RGC Exemption Request Form and Process Changes

Exemption Request Form 

As a reminder, all awards must be reconciled to the general ledger, and billing and financial reporting must be based on posted GL activity. Projections cannot be included in financial reports (FSRs) or invoices. We understand that there may be an initial need for a small number of exceptions. We have created an exception process, which can be used in rare circumstances where there are outstanding items that have not been posted to the GL, and that must be included on the invoice or FSR. The form requires full completion, including all signatures, before submission and will be reviewed based on the information provided. The form is attached, and you are encouraged to use this effective immediately. However, it will be required starting February 1st for all FSR’s and invoices that include projections. Requests must be only for true exceptions and therefore be kept at a minimum.   

Award Close Out Process Changes 


Currently, financial reports are initiated by RAS or the appropriate departmental representative and reviewed and submitted by Research Grants and Contracts (RGC). Reports and invoices often included projections and there is a backlog of awards requiring proper close out and/or reporting. As previously communicated, effective October 3rd, financial reports and invoices must be based on general ledger activity. 

What changed? 

Consistent with previous communications, awards expiring on or after December 1st, 2022, will be closed by a new Award Close Out team within RGC. They will also be responsible for the final financial reporting for all awards. All awards that have expired through November 30th, 2022, will continue to be closed by Research Administration Services (RAS), and final financial reports for those will be prepared by RAS and reviewed/submitted by RGC-Ops.  

How does it affect you? 

Regardless of the award expiration date, all awards are expected to be reconciled by RAS or the appropriate departmental representative. Reconciliations are due bi-monthly with a full final reconciliation on a timely basis and based upon submission deadlines previously provided. Financial reports and cost reimbursable invoices must be based on general ledger expenditures. In addition, for awards ending on or before November 30th, 2022, the final financial reports are prepared by the respective RAS or departmental representative and submitted to RGC Operations for review and submission. This will continue until all related awards have been properly closed, and final financial reports and invoices have been submitted.  

For any award expiring on or after December 1st, 2022, the RGC Close Out team will prepare and submit all final financial reports. RAS and departmental representatives remain responsible for the award reconciliations.   

Important related policies 



If you have any questions, regarding the process or form, please contact Edwin Bemmel at ebemmel@emory.edu.