Reading Journal 9- Emily Zhang

18.3 glance at genre: Genre, audience, purpose, organization – writing guide with Handbook. OpenStax. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2022, from  Adams, K. (2021, May 7). How to structure a blog post. The Writer’s Cookbook. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from 

Reading Journal 8- Emily Zhang

My midterm essay was on Audre Lorde’s Poetry is Not a Luxury and how she used metaphor, metonymy, and other techniques to express her message that poetry is essential for women to realize the true power of their womanhood.  Strengths: I did end up really liking the different elements of Lorde’s writing that I chose… Continue reading Reading Journal 8- Emily Zhang

Reading Journal 7- Emily Zhang

Had this been my freshman year of college, doing anything for myself would’ve been out of the question. Doing something as useless as painting my nails would’ve been a heinous waste of time. However, while my freshman year was undoubtedly my most productive year, it was also my unhappiest. In complete contrast, my current junior… Continue reading Reading Journal 7- Emily Zhang

Reading Journal 6

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My definition of metaphor would be the use of an item or object to symbolize an idea or deeper meaning. I think metaphors are useful in writing by adding complexity of meaning beyond the literal text- it allows for description or contemplation of concepts that are perhaps complex or abstract or subjective enough such that… Continue reading Reading Journal 6

Journal 4- Emily Zhang

Article from The New York Times: “How U.S. Textbooks Helped Instill White Supremacy”  As we examine article headlines, to me it seems that the author’s language, rhetorical strategies, etc. can be effective by leaving a subconscious impression on the reader. An article’s title may play an important role in subtly tinting the lens through which… Continue reading Journal 4- Emily Zhang

Journal 3- Emily Zhang

In Small Beauty, the way that the author wrote Mei’s perspective and inner thought process when she was alone did allow me to actually feel in her head to some degree. This was often the result of how the writing seemed to reflect or integrate a more natural stream-of-consciousness narrative style in portraying Mei’s inner… Continue reading Journal 3- Emily Zhang

Journal Entry 2- Emily Zhang

From José Esteban Muñoz’s Disidentifications: Identification, then, as Sedgwick explains, is never a simple project. Identifying with an object, person, lifestyle, history, political ideology, religious orientation, and so on, means also simultaneously and partially counteridentifying, as well as only partially identifying with different aspects of the social and psychic world.  Although the various processes of… Continue reading Journal Entry 2- Emily Zhang

Emily Zhang

Hello! I’m Emily, I’m a junior majoring in NBB. I’m from Denver, Colorado, and I love food and cats and I have a TikTok addiction. My relationship to reading and writing is not fantastic, and my experiences and skills are limited to those from required English classes since middle school. I’m not sure what my… Continue reading Emily Zhang