanoes, but it has very strong sandstorms.
20. 地区 dìqū area (n.)
例句: 在沙尘暴发源地和受它影响的地区,大气中的灰尘,沙粒会增加,大气污染会更加严重。Example:  In the area where a sand storm originates and the areas affected by it, there is much dust in the atmosphere, which exacerbates the pollution problem.
20. 农田 nóngtián farmland (n.)
例句: 有些专家认为沙尘暴的发生是因为在五六十年代中国西部太多的森林被毁掉用来做农田。由于没有了树, 大风可以带着水土流失产生的沙尘自由地向东移动。Example: Some experts believe that the sandstorms in the fifties and sixties’ were due to the destruction of forests for the development of farmland in western China. Due to the absence of trees water and soil are washed away by strong winds leaving only sand to move freely eastwards.
21. 层出不穷 céngchūbùqióng emerge in an endless stream (v.)
例句: 从1949年以来的中国大气污染问题层出不穷。Example: The problem of air pollution since 1949 has been emerging in an endless stream.
22. 生活品质 Shēnghuó píngzhì the qualities of life (n.)
例句: 为了改善大家的生活品质,政府、工厂和人民应该严肃地面对这个事实。Example: In order to change the quality of our daily life, the government, factories and everyone should seriously accept this fact.
23. 刻不容缓 céngchūbùqióng to be extremely urgent (v.)
例句: 这些问题应该刻不容缓地得到解决。Example: These problems are extremely urgent and require immediate solutions.

 问题讨论 Discussion Questions:

1)      你觉得目前中国的污染问题还是这样吗?

Do you think this is still an ongoing problem in China?

2)      在你的家乡有类似空气污染的问题吗?

Do you have similar a situation in your home town?

3)      面对空气污染的问题,你有什么建议?

What do you suggest that the government do in a situation like this?

4)      面对空气污染的情况,你觉得谁要付更多的责任?为什么?

Who do you think is more responsible for this situation? Why?

5)      你觉得我们的环境可以回到最初的样子吗?为什么?

Do you predict the environment will return to its original condition? Why?


 Air pollution since 1949

             Since the Industrial Revolution in Europe, air pollution caused by humans has gradually become more severe.  Concurrent with the development of the economy is the worsening of air pollution.  China’s air pollution problem actually began in the later period of the Qing dynasty, however its large scale impact on the atmosphere did not occur until after 1949 with the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

After many years of the Sino-Japanese War and the Civil War, China’s society became impoverished and its economy deteriorated.  China’s Communist Party believed that they needed to quickly develop the industrial and agricultural sectors in order to improve citizens’ standard of living.  While Shanghai and a few other large cities depended on previous industrial structures, the government began the early founding of the country’s industrial culture.  For example, in northeast China in Jinli, Heilongjian, and Liaoning the government assumed control of factories left behind from the Soviet Union and the Japanese troops, and farms also began to produce manufactured goods.  Generally speaking, the scale of these developments was not too large, therefore its impact on the atmosphere was not yet serious.  However after 1958, the pollution problem began to seriously emerge.

In 1958 the Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong declared “The Great Leap Forward.”  The goal of this campaign was to rapidly develop the country’s industry and ultimately achieve the same level of production as England and eventually America.  To quickly achieve its goal, the government did not take into account the damage it would do to the environment and thus the polluting of the atmosphere continued.  The entire country began “the great steel refinement” and everywhere steel factories of various sizes sprouted up.  In the same way, power generation and heating also required fuel.  At that time the primary natural resource was coal.  The burning of coal produced a large quantity of carbon dioxide and the country did not control the use of coal, and thus everywhere factories continuously released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.  The cities were filled with black smoke.

As a result of the pre-existing industrial structures and the early development of industries, the pollution in the northeastern region is very serious.  Not only are harmful gases released into the atmosphere, but a large number of trees, such as the ones in Daxinganlin, are cut down and used as fuel.  In a few large cities such as Beijing, Tainjin, and Shenyang people have to wear thick masks to keep from breathing in exhaust gas.  It is most serious in the winter.  Northerners use coal for heating making the city air taste like coal during the winter seasons.  Even the snow quickly becomes black in color.  The burning of coal brought about the problem with pollution.  It was and continues to be the primary contributor to China’s air pollution problem, and has yet to be resolved.

In the early 1960s, the Great Leap Forward projects were abandoned. The government took a more steady approached toward the country’s economic development.  Even so there is still a lack of awareness about environmental protection and still no laws to control air pollution.  Industrial pollution continues to become more serious.  However the source of air pollution is divided into two categories: natural and manmade.  The main cause of man-made pollution is industrial related of course.  As for natural sources of pollution they include dust storms, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires caused by human activity.

