Contact Us

IMG_9536Visiting in Person?

We are located in the O. Wayne Rollins Research Center at 1510 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30322. From the intersection of Clifton and Houston Mill, turn onto Houston Mill and head down the hill. Take your first left and pass the staff entrance to the Michael Street Parking Garage. Enter the parking garage visitors’ entrance. When you exit the garage on the ground floor, look for a long ramp up to a double glass door. Enter that door and head to the front of the building. Nicole’s office (1111 O Wayne Rollins) and the rest of the lab are down the corridors to your right.

Note, there are several buildings in the area and across campus named after the Rollins Family. You want the O Wayne Rollins Research Center.

Mailing Address

  • Emory University Department of Biology
    [NAME of person you are sending the package to]
    Mailstop: 1940-001-1AC  (this is only needed for US postal service mail)
    1510 Clifton Rd. NE, Suite# 2006
    Atlanta, GA 30322


  • Nicole Gerardo (PI):   ngerard [at] emory [dot] edu
  • Zoe Zimmerman (Lab Tech):   zoe [dot] hill [dot] zimmerman [at] emory [dot] edu