October is Fire Safety Month

Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher?

If a fire is in the beginning stages, then you may be able to put it out by using a nearby fire extinguisher. First, pull the fire alarm, locate the nearest fire extinguisher, and position yourself approximately 6 feet away from the fire, keeping your back towards the nearest exit. Have a clear route of escape in case the fire starts to spread. When you are ready to discharge the fire extinguisher, remember P.A.S.S. (see image). After discharging the fire extinguisher, notify Fire Life Safety at 404-727-7378 to receive a replacement. Only trained personnel should use a fire extinguisher. To schedule hands-on fire extinguisher training for your lab, contact the Emory Fire Safety Division at (404)-727-0987.

Is a fire extinguisher mounted in the lab?

OSHA requires that fire extinguishers receive two types of inspections to ensure that they work when activated:

  • Monthly visual inspection: The responsibility of the individuals in the work area.
  • Annual certification inspection: Conducted by an Emory-approved contractor.

How do I conduct a monthly inspection?

  • Location– Is the fire extinguisher mounted on the wall? Is the fire extinguisher unobstructed?
  • Condition– Is the pin in place and is the gauge needle in the green?

If answers are “yes,” initial and date the back of the inspection card following each check. If answers are “no,” contact Fire Life Safety at 404-727-7378 for a replacement.

Are evacuation routes posted & current/correct? Building evacuation routes are posted near the stairwells and elevators of each research building. If you do not notice evacuation routes posted in your building, contact Fire Life Safety at 404-727-7378.


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