Rose Library Statement of Solidarity

The words Black Lives Matter over an image of people protestingThe Rose Library stands with our community, our campus, and our nation in mourning the violent loss of the lives of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, and so many others.   

Following the inspirational vision of our African American Studies department, we collect the records of Black Lives. Black Lives Matter. Black Lives have always mattered. Black Lives will always matter.   

To every activist-archivist now in the streets, please be safe. Your activism, and your willingness to document current events, and hold our unjust systems accountable, is a courageous act.  

Those of us who collect the present shape the past.  That is an enormous honor and an enormous responsibility.  We invite all of you to hold us accountable for our decisions and our actions as we do this work.