New Faculty Get Oriented with Goizueta Business Library


New Goizueta faculty taking in the view from the balcony of the Stuart A. Rose Library. From left to right: Inyoung Chae (Marketing), Cassandra Estep (Accounting), Karl Schuhmacher (Accounting), Morgan Ward (Marketing), Vilma Todri (ISOM). Not pictured: Jesse Bockstedt (ISOM), Tian Heong Chan (ISOM), Rohan Ganduri (Finance), Demetrius Lewis (O&M).

Goizueta Business School welcomes nine new faculty members this academic year. In addition to learning about the Goizueta Business Library’s Faculty Toolkit, document delivery services, and course reserves, they also had a brief tour of the Stuart A. Rose Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Book Library. Formally known as MARBL, the Rose Library is named after the 1976 Goizueta graduate and avid rare book collector whose generous gift to the library made MARBL’s remarkable renovation possible.

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