China does not have many active volcanoes, but it has very strong sandstorms.  The data on China’s environmental protection online website shows records of sandstorms dating back to the 50s and 60s.  The sandstorms back then were much more intense than the ones occurring in more recent years.  In the area where a sand storm originates and the ones affected by it, there is much dust in the atmosphere, and as the amount of sand increases the pollution of the atmosphere is exacerbated.  Some experts believe that the fifties and sixties’ sandstorms are due to the destruction of forests for the development of farmland in western China.  Due to the absence of trees, water and soil are washed away by strong winds leaving only sand to move freely eastwards.

We can say that the problem of air pollution since 1949 has been emerging in an endless stream. In order to change the quality of our daily life, the government, factories and everyone should seriously accept this fact. These problems are extremely urgent and require immediate solutions.


Emory CHN 401

翁嘉 (Weng Jia)


經過很多年的抗日戰爭和國共內戰以后,中國社會貧窮,經濟落后。中國共產黨政府認為需要很快地,並且大量地發展工業和農業來提高人們的生活水平。在上海和一些大城市依靠過去的工業基礎,政府開始了建國早期的工業生產。還比如在東北吉林,黑龍江和遼寧,政府從蘇聯接管了過去日本軍隊留下來的工廠,農場也開始了工業生產。這些基礎總的來說規模還不是很大,所以當時對大氣的污染還不是十分嚴重。 但是1958年以后污染問題就開始出現了。

中國共產黨主席毛澤東在 1958年宣布全國進入“大躍進”運動。這個運動是以大力發展工業為主,最后達到跟英國甚至美國的生產水平。為快速地達到目的,政府沒有考慮到對環境的破壞,使空氣污染一步步嚴重下去。全國都開始“大煉鋼鐵 ”,各地都是大大小小的煉鋼工廠。和煉鋼鐵一樣,發電,取暖,都需要燃料。當時的主要原料是煤炭。煤炭被燃燒后會釋放大量的二氧化碳。全國都在沒有節制地用煤,各地工廠不斷地把二氧化碳排到空氣中。一些城市裡面也都是黑色的煙霧。






1. 工業革命 Gōngyè gémìng Industrial Revolution (n.)
例句: 自從歐洲的工業革命以來,人類對空氣的污染慢慢地變得嚴重起來。
Example: Since the Industrial Revolution in Europe, air pollution caused by humans has gradually become more severe.

2. 加深 jiāshēn worsening (n.)
例句: 空氣的污染是隨著經濟的發展一起加深的。
Example: Concurrent with the development of the economy is the worsening of air pollution.

3. 清朝 qīngcháo Qing dynasty (n.)
例句: 中國的空氣污染其實從清朝晚期就開始了,但是大規模地影響大氣層還是一九四九年中華人民共和國成立以后。
Example: China’s air pollution problem actually began in the late period of the Qing dynasty, however the country’s large scale impact on the atmosphere did not occur until after 1949 with the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

4. 成立 chénglì establishment (n.)
例句: 中國的空氣污染其實從清朝晚期就開始了,但是大規模地影響大氣層還是一九四九年中華人民共和國成立以后。
Example: China’s air pollution problem actually began in the late period of the Qing dynasty, however the country’s large scale impact on the atmosphere did not occur until after 1949 with the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

5. 抗日戰爭 kàngrì zhànzhēng Sino-Japanese War (n.)
例句: 經過很多年的抗日戰爭和國共內戰以后,中國社會貧窮,經濟落后。
Example: After many years of the Sino-Japanese War and the Civil War, China’s society became impoverished and its economy deteriorated.

6. 貧窮 pínqióng impoverished (adj.)
例句: 經過很多年的抗日戰爭和國共內戰以后,中國社會貧窮,經濟落后。
Example: After many years of the Sino-Japanese War and the Civil War, China’s society became impoverished and its economy deteriorated.

7. 生活水平 Shēnghuó shuǐpíng standard of living (n.)
例句: 中國共產黨政府認為需要很快地,並且大量地發展工業和農業來提高人們的生活水平。
Example: China’s Communist Party believed that they needed to quickly develop the industrial and agricultural sectors in order to improve citizens’ standard of living.

8. 規模 guīmó scale (n.)
例句: 這些基礎總的來說規模還不是很大,所以當時對大氣的污染還不是十分嚴重。
Example: Generally speaking, the scale of these developments were not too large, therefore their impact on the atmosphere was not yet serious.

9. 目的 mùdì goal (n.)
例句: 為快速地達到目的,政府沒有考慮到對環境的破壞,使空氣污染一步步嚴重下去。
Example: To quickly achieve its goal, the government did not take into account the damage it would do to the environment and thus the polluting of the atmosphere continued.

