Category Archives: OSP

Upcoming Courses and Events From OSP and OGCA

The Office of Sponsored Programs and the Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting provide training to those who have pre-award and post-award research administration responsibilities across campus.  These training sessions are intended to provide a foundation that supports the on the job training occurring daily in your areas. A list of our upcoming courses and […]

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OSP Policy Reminder: PAN Requests

Q – I’m expecting a subaward for my PI from another institution, but it’s really late! Is a Pre-Award Number (PAN) allowable for an incoming subaward? A – Yes, in most cases. It has come to our attention that there is a widespread belief that OSP will not issue PANs for incoming subawards. We’re not […]

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NIH Releases Updated Application Kits for Grants with Due Dates On or After September 25, 2013

NIH has also announced that they are transitioning to updated electronic application forms packages. The new packages will be identified by a Competition ID stating FORMS-C. These new application form packages include changes to the SP424 (R&R) Cover, project information, fixes to R&R Budget and Associated Subaward budget, R&R Sr/Key Person, and the project/performance site […]

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NIH Announces Electronic Submission of Multi-Project Applications

On August 1, 2013, NIH announced that it is requiring electronic submission of P01, P20, P50, and U19 applications with due dates on or after September 25, 2013. NIH has developed a new system called ASSIST (Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking) for electronic submission of these mechanisms, unless an applicant institution can […]

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NSF Enhances

On March 18, 2013, the National Science Foundation (NSF) transitioned all project reporting from FastLane to  Since launching the service to all awardees, NSF has received feedback to help prioritize fixes and enhancements. This August, improvements are coming to that will advance project report submission, including: will soon permit you to click a […]

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Sponsored Programs Reminder: Relinquishments

When an investigator leaves Emory and wishes to transfer a previously approved grant or contract award to a new location, there are many factors to consider. First and foremost, most sponsoring agencies have a process by which this transfer must occur. An agency may have forms and/or approvals from both institutions (the current institution and […]

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OSP Statistics: Proposals Submitted and Awards Received

Available below are our counts through April, FY13 and April, FY12 for proposals submitted by Emory University and Awards received by Emory University.  Please note that variances between the years can be impacted by many variables and can change significantly between now and the end of the fiscal year (August).  For further details or information, […]

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Process For Review of Confidentiality/ Non-Disclosure Agreements

In an effort to improve efficiency and the handling of confidential/non-disclosure agreements (CDAs/NDAs), the OSP Contracts Unit has established a listserv e-mail address to send CDAs requiring review and institutional signature. Effective February 1, 2012, all clinical trial related CDAs/NDAs requiring review and institutional signature should be sent to the listserv e-mail. The listserv e-mail […]

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OSP Grant Award Tracking System

Since September 2011, the Office of Sponsored Programs has utilized an internally-designed Grant Award Tracking System. This system has allowed OSP Grants Team staff to track the set-up process for all incoming grant awards. OSP staff record both interactions with department colleagues during the set-up process, as well as negotiations with sponsoring agencies, when necessary, […]

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Request to put a Project on Hold

A request for a project to be put on HOLD should be made when… The master department of an award needs to prevent further transactions from hitting  a particular project; when a department needs to prevent further transactions from hitting one of their own projects; when a research sponsor submits a ‘stop work order’ on […]

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