February 2024- Congratulations to Shreyas Rajagopal, our outstanding double major in Chemistry and Religion and Honors Student! We’re thrilled to…
Author: Emiaya Curry

Dianne Stewart, the Author of Black Women, Black Love: America’s War on African American Marriage- Vox’s Podcast Interview
February 2024- Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Religion and African American Studies, Dianne Stewart, recently had an interview with Vox.…

Religion Department Honors Program Student Lunch: Spring 2024
February 2024- Our students in the Religion Honors Program and their Religion faculty advisors, and Honors Program Coordinator enjoyed delightful…

The Rise of Sacred Drugs for Existential Struggles-Article Written by Professor Gary Laderman, Ph.D.
December 2023- Read more on the article at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/religiousness/202312/the-rise-of-sacred-drugs-for-existential-struggles

Class Photo-Last Day of the Religion Department Seminar -Nature and Sacred:REL 270/ENVS 285-Fall 2023
December 2023- A Semester full of discussions and a few debates about science and religion; nature as pedagogy; sacred places…

All smiles and bird watching!-REL 354RW Bird Watching Class Expedition- Fall 2023
December 2023- Capturing a wonderful moment during the religion course, REL 354RW-Human Goodness bird watching trip to Lullwater with Religion…

GAMMA CHAPTER of GEORGIA-Fall Initiation 2023-The PHI BETA KAPP Society-Congrats Religion Majors
November 2023- Three Religion majors were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa on Monday, November 6, 2023: Matthew Chupack, Hunter Collins,…

Faculty Excellent Teaching Recognition- GAMMA CHAPTER of GEORGIA Fall Initiation Ceremony 2023
November 2023- Our esteemed Religion Professors, Ellen Gough, Michael Berger, and Kate Rosenblatt were recognized for their excellent teaching during…

Religion Department’s Fall Social 2023: Fortune Telling & Astrology with Sushi and Ice Cream
October 2023- A fun night filled with Fortune Telling & Astrology served with sushi and ice cream! The Religion Department’s…

Emory Ethnographic Forum Book Series: Deepa Das Acevedo-Fall 2023
September 2023- Emory Ethnographic Forum New Book Series was held on Thursday, September 28, 2023.Event speaker, Deepa Das Acevedo, Associate…