Tag: ehso
Radiation Safety Training is Moving to BioRAFT
Are you listed in a Radioactive Materials Usage License? The training modules for RAM users have moved from ELMS to BioRAFT. After November 1, 2018, the following training modules must be completed in BioRAFT: Radiation Safety for Laboratory Research Personnel – INITIAL Radiation Safety for Laboratory Research Personnel – Refresher – EVERY THREE YEARS Log into BioRAFT: www.emory.bioraft.com. If…
EHSO Website Updates
The following document and webpage were updated recently on the EHSO website: Guidelines for Use of Hazardous Chemicals in Animals http://ehso.emory.edu/research-safety/chemical-protocol.html This webpage provides detailed instruction on submitting new chemicals in animals forms and on submitting updates/amendments to existing chemicals in animals forms. For any questions, email csp@emory.edu.
Broken Glass Disposal Containers
What goes into these containers? Broken glass disposal containers are designated for the disposal of non-contaminated broken glass. The use of BROKEN GLASS DISPOSAL containers to dispose of non-contaminated broken glass helps to segregate contaminated and non-contaminated broken glass. Please help us protect our environment! How do I dispose of the broken glass disposal container?…
DEA Controlled Substances Disposal
The DEA provides guidance on the proper disposal of controlled substances. Based on DEA guidance, Emory University has a policy (http://policies.emory.edu/7.25) that covers the proper use and disposal of controlled substances for non-human subjects research. At this time, a DEA registered reverse distributor must be used to properly dispose of controlled substances. The DEA registration…
Flu Prevention: Influenza season is here!
Who Needs a Flu Vaccine? CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older as the first and most important step in protecting against seasonal flu viruses. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against flu. Consult with your physician before…
CDC Says Clean Hands Save Lives
Good handwashing technique is important to prevent the spread of germs. Think about everything that you touch from the moment you wake up, come to work, and go home. Your hands may have come into contact with germs doing your daily activities. If you conduct research activities: wash hands after entering and before exiting the…
New! Chemical Safety Webpage
Do you need information or resources related to chemicals or chemical safety? Are you looking for guidance on submitting a Chemical in Animals Protocol or chemical waste disposal? The EHSO website launched a chemical safety webpage which assist labs with managing the use of chemicals from purchase to disposal. Currently, the webpage includes: The University’s…
Chemical Container Labeling
Chemical containers must meet the labeling requirements of the Global Harmonization Standard (GHS). GHS hazard information, including pictograms and hazard warnings, are necessary to ensure that both lab personnel and non-lab personnel are aware of the physical and/or health hazards of the chemical. The hazard warnings may be communicated through pictures, symbols, words, or a…
Fire Safety Week
Do you know where the fire extinguisher is located? OSHA requires that fire extinguishers receive two types of inspections to ensure that they work when activated: Monthly visual inspection: The responsibility of the individuals in the laboratory. Annual certification inspection: Conducted by an Emory-approved contractor. How do I conduct a monthly inspection? Location: Is the…
October is Biosafety Month
2018 is the 5th anniversary of Biosafety Month. The National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Office of Science Policy (OSP) initially created National Biosafety Month to encourage institutions to highlight the importance of biosafety and undertake activities to strengthen their biosafety programs. The 2018 Biosafety Month theme is “Promoting a Culture of Biosafety and Responsibility” with…