Tag: RGC
Emory’s Award Closeout Plan and Roadmap
Author: Patrick Amihere, Associate Director of Closeout, RGC In recent years, our institution has had significant challenges to ensure proper, timely, and effective award closeouts for all sponsored awards, therefore, it is not a surprise that the immediate improvement of an effective award closeout business process is the university’s No. 1 priority. These improvements also…
RGC Policies Summary
Author: Dr. Edwin Bemmel, AVP, RGC We are excited to share that our policies have been released into Policy Manager. These policies were created with feedback from our stakeholders and are based on the Uniform Guidance and standard grants management practices. While most are new, several are revisions of existing policies. Here is a listing of…
Sponsored Research: The Importance of Obtaining Approvals Before Starting Work
Authors: Holly Sommers, Associate VP, Office of Sponsored Programs & Edwin Bemmel, Associate VP, Research Grants & Contracts All sponsored research is subject to specific regulations and requirements and must be administered through the designated offices. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) verifies these requirements before approving an award or assigning a Provisional Award Number…
FY23 RGC Post-Award Activity Highlights
Author: Edwin Bemmel, AVP, RGC The Office of Research Grants and Contracts provides financial post award administration support for all sponsored projects at Emory University. During FY23, post award activities have been a priority for the Office of Research Administration and RGC. Our primary focus has been on award closeout processes and activities. Our goal…
The Life of an Award @ Emory University
At Emory University, the development, submission, and management of an award, from concept to closeout, is a shared responsibility across many units and individuals. These include, but are not limited to, the Principal Investigator, Office of Sponsored Programs, Research Grants & Contracts, and Research Administration Services. Awards begin as concepts, concepts that are developed and…
RGC Exemption Request Form and Process Changes
Exemption Request Form As a reminder, all awards must be reconciled to the general ledger, and billing and financial reporting must be based on posted GL activity. Projections cannot be included in financial reports (FSRs) or invoices. We understand that there may be an initial need for a small number of exceptions. We have created an…
NIH Closeout Procedures (From the PI Perspective)
Now that you are nearing the end of your NIH project do you know how to properly close out the award? When you accept an NIH grant you are agreeing to the terms and conditions included in your Notice of Award. The terms include the NIH policy requiring submission of three types of final reports…
Award Closeout Announcement
Dear Principal Investigators, Chief Business Officers, research and finance team members, and award administrators, We are writing to remind you of significant changes made to the close out process and related final invoicing and financial reporting requirements of sponsored awards. The changes affect all sponsored awards, Principal Investigators, award administrators, Chief Business Officers, research and…
Message from VPRA: Dr. Robert Nobles (August 2022)
Greetings and welcome to a new academic year! The summer months always seem to fly by quickly; and I am hopeful everyone had an opportunity to travel, connect with friends and family, and recharge for another amazing year at Emory. The ORA FY22 academic year concluded with some truly remarkable advances. Over the past year…
Reminder of Sponsored Award Closeout Policies
As we approach the end of another fiscal year the Office of Research: Grants and Contracts (RGC) wanted to remind the research community of our sponsored award closeout timeline. Our office has seen an increase in the number of projected and unreconciled awards being submitted for final invoicing/financial reporting. In keeping with 45 CFR 75.381…