SEPTEMBER 5 and 6: Power, academics, and others


Guests: representatives from


Nader, Laura

1972    Up the Anthropologist: Perspectives Gained from Studying Up. In Reinventing Anthropology. Dell Hymes, ed. Pp. 284–311. New York: Pantheon Books.

Smith, Linda Tuhiwai

            1999     Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. New York: St. Martin’s Press [Introduction].


Cunningham, Hillary 

  1. Colonial Encounters in Postcolonial Contexts Patenting Indigenous DNA and the Human Genome Diversity Project. Critique of Anthropology 18(2): 205-233.

Here is a note from our guests for next week:

We would like the students to prepare for the seminar by:

  1. Familiarizing themselves with the website
  2. Reading the Refuse Fascism Call to Action
  3. Reviewing the web page The Trump/Pence Regime:  INDICTED!
  4. Posting responses to the following questions based on reading the Call to Action, at this Google form link:
    1. What stood out about it to you?
    2. What do you agree or disagree with?
    3. What are you interested in learning more about?

Note: please respond to the above questions in this corresponding course discussion blog: