New eNOA Distribution Process

Authors: Edwin Bemmel, AVP, (RGC) & Jumionne Tiako, Director, Post-Award Setup/Close, (RGC)

We are thrilled to announce improvements to the distribution of our electronic Notice of Award (eNOA) designed to enhance transparency, streamline processes, and provide faster, greater efficiency for our faculty.

What’s New

As of August 15, 2024, eNOAs are now sent directly to faculty via email, with award documents attached. Unit research administrators continue to receive these as usual to ensure seamless support. This improvement eliminates the need to log into OnBase to retrieve the eNOAs, streamlining access to eNOAs and award documentation.

Previously, research administrators manually forwarded eNOAs to all PIs listed on an award. With this new process, all PIs and their administrators automatically receive eNOAs at the same time, ensuring timely and accurate notifications.

Key Process Details

  • Email Source: eNOAs are delivered to the PIs identified on each award rather than that school’s department, ensuring notifications are specific to their awards rather than being tied to departmental distribution lists.
  • Attachments: The email includes an attached eNOA and award document and the eNOA specifies the type of action being taken (e.g., new, continuation/supplement, modification).
  • Phased Implementation:
    • Phase I (August 15): Initial roll-out included sending eNOAs to the award’s PI along with the attached award documents in the email.
    • Phase II (October 22): Expanded to ensure all PIs associated with an award receive eNOA notifications simultaneously.

Benefits of the New Process

  • Faster delivery and improved accessibility to award notifications.
  • Streamlined communication by eliminating the need to log into OnBase or manually forward eNOAs.
  • Improved targeting of the audience, ensuring all PIs and administrators receive notifications relevant to their awards.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and collaboration as we implemented these changes. Together, these enhancements foster a smoother process, benefiting faculty and their research endeavors.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact Jumionne Tiako via email at  or by phone at 404-727-1806.