11. 煉鋼工廠 Liàngāng gōng chǎng steel refinement (n.)
例句: 全國都開始“大煉鋼鐵 ”,各地都是大大小小的煉鋼工廠。
Example: The entire country began “the great steel refinement” and steel factories of various sizes sprouted up everywhere.

12. 燃料 ránliào fuel (n.)
例句: 和煉鋼鐵一樣,發電,取暖,都需要燃料。
Example: Like steel refinement, power generation and heating also required fuel.

13. 煙霧 yānwù black smoke (n.)
例句: 一些城市裡面也都是黑色的煙霧。
Example: The cities were filled with black smoke.

14. 口罩 kǒuzhào masks (n.)
例句: 一些大城市比如說北京,天津,沈陽人們出門的時候都需要帶上厚厚的口罩,要不然就會把廢氣吸到體內去。
Example: In a few large cities such as Beijing, Tainjin, and Shenyang, people had to wear thick masks to keep from breathing in exhaust gas.

15. 煤 méi coal (n.)
例句: 最嚴重的是在冬天,北方的冬天都用煤取暖,一到了冷的季節整個城市都會是煤的味道,連地上的雪都會很快變成黑色。
Example: Pollution is most serious in the winter. Northerners use coal for heating which makes the city air taste like coal during the winter seasons. Even the snow quickly becomes black.

16. 法律 fǎlǜ laws (n.)
例句: 即使這樣,由於沒有保護環境的意識和法律,對空氣的污染,尤其是工業污染隻是越來越嚴重。
Example: Even so, there is still a lack of awareness about environmental protection and no laws to control air pollution.

17. 沙塵暴 shāchén bào dust storms (n.)
例句: 人為的原因當然以工業為主,一些自然的空氣污染就包括沙塵暴和火山爆發等等。
Example: Natural sources of pollution include dust storms and volcanic eruptions, etc..

18. 火山爆發 Huǒshān bàofā volcanic eruptions (n.)
例句: 人為的原因當然以工業為主,一些自然的空氣污染就包括沙塵暴和火山爆發等等。
Example: Natural sources of pollution include dust storms and volcanic eruptions, etc..

19. 活火山 huó huǒ shān active volcanoes (n.)
例句: 中國的沒有很多活火山,但是有很嚴重的沙塵暴問題。
Example: China does not have many active volcanoes, but it has very strong sandstorms.

20. 地區 dìqū area (n.)
例句: 在沙塵暴發源地和受它影響的地區,大氣中的灰塵,沙粒會增加,大氣污染會更加嚴重。
Example: In the area where a sand storm originates and the areas affected by it, there is much dust in the atmosphere, which exacerbates the pollution problem.

20. 農田 nóngtián farmland (n.)
例句: 有些專家認為沙塵暴的發生是因為在五六十年代中國西部太多的森林被毀掉用來做農田。由於沒有了樹, 大風可以帶著水土流失產生的沙塵自由地向東移動。
Example: Some experts believe that the sandstorms in the fifties and sixties’ were due to the destruction of forests for the development of farmland in western China. Due to the absence of trees water and soil are washed away by strong winds leaving only sand to move freely eastwards.

21. 層出不窮 céngchūbùqióng emerge in an endless stream (v.)
例句: 從1949年以來的中國大氣污染問題層出不窮。
Example: The problem of air pollution since 1949 has been emerging in an endless stream.

22. 生活品質 Shēnghuó píngzhì the qualities of life (n.)
例句: 為了改善大家的生活品質,政府、工廠和人民應該嚴肅地面對這個事實。
Example: In order to change the quality of our daily life, the government, factories and everyone should seriously accept this fact.

23. 刻不容緩 céngchūbùqióng to be extremely urgent (v.)
例句: 這些問題應該刻不容緩地得到解決。Example: These problems are extremely urgent and require immediate solutions.
問題討論 Discussion Questions:

1) 你覺得目前中國的污染問題還是這樣嗎?

Do you think this is still an ongoing problem in China?

2) 在你的家鄉有類似空氣污染的問題嗎?

Do you have similar a situation in your home town?

3) 面對空氣污染的問題,你有什麼建議?

What do you suggest that the government do in a situation like this?

4) 面對空氣污染的情況,你覺得誰要付更多的責任?為什麼?

Who do you think is more responsible for this situation? Why?

5) 你覺得我們的環境可以回到最初的樣子嗎?為什麼?

Do you predict the environment will return to its original condition? Why?


