Publications by Research Area
Self in Development
- Rochat, P. (2019, in press). Identité et développement (Identity and development). Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’identité. Paris: Editions Gallimard.
- Botto, S., & Rochat, P. (2019). Evaluative audience perception (EAP): How children come to care about reputation. Child Development Perspectives, 13(3), 180–185.
- Rochat, P. (2019). Self-unity as ground zero of learning and development. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition, 10.
- Rochat, P. (2018). The ontogeny of human self-consciousness. Current Directions in Psychological Sciences, 27 (5), 345-350.
- Botto, S. & Rochat, P. (2018). Sensitivity to the evaluation of others emerges by 24 months. Developmental Psychology, 54(9), 1723–1734.
- Beal, B. & Rochat, P. (2018). Innate valuation, existential framing, and one head for multiple moral hats. Commentary and reflections on John Doris’ book: Talking to ourselves: reflection, ignorance, and agency. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 41, e38.
- Rochat, P. (2018). Examen de conscience d’un psychologue a l’ere du cerveau (self-examination of a psychologist in the brain research era). In Le sens fondamental de soi et ses troubles volume honoring Pierre Bovet (pp. 189-203) . Paris: Vrin, Revue du Cercle Herméneutique.
- Wang, S., & Rochat, P. (2017). Human perception of animacy in light of the uncanny valley phenomenon. Perception, 46(12), 1386–1411.
- Cordonier, L., Nettles, T., & Rochat, P. (2017). Strong and strategic conformity by 3- and 5 year-old children. The British Psychological Society, 36, 438–451.
- Zahavi, D., & Rochat, P. (2017). Embodied mentalization and selfhood: Commentary on “Mentalizing homeostasis: The social origins of interoceptive inference” by Fotopoulou and Tsakiris. Neuropsychoanalysis, 19(1), 67-69.
- Rochat, P. (2016). Roots of typical consciousness: Implications for developmental psychopathology. In Dante Cicchetti (Ed.), Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology. N.Y., New York: Wiley Publishers.
- Rochat, P. (2015, December). Layers of awareness in development. Developmental Review, 38, 122–145.
- Wang, S., Lillienfeld, S. O., & Rochat, P. (2015, December). The uncanny valley: Existence and explanations. Review of General Psychology, 19(4), 393–407.
- Rochat, P. (2015, June). Self-Conscious roots of human normativity. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 14(4), 741-753.
- Rochat, P. (2015). The innate experience of self-agency. In P. Haggard (Ed.), Agency: Functions and Mechanisms (pp. 251–264). Oxford Scholarship Online.
- Rochat, P. (2015, December). Engagement global du corps et connaissance précoce (Global engagement of the body and early cognition). Enfance, 2015(4), 453-462.
- Rochat, P., & Zahavi, D. (2015). Der unheimliche spiegal (The Uncanny Mirror): Eine neubewertung der spiegel-selbsterfahrungsexperimente als test für das vorliegen von begrifflichem selbstbewusstsein. Deutshe Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 62(5), 1–24.
- Rochat, P. (2014). Developpement de la conscience de soi (development of self-consciousness). Bulletin Scientifique de l’arapi – numéro 32 – automne 2013.
- Rochat, P. (2013). Self-consciousness and the origins of the ethical stance. In B. Rastogi Kar (Ed.). Cognition and Brain Development (pp. 157–171). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Publisher.
- Rochat, P. (2013). Self-conceptualizing in development. In P. D. Zelazo (Ed.), Oxford library of psychology. The Oxford handbook of developmental psychology, (Vol. 2, pp. 378–387). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Rochat, P. (2013). The gaze of others. In M. Banaji & S. Gelman, The Development of Social Cognition.
- Rochat, P. (2012). Early embodied subjectivity and inter-subjectivity. In Dimensões da Intersubjetividade, Editora Escuta, São Paulo. L’organization est de Nelson Coelho Jr., Pedro Salem et Perla Klautau.
- Rochat, P. (2012). Primordial sense of an embodied self-unity. In V. Slaughter & C. Brownell (Eds.) Early Development of Body Representations, Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual Development (pp.3-18). N.Y.: Cambridge University Press.
