Category Archives: EHSO

Environmental Health & Safety Office

Lab Safety Spotlight

After the Research Safety team conducted laboratory inspections during the month of March, our team has selected one lab to be recognized. EHSO would like to recognize the Ahmed Lab for the March Lab Safety Spotlight. Congratulations to the members of Dr. Rafi Ahmed’s research group for embracing a culture of safety. Keep up the […]

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Report all work-related injury, illness or exposure – Have you accessed HOME?

Employees who are injured on the job must promptly notify their supervisor and report to Occupational Injury Management according to Emory University Policy 4.93 Workplace Health and Safety. Emory launched the Health and Occupational Management at Emory (HOME) in January of 2019. HOME is a web-based tool/portal that will be used by Emory University and […]

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Do You Have a Volunteer or Minor Coming to Participate in Research Activities?

A volunteer is an individual who is not affiliated with Emory (non-Emory Student or non-Emory Personnel) – see Emory University Policy 4.83 A minor is any person who has not attained 18 years of age and who is not enrolled in an Emory University or Oxford College regular catalog course or degree program – see Emory University Policy 7.21 All volunteers […]

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The 3 C’s of Chemical Waste Management

April is Environmental Month. The EHSO Environmental Compliance Group assists Emory University investigators in complying with applicable United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) regulations. These regulations were developed to protect our natural resources.  EHSO provides guidance on chemical waste disposal to ensure that our natural resources are protected, and that Emory maintains regulatory compliance.  […]

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March is Ladder Safety Month – Be a Ladder Safety Pro!

Most people have used a ladder before, either at home or at work – So, what’s the big deal?  It’s just a ladder!  While ladders are inexpensive and useful ways to access elevated areas, they can also be very dangerous or even fatal, if used improperly. Source: Emory University has a Ladder Safety Program […]

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The Emory EHSO Research Safety Team Welcomes Two Members

Meet our new building liaisons! Amos Kennedy Amos Kennedy will be the new building liaison for the following buildings: Whitehead and Wesley Woods. Amos received a B.S. in Physics in 2002 from Indiana University and an M.S. in Physics in 2005 from “The One and Only” Emory University. After finishing school and earning his graduate […]

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Georgia DNR Inspection – 3/11/19-3/13/19

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources will be conducting their inspection of the Emory University broad scope radioactive materials license GA 153-1 on March 11-13, 2019. Facilities and research laboratories that use radioactive materials may be inspected. Inspectors will be accompanied at all times by an EHSO staff member. Please contact EHSO if you have […]

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How to Register an IAQ Complaint

If you notice an odd or strange odor in your work area, please follow these steps: Notify your supervisor of the odor. Collect the following information about the odor: a. Identify the odor b. The time the odor occurred c. Whether the odor occurs regularly or randomly d. The duration of the odor e. The […]

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EHSO Website Updates

The Emory University Biosafety Manual has been updated ( This document is critical to the Emory University Biosafety Program. The manual was established to provide guidance in accomplishing the following goals: Protect personnel from exposure to infectious agents; Prevent environmental contamination; Provide an environment for high quality research while maintaining a safe work place, and; […]

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Lab Safety Spotlight

After the Research Safety team conducted laboratory inspections during the month of February, our team has selected one lab to be recognized.  EHSO would like to recognize the Ray Lab for the February Lab Safety Spotlight. Congratulations to the members of Dr. Susan Ray’s research group for embracing a culture of safety. Keep up the […]

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