Air pollution since 1949

Since the Industrial Revolution in Europe, air pollution caused by humans has gradually become more severe. Concurrent with the development of the economy is the worsening of air pollution. China’s air pollution problem actually began in the later period of the Qing dynasty, however its large scale impact on the atmosphere did not occur until after 1949 with the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

After many years of the Sino-Japanese War and the Civil War, China’s society became impoverished and its economy deteriorated. China’s Communist Party believed that they needed to quickly develop the industrial and agricultural sectors in order to improve citizens’ standard of living. While Shanghai and a few other large cities depended on previous industrial structures, the government began the early founding of the country’s industrial culture. For example, in northeast China in Jinli, Heilongjian, and Liaoning the government assumed control of factories left behind from the Soviet Union and the Japanese troops, and farms also began to produce manufactured goods. Generally speaking, the scale of these developments was not too large, therefore its impact on the atmosphere was not yet serious. However after 1958, the pollution problem began to seriously emerge.

In 1958 the Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong declared “The Great Leap Forward.” The goal of this campaign was to rapidly develop the country’s industry and ultimately achieve the same level of production as England and eventually America. To quickly achieve its goal, the government did not take into account the damage it would do to the environment and thus the polluting of the atmosphere continued. The entire country began “the great steel refinement” and everywhere steel factories of various sizes sprouted up. In the same way, power generation and heating also required fuel. At that time the primary natural resource was coal. The burning of coal produced a large quantity of carbon dioxide and the country did not control the use of coal, and thus everywhere factories continuously released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The cities were filled with black smoke.

As a result of the pre-existing industrial structures and the early development of industries, the pollution in the northeastern region is very serious. Not only are harmful gases released into the atmosphere, but a large number of trees, such as the ones in Daxinganlin, are cut down and used as fuel. In a few large cities such as Beijing, Tainjin, and Shenyang people have to wear thick masks to keep from breathing in exhaust gas. It is most serious in the winter. Northerners use coal for heating making the city air taste like coal during the winter seasons. Even the snow quickly becomes black in color. The burning of coal brought about the problem with pollution. It was and continues to be the primary contributor to China’s air pollution problem, and has yet to be resolved.

In the early 1960s, the Great Leap Forward projects were abandoned. The government took a more steady approached toward the country’s economic development. Even so there is still a lack of awareness about environmental protection and still no laws to control air pollution. Industrial pollution continues to become more serious. However the source of air pollution is divided into two categories: natural and manmade. The main cause of man-made pollution is industrial related of course. As for natural sources of pollution they include dust storms, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires caused by human activity.

China does not have many active volcanoes, but it has very strong sandstorms. The data on China’s environmental protection online website shows records of sandstorms dating back to the 50s and 60s. The sandstorms back then were much more intense than the ones occurring in more recent years. In the area where a sand storm originates and the ones affected by it, there is much dust in the atmosphere, and as the amount of sand increases the pollution of the atmosphere is exacerbated. Some experts believe that the fifties and sixties’ sandstorms are due to the destruction of forests for the development of farmland in western China. Due to the absence of trees, water and soil are washed away by strong winds leaving only sand to move freely eastwards.

We can say that the problem of air pollution since 1949 has been emerging in an endless stream. In order to change the quality of our daily life, the government, factories and everyone should seriously accept this fact. These problems are extremely urgent and require immediate solutions.

Human’s Future


陈美君 (Meei Jiun Chan)






词汇 Vocabulary:

1. 癌 ái Cancer (n.)
例句: 晓岚今年十三岁,是一名肺癌末期的女患者。

Example:   Lan, a thirteen year old girl, was a victim of lung cancer.

2. 规矩 guī jǔ Rules (n.)
例句: 按照她学校的老规矩,患有重病的学生理所当然的不能来学校上课。

Example: According to her school’s regulations, any student who was suffering from serious illness reasonably would not be allowed to come to school.

3. 理所当然 lǐ suǒ dāng rán Go without saying (adj.)
例句: 按照她学校的老规矩,患有重病的学生理所当然的不能来学校上课。

Example: According to her school’s regulations, any student who was suffering from serious illness reasonably would not be allowed to come to school.

4. 污染 wū rǎn Pollution (n.);pollute (v.)
例句: 但是随着地球污染的恶化,这个校规早在2100年就被迫更改了。

Example: As the pollution levels became more severe, this regulation was no longer effective.

5. 病痛 bìng tong Illness and pain (n.)
例句: 这些学生忍着病痛,用他们剩下的日子享受上学的乐趣。

Example: Disregarding their pain and illness, these students try to enjoy schooling with their remaining days.

6. 享受 xiǎng shòu Enjoy (v.)
例句: 这些学生忍着病痛,用他们剩下的日子享受上学的乐趣。

Example: Disregarding their pain and illness, these students try to enjoy schooling with their remaining days.

7. 涌 yǒng Pour out (v.)
例句: 学生们纷纷从教室里涌出。

Example: Students poured out from the classrooms.

