Welcome to our Class!

Don Seeman

This is our blog site. Whenever you post, I would encourage you to include a title of some kind and your name for easy identification.

As discussed in class, these blogs should relate to all the readings of a given week, though preference may be given to what you find most interesting or most in need of explanation. You may briefly summarize the point of given readings if you think that will be helpful, but this is not a book report, and we will assume everyone has done the reading for themselves. Rather, this is a place to explore ideas. You might for example choose to discuss the methodology of a book, its intended audience and purpose and why you do or do not think it succeeded in doing what it tried to do. You might ask questions about something that was unclear to you from the argument. Or you might decide to develop your own ideas in conversation with the readings and authors of the week. Also feel free to mention previous authors for comparison or for help in making your argument.

There is no expectation that these blogs will relate to readings outside the course requirements. We’d rather you focused closely on the readings we assigned.

Please try to use full sentences rather than just bullet points and to make a persuasive argument that might prompt our classroom conversation. Beyond that, we are open to different styles of presentation: iambic pentameter, epic poem, theological treatise or ethnographic report. Different students will have different styles and this is one of your opportunities to develop you own.

For practice, I am going to ask everyone who reads this to post a very brief response just to show you can navigate the technology. See you all in class!

best wishes,

Don Seeman