2013 Speech Contest/2013年のスピーチコンテスト

On March 30 Georgia’s Annual Japanese Speech Contest was held, where several Emory students participated.  The following students participated:

Speech Division: Calvin Tong, Alex Ankar, Jonguk Lim
Recitation Division: Alexa VanDemark, Shumei Zhang, Yue Cheng
Open Division: Nie Jiayi, Sun Shine

Everyone gave wonderful speeches and several students received awards. For the Recitation Division, Yue Chang received the first place award, and Alexa VanDemark received the third place award. For the Open Division, Nie Jiayi received the second place award, and Sun Shine received the third place award.

Thank you to all those who participated and also to those who made the event possible.

Here are some pictures from the event:

2013 New Year’s Cards/2013年の年賀状

Hello everyone,

I know this is very late but thank you everyone for sending the wonderful New Year’s cards, or nengajo.  Emory students, with the nengajo they sent, won first, second, and third place for the GATJ 2013 Nengajo Contest. Congratulations!

Here are some of the cards students made and the results of the GATJ 2013 Nengajo Contest:

  • First Place – Katina Warsham

  • Second Place – Linda Yi Lin

  • Third Place – Jasmine Hensley

Here are all of the nengajou sent by Emory students:

Welcome to the Emory University Japanese Language Program Website


Welcome to our site to share students’ work from the first to the fourth year Japanese language! The purpose of this site is to give you some ideas of what our students do in class and to create opportunities to share work by our students. Our program offers Elementary Japanese I and II (first year), Intermediate Japanese I, II (second year), Advanced Language and Composition (third year), and Advanced Language and Cultural Studies I to IV (fourth and fifth year). We have about 150 students enrolled in total for 2013-2014. Please click the classes which you are interested in and tell us what you think.

エモリー大学の日本語履修学生による作品集へようこそ!この作品集を通し、皆様に 学生が授業で何をやっているのかをご覧になっていただく機会を作れたらと思います。私達のプログラムでは、初級日本語、中級日本語、上級日本語読み書きのコース、上級日本語文化研究の授業を履修できます。2013年度は、1年生から4年生まで合わせると約150名の学生が日本語を学んでいます。上の1年生/2年生/3年生/4年生をクリックすると、学生の作品が見られます。よかったらどうぞ感想を残してください。