8. 轮椅 lún yǐ Wheel chair (n.)
例句: 学生们纷纷从教室里涌出,只剩下晓岚与其他几个坐轮椅的学生还留在教室里。

Example:   Students poured out from the classrooms after the school bell rang, only Lan and several students on wheelchairs stayed back waiting for their family to take them home.

9. 颤抖 chàn dǒu Tremble (v.)
例句: 晓岚看见了哥哥,便以她微微颤抖着的手勉强得来向他打招呼。

Example: When Lan saw his brother, she tried to use her trembling hands to greet him.

10. 勉强 miǎn qiǎng

Do with difficulty (v.)

例句: 晓岚看见了哥哥,便以她微微颤抖着的手勉强得来向他打招呼。

Example: When Lan saw his brother, she tried to use her trembling hands to greet him.

11. 覆盖 fù gài Cover (v.)
例句: 外面的天空像是被一层厚厚的毛毯给覆盖住了,一片灰暗,不分日夜。

Example: The sky was dark and gloomy, regardless of day and night, as if it was covered by a thick blanket.

12. 大街小巷 dà jiē xiǎo xiàng Streets and lanes (n.)
例句: 城市里的大街小巷都堆满了清不完的垃圾,恶臭熏天。

Example: Trash plied up on the city streets, creating a horrible odor.

13. 腐蚀 fǔ shí Corrode (v.)
例句: 一路上还到处可见被酸雨腐蚀的建筑和枯树,景象一片凄凉。

Example: Along the way dreary sights of acid rain corrosions on buildings and trees could be seen everywhere.

14. 凄凉 qī liáng Dreary, dismal (adj.)
例句: 一路上还到处可见被酸雨腐蚀的建筑和枯树,景象一片凄凉。

Example: Along the way dreary sights of acid rain corrosions on buildings and trees could be seen everywhere.

15. 大惊小怪 dà jīng xiǎo guài Surprising and strange (adj.)
例句: 这一切对晓岚和她哥哥来说已经没有什么好大惊小怪的了。

Example: None of these were surprising to Lan and her brother.

16. 肮脏 āng zāng Dirty (adj.)
例句: 街道上竟没有垃圾和肮脏的积水。

Example: The streets were not filled with garbage and dirty water.

17. 霓虹灯 ní hóng dēng Neon lights (n.)
例句: 反而处处可见装饰着霓虹灯的大树。

Example: The streets were decorated with beautiful trees and neon lights.

18. 自私 zì sī Selfish (adj.)
例句: 我们的祖先实在是太自私了

Example: Our ancestors were too selfish.

19. 沉默 chén mò Keep silent (v.);silent (adj.)
例句: 晓岚听了点点头,沉默了好久。

Example: Lan nodded and kept silent for a long time.

20. 迫害 pò hài Persecute (v.)
例句: 她多希望自己和其他生病的孩子都能过上正常的生活,天天蹦蹦跳跳的,没有因为祖先对地球的迫害而染上不可医治的病。

Example: How she wished the other sick children and herself were not infected with this incurable disease and could live a normal life.

21. 走投无路 zǒu tóu wú lù No way out (adj.)
例句: 她知道自己走投无路了。

Example: She knew there were no other solutions.

22. 勇敢 yǒng gǎn Brave (adj.)
例句: 她知道自己走投无路了,只能勇敢地等待病魔结束她的生命。

Example: she knew there were no other solutions but to wait courageously for the disease to end of her life.


1. 学校里一半的学生都与晓岚都怎么了?

What happen to Lan and half of the students at school?

2. 晓岚和她哥哥在怎样的环境下长大?

In what kind of environment did Lan and her brother grow up?

3. 原来的上海是什么样子的?

What was the old Shanghai like?

4. 哥哥认为是谁导致的现在的情况?

Who does the brother think are the causes of their current situation?

5. 在你的想象中,未来会是一种怎么样的世界?

Can you image the future world for human beings?


 Future of Human

   Lan, a thirteen year old girl, was a victim of lung cancer. According to her school’s regulations, any student who was suffering from serious illness reasonably would not be allowed to come to school. However, as the pollution levels became more severe, this regulation was no longer effective, since almost half of the student population in school was suffering from the same illness as Lan, cancer. Therefore, disregarding their pain and illness, these students try to enjoy schooling with their remaining days, alive.

Students poured out from the classrooms after the school bell rang, only Lan and several students on wheelchairs stayed back waiting for their family to take them home.

As usual, Lan’s brother came to her classroom after work to take her home. When Lan saw his brother, she tried to use her trembling hands to greet him. Her brother came forward and pushed her wheelchair towards home.

 The sky was dark and gloomy, regardless of day and night, as if it was covered by a thick blanket. Trash plied up on the city streets, creating a horrible odor. Along the way dreary sights of acid rain corrosions on buildings and trees could be seen everywhere. However, none of these were surprising to Lan and her little brother since this was the environment they grew up in.

