Category: ERAZ
National Science Foundation (NSF) Updates the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guides (PAPPG)
The National Science Foundation has recently updated their Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG). Many of the changes made in the PAPPG are related to the issuance of the new Uniform Guidance (2 CFR § 200) and references within the Guide have been updated to reflect the new Uniform Guidance rather than the…
Office of Research Administration Newsletter’s New Web Address
in Announcements, Audit, Cayuse Tips, COI, Compass, Compliance, Cost Transfer, ERAZ, IACUC, IRB, OCR, ORA, ORC, OSP, OTT, RAS, RGC, TrainingIn 2013 the Office of Research Administration Newsletter was transitioned to an online format using one of Emory’s web tools. This year, we were asked to move our newsletter to a new institutional tool. This task is complete. The July/August 2014 edition of Emory’s Research Administration Newsletter is available at: Please update any bookmarks…
Emory Research A to Z (ERAZ)
Emory Research A to Z (ERAZ) is a new, bi-monthly meeting aimed at increasing awareness by providing information to the Emory Research community. Organized by the Office of Research Administration, ERAZ encourages participation from all of the Emory Research Offices, including the Institutional Review Board, Office of Technology Transfer, Offices of Sponsored Programs and Grants…