ServiceNow Announces New Self-Service Page

Screen image of new web page
Screen image of new web page
Screenshot of the more user-friendly ServiceNow page.

We are happy to announce the launch of the new ServiceNow Self-Service page. The new page is dramatically more user friendly and provides a seamless transition with other Emory branded websites.

Our hope is that users who open tickets via the email listserv system, and end up missing much of the information provided by ServiceNow, will be more comfortable with the new page. Please encourage your users to use the new page and obtain the full benefit of ServiceNow functionality.

True end users (users without any ServiceNow roles) will automatically land on this new page when logging in. ITIL users will continue to be directed to the fully-functional ServiceNow application, however there is a link under Self-Service called “ESS Homepage” which will open the new page for those who prefer using it for end-user functionality.

As we continue to improve our processes, please send any feedback regarding this new site to smcc [at] emory [dot] edu.

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