- Rochat, P. (2012). Self-consciousness and “conscientiousness” in development. Revista Infancia y Aprendizaje (Journal for the Study of Education and Development), 35(4), 387–404.
- Rochat, P., Broesch, T., & Jayne, K. (2012). Social awareness and early mirror self-recogition. Consciousness and Cognition, 21, 1491–1497.
- Rochat, P. (2011). The self as phenotype. Cognition and Consciousness, 20(1), 109–119.
- Rochat, P. (2011) Sens de Soi et Sens de l’Autre au Debute de la Vie (Sense of self and sense of others early in life). A. Berthoz & Andrieu, B. (Eds.) Le Corps en Acte: Volume pour le Centenaire de la naissance de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/ Presse Universitaire de Nancy.
- Rochat, P., & Zahavi, D. (2011). The uncanny mirror: A re-framing of mirror self-experience. Cognition and Consciousness, 20, 204–213.
- Rochat, P. (2011). What is it like to be a newborn? In S. Gallagher (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of the Self. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Rochat, P. (2010). Emergence de la co-conscience. In B. Andrieu La Philosophie du Corps: Experiences, interactions et ecologie corporelle. Paris: Vrin.
- Rochat, P. (2010). Me and mine in early development. In T. Fuchs, C. Sattle, & P. Henningsen (Eds.), Embodied Self: Dimension, Coherence and Disorders. Frankfurt: Shattauer.
- Rochat, P. (2010). The innate sense of the body develops to become a public affair by 2–3 years. Neuropsychologia, 48(3), 738–745. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009. 11.021
- Rochat, P. (2010). Emerging self-concept. In J.G. Bremner & T.D. Wachs (Eds.), Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development. (2nd Edition). London: Blackwell Publishers.
- Rochat, P. (2008). Know Thyself!…But what, how and why?. In Sani, F. (Ed.), Individual and collective self-continuity: Psychological perspectives (pp. 243-251). Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers
- Rochat, P. (2004). The emergence of self-awareness as co-awareness in early development. In Zahavi Grunbaum (Eds.), The Strucure and Development of Self-Consciousness (pp. 1–20). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Rochat, P. (2004). Emerging co-awareness. In G. Bremner & A. Slater (Eds.), Theories of Infant Development (pp. 258–283). Blackwell Publishing.
- Rochat, P. (2003). Five levels of self-awareness as they unfold early in life. Consciousness and Cognition: An International Journal, 12(4), 717–731.
- Rochat, P. (2003). Connaissance de soi et des autres au debut de la vie (Self-knowledge and social knowledge early in life). Enfance, 55(1), 39–47.
- Rochat, P. (2002). Origins of self-concept. In G. Bremner & A. Fogel (Eds.), Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development. (pp. 191–212). Malden, MA, US: Blackwell Publishers.
- Rochat, P. (2002). Naissance de la co-conscience (The emergence of co-consciousness). Intellectica, 34, 99–123.
- Rochat, P., & Striano, T. (2002). Who’s in the mirror: Self-other discrimination in specular images by 4- and 9-month-old infants. Child Development, 73, 35–46.
- Rochat, P., & Striano, T. (2001). Perceived self in infancy. Infant Behavior and Development, 23, 513–530.
- Rochat, P., & Goubet, N. (2000). Connaissance implicite du corps au debut de la vie (implicit knowledge of the body early in life). Enfance, 3, 275–286.
- Rochat, P., Striano, T. (1999). Emerging self-exploration by 2 month-old infants. Developmental Science, 2, 206–218.
- Rochat, P. (1998). Self-perception and action in infancy. Experimental Brain Research, 117, 17–18.
- Rochat, P., & Morgan, R. (1998). Two functional orientations of self-exploration in infancy. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16, 139–154.
- Rochat, P., & Hespos, S. J. (1997). Differential rooting response by neonates: Evidence for an early sense of self. Early Development & Parenting, 6, 105–112.
- Morgan, R., & Rochat, P. (1997). Intermodal calibration of the body in early infancy. Ecological Psychology, 9 (1), 1-23.
