This week we dug deeper in the definitions of Latinas / Latinos and Religion that we began drafting last week. On Monday, in the Pew Research Center report we read about Latinx shifting religious identities from a Catholic block to Protestant religions, especially Evangelical and Pentecostal, as well as lapsed professions of religion. This image, our icon for this week, which represents seven orishas from Afrocuban iconography, speaks volumes about that.

We then discussed Pineda’s take on Feminist Foremothers, and discussed the importance of learning about for the first time, or remembering differently, women who have been either manipulated or forgotten by historical accounts of latinidad. On Wednesday, we learned or reviewed with Michelle González a handful of critical concepts developed to understand the humanity of Latinas (what a concept, we are people!) and religion: the covery / discovery of the Americas; colonialism and coloniality; the importance of history (with Pineda); how Latinas occupy different subject position and identities; nepantla or the third space, and others.
Tell us which one (or ones) of these premises, arguments, or concepts have helped you initiate a path to study Latinas and Religion this semester. This is not intended for you to have to commit ONLY to that premise, argument, or concept, but to touch base with your own memory and see what is sticking for now. You can change this later.
Please, post your blog entry by Sunday at 8pm at the latest.