Christopher Reenock, Jeffrey K. Staton, Jordan Holsinger, with Staffan Lindberg. Can Courts be Bulwarks of Democracy? Judges and the Politics of Prudence. Forthcoming. Cambridge University Press.
Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, Staffan I. Lindberg, Daniel Pemstein, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Brigitte Seim, and Jan Teorell, with David Altman, Michael Bernhard, Fernando Bizzarro Neto, Steven Fish, Adam Glynn, Allen Hicken, Carl-Henrik Knutsen, Kelly McMann, Matthew Maguire, Kyle Marquardt, Valeriya Meckkova, Pamela Paxton, Josefine Pernes, Rachel Sigman, Jeffrey Staton, Natalia Stepanova, Eitan Tzelgov, and Yi-ting Wang. 2020. Varieties of Democracy: Measuring a Century of Political Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2010. Judicial Power and Strategic Communication in Mexico. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Honorable Mention, 2011 C. Herman Pritchett Award, Law and Courts Section, APSA)
Carlin, Ryan E., Mariana Castrellón, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra, and Jeffrey K. Staton. “Public Reactions to Non-Compliance with Judicial Orders.” Forthcoming. American Political Science Review.
Arrington, Nancy, Leeann Bass, Adam Glynn, Jeffrey K. Staton, Brian Delgado, and Staffan Lindberg. Constitutional Reform and the Gender Diversification of Peak Courts. American Political Science Review, 1-18. DOI:10.1017/S0003055421000071
Staton, Jeffrey K. and Alexia Romero. Forthcoming. 2019. “Rational Remedies: The Role of Opinion Clarity in the Inter-American Human Rights System.” International Studies Quarterly. 63 (3): 477-491.
Clark, Tom S., Benjamin Engst, and Jeffrey K. Staton. Forthcoming. “Estimating the Effect of Leisure on Judicial Performance.” Journal of Legal Studies.
Clark, Tom S., Jeffrey K. Staton, Eugene Agichtein, and Yu Wang. 2018. “Using Twitter to Study Public Discourse in the Wake of Judicial Decisions: Public Reactions to the Supreme Court’s Same-Sex Marriage Cases.” Journal of Law and Courts. 6(1): 93-126.
Gauri, Varun, Jeffrey K. Staton, and Jorge Vargas Cullell. 2015. “The Costa Rican Supreme Court’s Compliance Monitoring System.” Journal of Politics. 77 (3): 774-786.
Clark, Tom S. and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2015. “An Informational Model of Constituitonal Jurisdiction” (formerly, “Optimal Dockets”). Journal of Politics. 77 (3): 589-607
Linzer, Drew and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2015. “A Global Measure of Judicial Independence, 1948-2012” (formerly, “A Measurement Model for Synthesizing Multiple Comparative Indicators: The Case of Judicial Independence”). Journal of Law and Courts. 3 (2): 223-256.
Ríos-Figueroa, Julio and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2014. “An Evaluation of Cross-National Measures of Judicial Independence.” 30(1): 104-137. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization.
Reenock, Christoper, Jeffrey K. Staton, and Marius Radean. 2013. “Legal Institutions and Democratic Survival. Journal of Politics 95 (2): 491-505.
Lindstädt, Rene and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2012. “Managing Expectations.” Journal of Theoretical Politics. 24 (2): 274-302.
Staton, Jeffrey. 2012. “Rule of Law Concepts and Rule of Law Models.” The Justice System Journal. 33: 235-241.
Coppedge, Michael and John Gerring, with David Altman, Michael Bernard, Steven Fish, Allen Hicken, Matthew Kroenig, Staffan I. Lindberg, Kelly McMann, Pamela Paxton, Holli A. Semetko, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jeffrey K. Staton, and Jan Teorell. 2011. “Conceptualizng and Measuring Democracy: A New Approach. Perspectives on Politics 9(2): 247-267.
Staton, Jeffrey K. and Will H. Moore. 2011. “Judicial Power in Domestic and International Politics.” International Organization 65: 553-587.
Staton, Jeffrey K. and Christopher Reenock. 2010. “Substitutable Protections: Socioeconomic Insulation and Credible Commitment Devices.” Political Research Quarterly.63 (1): 115-128.
Powell, Emilia J. and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2009. “Domestic Judicial Institutions and Human Rights Treaty Violation.” International Studies Quarterly 53: 149-174.
Staton, Jeffrey K. and Georg Vanberg. 2008. “The Value of Vagueness: Delegation, Defiance, and Judicial Opinions.” American Journal of Political Science 58 (3): 504-519.
Staton, Jeffrey K., Robert A. Jackson and Damarys Canache. 2007. “Dual Nationality Among Latinos: What Are the Implications for Political-Connectedness?” Journal of Politics 69 (2): 470-482.
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2006. “Constitutional Review and the Selective Promotion of Case Results.” American Journal of Political Science 50 (January): 98-112.
Meinke, Scott, Jeffrey K. Staton and Steve Wuhs. 2006. “State Delegate Selection Rules for Presidential Nominations, 1972-2000.” Journal of Politics 68 (February): 180-193.
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2004. “Judicial Policy Implementation in Mexico City and Mérida.” Comparative Politics 37 (October): 41-60.
Other Publications
Helmke, Gretchen and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2010. “The Puzzle of Judicial Politics in Latin America: A Theory of Litigation, Judicial Decisions, and Inter-branch Conflict.” In Courts in Latin America, Gretchen Helmke and Julio Ríos-Figueroa, Eds. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2007. “Lobbying for Judicial Reform: The Role of the Mexican Supreme Court in Institutional Selection.” In Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico, Eds. Wayne Cornelius and David A. Shirk. South Bend: Notre Dame University Press.
Spanish Version: “Cabildeo por una reforma judicial: el papel de la Suprema Corte de Justicia mexicana en la selección institucional.” Arturo Alvarado, Ed. La Reforma de Justia en México. México: El Colegio de México.
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2017. “Judicial Independence Research Beyond the Crossroads.” Handbook of Judicial Behavior. Randazzo, Kirk and Robert Howard, eds. Routledge. Forthcoming.
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2015. “Improving Graduate Education through the Undergraduate Curriculum.” Comparative Politics Newsletter, Fall 2015.
Clark, Tom S. and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2011. “Challenges and Opportunities of Judicial Independence Research.” Law & Courts Newsletter. 21 (2): 10-16.
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2010. “A Comment on ‘The Rule of Law Unplugged.’” Emory Law Journal. 59(6): 1495-1513.
Ríos-Figueroa, Julio and Jeffrey K. Staton. 2009. “Summary: Unpacking the Rule of Law.” Comparative Politics Newsletter 20 (1).
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2009. “Shaping the Field? The Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics.” Law & Courts Newsletter. 19 (1): 19-22.
Staton, Jeffrey K. 2008. “Formal Theory in Comparative Judicial Politics.” Law & Courts Newsletter. 18 (3): 10-15.
In Proceedings
Wang, Yu, Tom Clark, Jeffrey Staton and Eugene Agichtein. 2014. “Towards Tracking Political Sentiment through Microblog Data,” Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media, p. 88-93, Association for Computational Linguistics.