- Rochat, P. (1997). Early development of the ecological self. In C. Dent-Read & P. Zukow-Goldring (Eds.), Evolving Explanations of Development (pp. 91–121). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
- Rochat, P. (1995). Early objectification of the self. In P. Rochat (Ed.), The Self in Infancy. Advances in Psychology Book Series (pp. 395–415). Amsterdam, North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers.
- Rochat, P., & Morgan, R. (1995). The function and determinants of early self-exploration in infancy. In P. Rochat (Ed.) The Self in Infancy. Advances in Psychology Book Series (pp. 395–415). Amsterdam, North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers.
- Rochat, P., & Morgan, R. (1995). Spatial determinants in the perception of self-produced leg movements by 3-5 month old infants. Developmental Psychology, 31(4), 626–636.
- Morgan, R., & Rochat, P. (1995). The perception of self-produced leg movements in self-versus object-oriented contexts by 3-5 month-old infants. In B.G. Bardy, R.J. Bootsma & Y. Guiard (Eds.), Studies in Perception and Action III (pp. 243–246). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates inc.
- Rochat, P. (1993). Connaissance de soi chez le bebe (Self-knowledge in infancy). Psychologie Francaise, 38(1), 41–51.
Social Development
- Rochat, P. (2024). Human Quest for Rapture and Ecstasy. In Proceedings of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (Vol. 21).
- Deschenaux, A., Gruber, T., Cordonier, L. & Rochat, P. (submitted). Keeping together in time and space: Social affinity inference in 3-7 year-olds.
- Rochat, P. (2019, in press). Possession. Origgi, G. (Ed). Dictionnaire des Passions Sociales (Dictionary of Social Passions). Paris: Presse Universitaire de France.
- Wang, S., Lilienffeld, S. O., & Rochat, P. (2019). Schadenfreude deconstructed and reconstructed: A tripartite motivational. New Ideas in Psychology, 52, 1-11.
- Rochat, P. (2018). Origins of social fusion. A commentary on whitehouse target article: “Dying for the group”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, E215.
- Broesch, T., Itakura, S., & Rochat, P. (2017). Learning from others: Selective requests by 3-year-olds of three cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(9), 1432-1441.
- Gibson, B., Tone, E. B., Baron, A., & Rochat, P. (2017). Sources of implicit and explicit intergroup race bias among African-American children and young adults. PLoS One, 12(9).
- Rochat, P., & Robbins, E. (2016). Sharing and fairness in development. In J. Kiverstein (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of philosophy of the social mind (pp. 222-244). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Zahavi, D. & Rochat, P. (2015, November). Empathy ≠ sharing: Perspectives from phenomenology. Consciousness and Cognition, 36, 543-553.
- Gibson, B., Robbins, E., & Rochat, P. (2015). White bias in 3-7 year-old children across cultures. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 15(3-4), 344-373.
- Rochat, P. (2014). Les deux tétines de l’homme (“The Two teats of Man”, essay on mother). In Fabienne Audeoud (Ed). Mamanthologie: Maman – La peinture appellee sa mère (pp. 40-51). CNAP/Editions Particules, Eva Meyer Gallery, Paris.
- Rochat, P. (2013). Comment la honte vient aux enfants. Communications, 93(2), 69-84.
- Rochat P. & Robbins, E. (2013). Ego function of morality and developing tensions that are “within”. Commentary on Baumard et al. A mutualistic approach to morality. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(1), 98-99.
- Rochat, P. (2013). Why play? The meaning of play in relation to creativity. In Cultures of Creativity: Nurturing Creative Mindsets Across Cultures. The LEGO Foundation Publications.
- Rochat, P. (2012). Sense of ‘sameness’ as foundation of infants’ embodied subjectivity and inter-subjectivity. In A. Fotopoulou, S. Pfaff,& M.A. Conway (Eds.), From the couch to the lab: Psychoanalysis, neuroscience and cognitive psychology in dialogue. Oxford University Press.
- Rochat, P. (2011). Possession and morality in early development. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 132, 23-38.
- Rochat, P. (2010). Trust in early development. In Arne Gron & Claudiea Welz (Eds.) Trust, sociality, Selfood (pp. 31-43). Mohr Siebeck Publishing.