Lan looked up at the sky and said “Today our teacher talked about the history ofShanghaiCity. It is said thatShanghaiwasChina’s most beautiful and prosperous city. The streets were not filled with garbage and dirty water, but were decorated with beautiful trees and neon lights. There were many parks as well, where families would bike or have picnics on the lawn during weekends. Unfortunately, seventy years ago, together with many major cities of the world,ShanghaiCitywas washed out by the ocean water when the ice caps in the North and South Poles melted”

“Exactly,” Lan’s brother replied angrily, “If our ancestors tried to reduce their destructions to Earth’s environment and be more concerned about the changes in nature, things would not end up this way. In short, our ancestors were too selfish”. Lan nodded and kept silent for a long time thinking about her life. How she wished the other sick children and herself were not infected with this incurable disease and could live a normal life. Sadly, she knew there were no other solutions but to wait courageously for the disease to end of her life.

Loving Birds

















1. 将近 jiāngjìn Nearly (adj.)
例句: 走过将近一个世纪人生之路的老人陈秀莲告别了人间。Example: An old lady nearly a century old passed away.
2. 世纪 shìjì Century (n.)
例句: 走过将近一个世纪人生之路的老人陈秀莲告别了人间。

Example: An old lady nearly a century old passed away.

3. 悲哀 bēiāi Sorrow (n.)
例句: 悲哀弥漫在亲人的脸上和心上。

Example: Her relatives’ hearts were full of sorrow.

4. 弥漫 mímàn Be full of (v.)
例句: 悲哀弥漫在亲人的脸上和心上。

Example: Her relatives’ hearts were full of sorrow.

5. 盘旋 pánxuán Circle; spiral (v.)
例句: 鹭鸟低低地盘旋在半空中。Example: Herons stayed circling the sky.
6. 伤心 shāngxīn Sadly (adv.)
例句: 一些成年的鹭鸟,则飞到老人的床前,伤心地眨着眼睛。

Example: Some adult herons flew to the old lady’s bed and sadly blinked their eyes.

7. 真实 zhēnshí True (adj.)
例句: 这里面有个真实而感人的故事。Example: The following is a true and impressive story.
8. 感人 gǎnrén Impressive (adj.)
例句: 这里面有个真实而感人的故事。Example: The following is a true and impressive story.
9. 茂密 màomì Dense; thick (adj.)
例句: 这里山林茂密。Example: The forest is dense.
10. 缓缓 huǎnhuǎn Slowly (adv.)
例句: 汉江从山脚缓缓流过。Example: Han River is slowly moving at the bottom of the mountain.
11. 猎枪 liè qiāng Hunting gun; shotgun (n.)
例句: 袁德山拿出猎枪。Example: Yun De Shan took out his hunting gun.
12. 制止 zhì zhǐ Stop; Forbid (v.)
例句: 他的母亲陈秀莲制止了他。Example: His mother, Chen Shou Lian, stopped him.
13. 孝顺 xiàoshùn Filial (adj.)
例句: 孝顺的儿子听从了母亲的劝告。Example: The filial son heeded his mother’s words..
14. 筑巢 zhùcháo Nest (v.)
例句: 两对鹭鸟在袁德山家门前的树上筑巢安家。Example: The pair of herons nested in the tree in front of Yun De Shan’s house
15. 孵 Hatch (v.)
例句: 当年就孵出了几只幼鸟。Example: A few young herons were hatched there
16. 害怕 hàipà Fear; be afraid of (v.)
例句: 鹭鸟对袁家人还有些害怕。Example: The herons feared the Yun family.
20. 戒心 jièxīn Vigilance (n.)
例句: 鹭鸟消除了戒心。Example: The herons removed their vigilance.
21. 承包 chéngbāo Lease; contract (v.)
例句: 袁德山家承包的三十亩山林。Example: Yun De Shan’s family leased thirty acres of land.
22. 玩耍 wánshuǎ Play (v.)
例句: 鹭鸟陪伴着她在院子里玩耍。Example: The herons played with her in the yard.
23. 羡慕 xiànmù Admire (v.)
例句: 同行的小伙伴羡慕得不得了。Example: Her friends and classmates admired badly.
24. 繁殖 fánzhí Propagation (n.)
例句: 五月是鹭鸟繁殖的季节。Example: May is the season of . Propagation.
25. 挣扎 zhēngzhá Struggle (v.)
例句: 幼鸟经常用力挣扎着跳出鸟巢。Example: Baby birds struggled to jump out of their nests.
26. 侵害 qīnhài Hurt; encroach (v.)
例句: 他们要防止树林中的鹰、野猫、蛇等动物侵害鹭鸟。Example: They had to prevent predators, like eagles, cats, and snakes, from hurting baby herons.
27. 轮流 lúnliú Take turn; alternate (v.)
例句: 袁德山一家七口人都要轮流在山上护鸟。Example: All seven Yun family members take turns going to the mountain to protect the birds.
28. 拐杖 guǎizhàng Cane (n.)
例句: 她拄着拐杖。Example: She took her cane.
29. 气喘吁吁 qìchuǎnxūxū Be out of breath; breathless (v.)
例句: 才爬到山顶,他就已经气喘吁吁了。Example: He was already out of breath, by the time he arrived at the mountain top
30. 小心翼翼 xiǎoxīnyìyì Very cautiously (adv.)
例句: 她小心翼翼地把鸟蛋放回鸟巢。Example: She cautiously returned the eggs to their nests.
31. 天堂 tiāntáng Heaven (n.)
例句: 这三十亩山林成了鸟的天堂。Example: This thirty acre forest mountain became a heaven for the birds.
32. 捕杀 bǔshā Hunt; kill (v.)
例句: 人们不会捕杀鹭鸟。Example: People refrained from hunting the herons.
33. 遮天盖地 zhētiāngàidì To cover the sky and the ground (v.)
例句: 成千上万只鹭鸟飞舞而来,遮天盖地。Example: 10,000 herons flew and danced to cover the sky and the ground.
34. 考察 kǎochá Inspect; observe (v.)
例句: 日本有位著名的鸟类专家曾经来到这里考察。Example: A famous Japanese ornithologist once visited to observe the herons.
35. 奇迹 qíjì Miracle (n.)
例句: 这是一个奇迹。Example: This is a miracle.
36. 贡献 gòngxiàn Contribution (n.)
例句: 他感谢这家人为保护鸟、保护大自然所做的贡献。Example: He gave told the family how much he appreciated their contribution to protecting the environment and the herons..
37. 莫名其妙 mòmíngqímiào Bafflingly (adv.)
例句: 鹭鸟也莫名其妙地烦躁不安。Example: The herons became very anxious without reason.

