Reading Journal 9 – Gabrielle Stearns

  1. My form is a powerpoint with video. The word I have chosen is “body” which I think of as very physical and visual. I want to use videos of me moving and dancing to illustrate the findings from my research.
  2. My audience is non-dancers. Text does not feel sufficient to discuss the body because of my own experience as a dancer, but I know that dance and movement will not be sufficient to a non-dancer, so I will combine both. My goal is to have the movement and text inform each other and feel related, even to people who are not used to examining dance in an academic context.
  3. Instead of thinking in terms of generic conventions, I have been thinking in terms of dance/movement styles. I want to include pedestrian movements, which are movements done by everyday people in everyday life, including walking, running, gesticulating, etc. I am considering using vogue and drawing from our discussions of Paris is Burning. I am undecided if I will use music. In dance studies, music adds to the production value of a performance, but it is generally taught that dance should be able to speak for itself and convey meaning without the help of music or lyrics. I will likely make this decision when I am in the studio filming the dance videos.

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