The text for this post has been quoted from Refuse Fascism’s social media circulations about the same events.
***2 SEPARATE EVENTS AND DATES 11/7 & 11/10 see info below***

November 7, 6:00 pm “No to erasure of transgender people”, protest event organized by Refuse Fascism, Atlanta chapter
Regardless of whether you voted…
No matter who wins
We Must Be In the Streets,
Beginning the Day After the Midterm Elections
Protest Wednesday, November 7 – the day after the midterms and
Protest Saturday, November 10
-Nov. 7: Protest, 6pm, CNN Center (Marietta St. and Centennial Olympic Park Dr.)
-Nov. 10: Rally/Speakout – 1pm – MLK Jr. National Historical Park in Peace Plaza (Auburn Ave. & Jackson St.)
This is not a “normal” election season.
11 people murdered in a synagogue while they worshipped, allegedly by a man with a terrifying record of unbridled antisemitism.
15 pipe bombs sent to former presidents, high ranking officials, media institutions, and others who have been repeatedly targeted by Trump.
Two Black people murdered, allegedly by a man who spewed racist epithets and had just been denied entry to an African-American church.
Through it all, Trump never backed off his hate-filled, fascist rhetoric on the campaign trail. Rather, he ramped it up.
Trump’s “Make America Great Again” is a 21st century fascist program of Manifest Destiny – “America First” – wrapped in the flag and Mike Pence’s Bible taken literally, with a program of white supremacy, misogyny, and xenophobia.
Stopping this rapidly escalating fascism cannot be done through the normal process of elections!
Millions of us are shocked and horrified by what is happening, but that only matters if we dare to act in a way that can stop this nightmare. Ultimately, this means millions in the streets day after day, refusing to stop until the whole regime has been removed.
On November 7th and November 10th, join a different kind of protest movement, one that refuses to get swept up in another election cycle that buys our silence and capitulation to fascism, and instead demonstrates our singular demand and determination that:
This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!