 Discussion Questions:

1. 袁德山一家为保护鹭鸟做了哪些事情?请一一列出。

What did the family of Yun De Shan do in order to protect the herons? Please make a list.

2. 你觉得袁家为什么要为鹭鸟做这些事情呢?

Why did this family do such things for the herons?

3. 如果你是他们,你会怎么做?为什么?

If you were them, what would you do? Why?

4. 你曾经参加过某些保护动物的组织或活动吗?如果有,请跟大家分享你的经历。

Have you ever been involved with any kinds of animal protection organizations or events? If yes, please share your experiences.

5. 我们在日常生活中还可以怎样保护野生动物?

What else can we do in the daily life in order to protect the wild animals?


On October 22, 2002, an old lady nearly a century old passed away. Her relatives’ hearts were full of sorrow, but the herons in the sky were sadder still. More than 10,000 herons were supposed to fly south months ago, but instead they stayed circling the sky. One by one, they cried out in mourning. The herons were reluctant to leave and stayed perched on the roof all day and all night. Some adult herons flew to the old lady’s bed and sadly blinked their eyes. It was as if they were saying goodbye to the old lady.

Why would the death of a person make birds so sad? The following is a true story. At the bottom of Qinglin Mountain in the Hanzhong area of Sanxi province, near a great forest and a slowly moving mountain spring, lived the family of Yun De Shan.

On March 16, 1969, the daughter of the hunter Yun De Shan was born. Her name was Yun Xiu Feng. On the same day that she was born, a pair white herons fell into the family’s yard. Yun De Shan took out his hunting gun. His mother, Chen Shou Lian, forbid killing the birds. She said that birds also have lives and as long she was alive, nobody could touch one feather. The son heeded his mother’s words. From then on, the pair of herons nested in the tree in front of Yun De Shan’s house. A few young herons were born there.

In the beginning, the herons feared the Yun family. Later, they saw that the family treated them well and became more relaxed. In the fall they flew to the south. The following spring, twenty pairs of herons returned with them. Yun De Shan’s family treated all the herons with the same respect.

Three years passed and the mountain and its valley became the home of many herons. Yun De Shan’s family leased thirty acres of land and the herons nested everywhere. Yun Xiu Feng grew up with the herons. From the day she began working, the herons played with her in the yard. Even when she went to school, herons would often accompany her on the road, which earned her admiration from her friends and classmates.

Baby heron are born in the late spring. As they grow bigger, baby birds try to jump out of their nests. In order to prevent predators, like eagles, cats, and snakes, from hurting baby herons, all seven Yun family members take turns going to the mountain to protect the birds. If the birds fall out of their nests, they carefully put them back.

