SEPTEMBER 5 and 6: Power, academics, and others


Guests: representatives from


Nader, Laura

1972    Up the Anthropologist: Perspectives Gained from Studying Up. In Reinventing Anthropology. Dell Hymes, ed. Pp. 284–311. New York: Pantheon Books.

Smith, Linda Tuhiwai

            1999     Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. New York: St. Martin’s Press [Introduction].


Cunningham, Hillary 

  1. Colonial Encounters in Postcolonial Contexts Patenting Indigenous DNA and the Human Genome Diversity Project. Critique of Anthropology 18(2): 205-233.

Here is a note from our guests for next week:

We would like the students to prepare for the seminar by:

  1. Familiarizing themselves with the website
  2. Reading the Refuse Fascism Call to Action
  3. Reviewing the web page The Trump/Pence Regime:  INDICTED!
  4. Posting responses to the following questions based on reading the Call to Action, at this Google form link:
    1. What stood out about it to you?
    2. What do you agree or disagree with?
    3. What are you interested in learning more about?

Note: please respond to the above questions in this corresponding course discussion blog:

Class Discussions: Power, Academia, and others

Please post your thoughts and comments on the materials assigned for our first class meeting in the comments section below. Your comments could include reflections on how the assigned course materials bear on your own work. Please use the comments sections for your thoughts.