Category Archives: EHSO

Environmental Health & Safety Office

Eye and Face Protection

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, each day 2,000 U.S. workers experience a job-related eye injury that requires medical treatment. One third of the injuries are treated in hospital emergency departments. Healthcare and laboratory workers are at risk of eye exposures to chemicals and infectious materials. This can occur through direct […]

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Prepare your Laboratory for the Holidays

Just a reminder that the holidays are quickly approaching.   Please keep in mind that due to the Winter Recess Emory University will be closed the last week of December. The University will be closed from Friday, December 24th through Monday, January 3rd.  Remember to contact your facility manager(s) to determine what services will be available and to determine if special access may […]

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Healthy Habits to Help Protect Against Flu

The single best way to reduce the risk of seasonal flu and its potentially serious complications is to get vaccinated each year. This year Emory University has required that all faculty, staff and students receive a flu shot and complete the Attestation Form by October 29, 2021. In addition to the flu shot, healthy habits like staying home when you are sick, avoiding close contact with others, and washing your hands often […]

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Prepare for the Holidays – Facility Services and Access

Just a reminder that the holidays are fast approaching.   Please keep in mind that due to the Winter Recess Emory University will be closed the last week of December. The University will be closed from Friday, December 24th through Monday, January 3rd. Remember to contact your facility manager(s) to determine what services will be available and/or special access may be needed during the holiday campus closure.   For more information about Emory University’s Holidays and Holidays Policy, […]

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Outcome of FY2021 Research Safety Laboratory Assessments

During fiscal year 2021, the EHSO Research Safety team conducted assessments of research spaces to help ensure a safe work environment, to identify and correct laboratory hazards and to assist with regulatory compliance. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a modified assessment was performed in research and core facility laboratories following COVID-19 safety recommendations. The checklist of items reviewed was communicated to researchers in the Special Edition Lab […]

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Update to Emory University’s IBC Policies and Procedures

The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) updated the Policies and Procedures of the Emory University Institutional Biosafety Committee. The current version is on the EHSO website under Forms/Documents. This document outlines the responsibilities of the Emory University Institutional Biosafety Committee in accordance with NIH Guidelines, which includes the review of research that involves recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids.  A highlight of the changes includes updates to:  Appendix 1 Guidelines […]

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Hearing Safety in the Workplace

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 30 million workers are exposed to hazardous noise every day, ranging from sounds of a power lawnmower to shots fired from a shotgun. This noise can cause severe damage to the ear and produce permanent hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is the number one […]

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Fire Safety

LOOK (for places where a fire could start) LISTEN (for the sound of the smoke alarm) LEARN (two ways out of every room) Do you know where the fire extinguisher is located? OSHA requires that fire extinguishers receive two types of inspections to ensure that they work when activated: Monthly visual inspection: The responsibility of […]

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October is Biosafety Month

This year is the 8th anniversary of the Biosafety & Biosecurity Month. The NIH’s Office of Science Policy (OSP) initially created National Biosafety Month to encourage institutions to highlight the importance of biosafety and undertake activities to strengthen their biosafety programs. The theme for 2021 is “Innovation in Biosafety and Biosecurity.” Innovation in biosafety and […]

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Hierarchy of Controls

Emory has a commitment to its faculty, staff, and students to keep them safe while conducting research. A “Hierarchy of Controls” is used to minimize employee exposure to hazards. The control methods at the top are perceived as more protective than those at the bottom. Eliminating the hazard is the most effective control method, however […]

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