One year, when Chen Shou Lian was more than 70 years old, she heard the birds crying out in fear. She took her cane and climbed the mountain to take a look. She found two young people trying to steal the birds’ eggs. She ordered them to leave and returned the eggs to their nests.

Through the efforts of people dedicated to protecting herons, this thirty acre forest mountain became a heaven for the birds. When visitors passed through this bird mountain, they tried not to make a sound. Also, people refrained from hunting the herons.  After the first pair of herons landed in his yard, Yun De Shan did not touch a gun again. From 1987-1990, the number of birds reached 10,000. Whenever a visitor entered the forest, 10,000 herons flew and danced in the sky and on the ground. The land became the home of the herons.

A famous Japanese ornithologist once visited to observe the herons. Once in the forest, the scholar exclaimed, “Miracle, miracle!” He said he had never before seen such a large flock of herons. He wanted to write about the benefits of the methods the family utilized in protecting the birds. When he said goodbye, he gave told the family how much he appreciated their contribution to protecting the environment and the herons.

In August of 1992, the kind old lady Chen Shou Lian suddenly became sick. The herons became very anxious without reason. After the old lady passed away on October 22, Yun De Shan guessed that the herons would not come again. But, in the beginning of the summer 1993, the herons flew back according to their migratory patterns.


Save Water and Eat Less Beef





 课文选自中级汉语阅读教程, 35-36(北京语言大学出版社)


1.资源 zī yuán resource (n.)
例句: 全世界对水资源的需求比原来增加了两倍。

Example: The need for water resources around the world has doubled.

2.需求 xū qiú demand (n.)
例句: 由于人口的增长和农作物对水资源的大量需求。

Example: (This is) due to the increase in the world population and the resultant increase in agricultural demands on water.

3.加剧 jiā jù intrusion (n.)
例句: 污染的加剧是地球上的水资源更加的缺乏。

Example: The intrusion of pollution has led to a decrease in clean water.

4.缺乏 quē fá lack (n.)
例句: 污染的加剧是地球上的水资源更加的缺乏。

Example: The intrusion of pollution has led to a decrease in clean water.

5.面临 miàn lín to be faced with (v.)
例句: 人类正面临严重的水危机。

Example: Human beings are facing a serious water shortage crisis.

6.危机 wēi jī crisis (n.)
例句: 人类正面临严重的水危机。

Example: Human beings are facing a serious water shortage crisis.

7.遗憾 yí hàn shameful, regrettable (adj.)
例句: 遗憾的是,并不是所有的人都认识到这一点。

Example: It is shameful that not everybody recognizes this crisis.

8.灌溉 guàn gài irrigation (n.)
例句: 以美国为例,只有不到50%的水用于灌溉。

Example: In America, for example, almost fifty percent of the country’s clean water resources are used for irrigation.

9.饲料 sì liào  forage (n.)
例句: 其实牛喝的水并不多,绝大部分的水是用于生产喂牛的饲料。

Example: In fact cattle do not drink a lot, so most of the water involved in beef production goes towards watering the forages.

10.水稻 shuǐ dào paddy rice(n.)
例句: 在农作物中,水稻是最费水的。

Example: In agriculture, rice paddies consume the most water.


1. 人类为什么正面临严重的水危机?

Why are human beings facing a serious water shortage crisis?

2. 为什么应该少吃牛肉多吃鸡肉?

Why should people eat chicken instead of beef?

3. 作者建议稻谷与土豆选择哪个?

Which one does the author suggest that we should consume: rice or potatoes?

4. 你觉得在吃的方面,你可以做些什么事来帮助保护环境?

As for eating habits, what things can you do to help protecting environment?


 Conserving Water Resources and Eating Less Beef

 Due to the increase in the world population over the past twenty five years and the resultant increase in agricultural demands on water, the need for water has doubled.  In addition, climate change and pollution have led to a decrease in clean water sources. Human beings are facing a serious water shortage crisis.

It is shameful that not everybody recognizes this crisis. In many countries, people still don’t pay attention to conserving water. In America, for example, almost fifty percent of the country’s clean water resources are used for irrigation.  Other water is wasted. It is time for every country in the world to consider protecting and saving water resources.

In New York, an expert on water resources, Mr. Davis, wrote a paper positing that one could conserve water by consuming chicken instead of beef.  Mr. Davis concluded from his research that it takes 3500 liters of water to produce one kilogram of chicken. On the other hand, it takes 100,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of beef. Most of the water involved in beef production goes towards watering the grass that cows consume.

In agriculture, rice paddies consume the most water. It takes 1900 liters of water to irrigate one paddy. However, it only takes 500 liters of water to produce one kilogram of potatoes. A plate of beef and rice requires 25 times the water needed to produce a plate of chicken and tomatoes. Therefore, one method of conserving water resources is to eat less beef and more chicken.