- Rochat, P. (2010). Is social cognition an oxymoron? In P. Zelazo (Ed.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, on the topic of social cogntion. On-line since September 2010.
- Rochat, P. & Passos-Ferreira, C. (2009). Three levels of intersubjectivity in early development. In A. Carassa, F. Morganti, & G. Riva (Eds.), Enacting intersubjectivity: Paving the way for a dialogue between Cognitive Sciences (pp. 13-14). Switzerland: Lugano.
- Rochat, P. (2009). Social-affective origins of mind reading and meta-cognition. [Commentary on How we know our own minds: the relationship between mindreading and metacognition, by Peter Carruthers] Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32(2), 160-161.
- Rochat, P. (2009). Foreword for Michel Heller’s Manuel des psychotherapies corporelles. Bruxelles: De Boeck Editeur.
- Rochat, P. (2008). Commentary: Mutual recognition as foundation of sociality and social comfort. In Striano, T. & Reid, V. (Eds.), Social cognition: Development, neuroscience and autism (pp. 303-317). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
- Rochat, P. & Passos-Ferreira, C. (2008). From imitation to reciprocation and mutual recognition. In J. A. Pineda (Ed.), Mirror neuron systems: The role of mirroring processes in social cognition (pp. 191-212). Series on Contemporary Neuroscience, Humana Press.
- Bigelow, A., Power, M., Mcquaid, N., Ward, A. & Rochat, P. (2008). Distinguishing mother-infant interaction from stranger-infant interaction at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. Infancy, 13(2), 158-171.
- Rochat, P. & Passos-Ferreira, C. (2008). Homo negotiatus: Ontogeny of the unique ways humans own, share, and reciprocate. In Itakura & Fujita (Eds) Origins of the social mind: Evolutionary and developmental views (pp. 141-156). Springer Publishers.
- Layton, D. & Rochat, P. (2007). Contribution of motion information to maternal face discrimination in infancy. Infancy, 12(3), 257-271.
- Rochat, P. (2007). Intentional action arises from early reciprocal exchanges. Acta Psychologica, 124(1), 8-25.
- Bigelow, A. & Rochat, P. (2006). Two-month-old infants’ sensitivity to social contingency in mother-infant and stranger-infant interaction. Infancy, 9(3), 313-325.
- Goubet, N., Rochat, P., Maire-Leblond, C., & Poss, S. (2006). Learning from others in 9-18-month-old infants. Infant and Child Development, 15(2), 161-177.
- Rochat, P. (2005). Humans evolved to become Homo negotiatus…the rest followed. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 714-715.
- Agnetta, B., & Rochat, P. (2004). Imitative games by 9-, 14-, and 18-month-old infants. Infancy, 6(1), 1-36.
- Rochat, P. (2002). Ego function of early imitation. In Meltzoff, A. N., & Prinz W.(Eds.), The imitative mind: Development, evolution, and brain bases (pp. 85-97). NY: Cambridge University Press.
- Rochat, P. (2002). Various kinds of empathy as revealed by the developing child, not the monkey’s brain. Commentary on Empathy: Proximate and ultimate bases, by Preston S. D., & de Waal, F. B. M. Behavioral and Brain, 25(1), 45-46.
- Rochat, P., Striano, T., & Blatt, L. (2002). Differential effects of happy, neutral, and sad still faces on 2-, 4-, and 6-month-old infants. Infant and Child Development, 11(4), 289-303.
- Rochat, P. (2001). Social contingency detection and infant development. Bulletin of the Meinninger Clinic, 65(3), 347-360.
- Striano, T. & Rochat, P. (2000). Emergence of selective social referencing in infancy. Infancy, 2, 253-264.
- Rochat, P., Querido, J., & Striano, T. (1999). Emerging sensitivity to the timing and structure of protoconversation in early infancy. Developmental Psychology, 35(4), 950-957.
- Striano, T., & Rochat, P. (1999). Developmental link between dyadic and triadic social competence in infancy. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 551-562.
