Discussion Post Week 4
Discussion Post Week 4

Discussion Post Week 4

Some of the digital resources that we have reviewed have been very exciting to me, such as the 3D mapping project of Rome. However, a project like this would take too long to create within this semester. In the past, I have created virtual exhibitions using Art Steps, which may be a way of incorporating information in a 3-dimensional virtual space. However, I felt like Art Steps had a lot of limitations that I wasn’t entirely a fan of. I feel like if I had more coding experience, I could create something more interactive, but I do not have that kind of knowledge. I personally enjoy visual forms of learning, so I think that perhaps a video or a blog. As I’ve noted in prior discussion posts, I think multimodal communication is important, so I want to be able to incorporate multiple senses into my product to capture a viewer’s attention.

As for the topic of my project, I am not entirely sure what direction I want to go into. One possible idea that I had was just breaking down one particular work of art in depth. Start with a visual analysis, but incorporate some historical research to talk about details, such as types of clothing or objects in the background. Rather than an analytical essay breaking down the work, I could create a visual essay. Another idea that I had relates to our readings about the paper museum. Where they were trying to catalogue all the flora and fauna or ancient objects in Rome, perhaps creating a paper museum of objects from my life could be an interesting idea. I am not sure necessarily if it would be related enough to the Baroque period, but a self-exploration of myself through a catalogue of my things could be interesting. Perhaps, the written essay for the class blog could be centered around discussion of the paper museums, and my personal paper museum could serve as a present day example. It might need more fleshing out, but it could be a possible idea to connect Baroque ideas with modern contexts.

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