OSP Grant Award Tracking System

Since September 2011, the Office of Sponsored Programs has utilized an internally-designed Grant Award Tracking System. This system has allowed OSP Grants Team staff to track the set-up process for all incoming grant awards. OSP staff record both interactions with department colleagues during the set-up process, as well as negotiations with sponsoring agencies, when necessary, on award terms or award data.

OSP is now pleased to announce the availability of campus views for the electronic Grant Award Tracking System. The eATS may be accessed via the OSP website at:  https://www.or.emory.edu/shared_web/web_apps/osp_award/grant%20Tracking/gt_inProgress.cfm or via the eATS link on the left side of the OSP home page. The system is available to all Emory faculty and staff using a NETID and password. After logging in, the user will be taken directly to a list of Awards in Progress – those awards which have been received and are currently in the set-up process. If desired, the user may also view award which have completed the set-up process by clicking on the “Completed Awards” link.

When looking for a specific award, the user can enter text into the “Search” field on the upper right side of the list to filter the results. The filter will search for the entered text in any field available on the list (including PI name, Grant Title, EPEX proposal ID, Sponsor, School/Department and Grant Number).

It is important to note that OSP tracks activity on three different grant types: Standard, Partially-executed, and Unexecuted. “Standard” grant awards are those that generally require no negotiation by OSP and require no signature on the award document. There are primarily federal grant awards received via e-mail, including NIH and NSF grant. “Partially-executed” awards are those which are already signed by the sponsoring agency, but which OSP must sign and return. These grants may or may not require negotiation of terms. “Unexecuted” awards are those which required OSP signature and which are also awaiting signature by the sponsoring agency after Emory signature. The eATS tracks these awards through all required signature processes, including provision of Emory signature and return of a fully-executed copy in the case of “Unexecuted” awards. In addition, the eATS also tracks OSP communication with the department for all awards in those cases where additional information may be needed before OSP can process an award (whether it is a revised budget, IRB or IACUC approval, or other documentation needed).

When viewing award-specific data in the eATS system, for “Standard” awards, the screen will show only information on OSP’s communication with the department. As noted above, for “Partially-executed” and “Unexecuted” awards, the screen will show two columns of information: the left column will show OSP communications and signature exchange with the sponsor, while the right side of the screen will show information on OSP’s communication with the department.

Finally, the eATS will also indicate which Analyst within OSP is handling a particular award. While awards are generally set-up by the Analyst who serves as a representative for a given department, during times of high volume or staff absence, the system will indicate if another staff member is assisting.

We hope that the creation of public views for the Grants Award Tracking System will increase transparency during the process of award set-up and facilitate information sharing with campus.


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