Students in JPN401 organized a haiku workshop for the students in JPN201 and JPN301!
In JPN401, they learned about Haiku in the textbook and also from Dr. Crowley. They also created their own haiku and shared their work in class.
Here is one haiku created by Jun Son from JPN401.

The spring wind
Blowing away the worries
Pristine state of mind
The spring wind entails the coming of a new season. When embracing the wind, one feels as if it carries away any fear or trepidation, ultimately revitalizing your mental state. The metaphorical comparison between the wind’s blow and one’s worries blown away, and between the new state of mind and the arrival of the new season, is highlighted in this haiku.

At the workshop, they demonstrate their knowledge including the history of haiku, famous poet and rules of creating Haiku. And the participants created their own haiku with the assistance of the students from JPN401. Even though they were given such a short time, all participants were able to create their first haiku or senryu with the great assistance of advanced students.
Here is one haiku which a participant, Jinhee Park from JPN201 created.

She explains about her Haiku, “I tried to express my feeling about the guy that I loved. I used the seasonal world 秋(Aki, autumn) and 月見 (Tsukimi, moon viewing) to represent loneliness in autumn.
Whenever I see the moon, I believe he also sees the same moon somewhere in the world.”
In the end of the workshop, each group chose the best haiku which the participants made and finally Pudi Wang’s Senryu which made everyone laugh was chosen to be the best work of the day. His Senryu was “花粉症 風が吹いたら 泣きたいよ”, which means Seasonal Allergy, when the wind Blows, I want to cry.”
Congratulation Pudi! And Congratulation students in JPN401 for such a success!!

Here is a Kansoobun, feedback report by the MC of the day, Yong Jun Kim. (It’s in Japanese.)