Baroque Art and Digital Humanities Post 1
Baroque Art and Digital Humanities Post 1

Baroque Art and Digital Humanities Post 1

  1. I understand Baroque art as art made in a specific time period (17th Century) rather than just art made in Europe during that time. One of the most notable Baroque works I know of is Las Meninas by Diego Velazquez, made in 1656. I think what is fascinating about the piece is that contains so many elements in the work: the daughter, the person in the background, the painting of the daughter’s parents, and servants, and obviously the painter himself. Trying to better understand how all of these elements work together is interesting and for me represents partly the drama that is often evident in Baroque art.
  2. The Digital Humanities refers to a field of academic work in which digital resources are used to better understand the humanities. For example, looking up paintings on Smarthistory to better understand their history, background, and significance today is one use of the digital humanities. For AP Art History, Smarthistory was very helpful when reviewing specific works before exams and also when trying to better understand how specific works related to general themes during a specific period. The digital humanities has allowed far more people to access literary and artistic works and has allowed their to be greater cross-cultural exchange of literary and artistic ideas, allowing art and it’s use to become more democratized.

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