- Rochat, P. & Striano, T. (1999). Social-cognitive development in the first year. In P. Rochat (Ed.), Early Social Cognition (pp. 3-34). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Rochat, P., Neisser, U., & Marian, V. (1998). Are young infants sensitive to interpersonal contingency? Infant Behavior & Development, 21(2), 355-366.
- Rochat, P., Morgan, R., & Carpenter, M. (1997). Young infants’ sensitivity to movement information specifying social causality. Cognitive Development, 12, 537-561.
- Marian, V., Neisser, U. & Rochat, P. (1996). Can 2-month-old infants distinguish live from videotaped interactions with their mother. Emory Cognition Project Report # 33.
Symbolic Development
- Callaghan, T., Rochat, P., & Corbit, J. (2012). Young children’s knowledge of the representational function of pictorial symbols: Development across the preschool years in three cultures. Journal of Cognition and Development, 13(3), 320-353.
- Callaghan, T. & Rochat, P. (2008). Children’s theories of the relation between artist and picture. In C. Milbrath & H. M. Trautner (Eds.), Children’s understanding and production of pictures, drawing, and art: Theoretical and empirical approaches.
- Rochat, P. (2006) What does it mean to be human? Anthropological Psychology, 17, 100-108.
- Rochat, P. & Callaghan, T. (2005). What drives symbolic development? In Namy, L. (Ed.) Symbolic Use and Understanding (pp. 25-46). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
- Callaghan, T., Rochat, P. Maclellan, C. & McGillivray, T. (2004). Modeling referential actions in 6- to 18-month old infants: A precursor to symbolic understanding. Child Development, 75(6), 1733-1744.
- Callaghan, T. & Rochat, P. (2003). Traces of the artist: Sensitivity to the role of the artist in children’s pictorial reasoning. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21(3), 415-445.
- Striano, T., Rochat, P. & Legerstee, M. (2003). Role of modelling and request type on symbolic comprehension of objects and gestures in young children. Journal of Child Language, 30(1), 27-45.
- Rochat, P. (2001). The dialogical nature of cognition. Monograph of the Society for Research in Child Development, 66(2), 133-144.
- Striano, T., Tomasello, M., & Rochat, P. (2001). Social and object support for early symbolic play. Developmental Science, 4(4), 442-455.
- Tomasello, M., Striano, T., & Rochat, P. (1999). Do young children use objects as symbols? British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17(4), 563-584.
Perception and Motor Development
- Wang, S. & Rochat, P. (submitted). When a humanlike face harbors a humanlike mind— Face animacy perception and the uncanny valley.
- Rochat, P. (2007). Do Infants Dream of Baby Sheep? In. M. Tokoro & K. Mogi (Eds.). Creativity and the Brain. World Scientific Publishers.
- Rochat, P., Striano, T., & Morgan, R. (2004). Who is doing what to whom? Young infants’ developing sense of social causality in animated displays. Perception, 33(3), 355-369.
- Rochat, P. (1999). Direct perception and representation in infancy. In R. Fivush, G. Winograd, & W. Hirst (Eds.) Ecological Approach to Cognition: Essays in Honor of Ulric Neisser (pp. 3-30). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate.
- Rochat, P., Goubet, N., & Senders, S.J. (1999). To reach or not to reach? Perception of body effectivities by young infants. Infant and Child Development, 8, 129-148.
- Rochat, P. & Striano, T. (1998) The primacy of action in infancy. Human Development, 41, 112-115.
- Rochat, P., Goubet, N. & Shah, B. (1997). Enhanced sucking engagement by preterm infants during intermittent gavage feedings. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 18(1), 22-26.
- Rochat, P. & Wraga M.J. (1997). An account for the systematic error in judging what is reachable. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 23(1), 199-212.
- Rochat, P. (1995). Perceived reachability for self and for others by 3 to 5-year old children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 59, 317-333.
- Rochat, P. & Goubet, N. (1995). Development of sitting and reaching in 5-6-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 18, 53-68.
- Rochat, P. & Morgan, R. (1995). Spatial determinants in the perception of self-produced leg movements by 3-5 month old infants. Developmental Psychology, 31 (4), 626-636.
- Rochat, P. & Wraga, M.J. (1994). Perceiving what is reachable: Systematic errors in the perception of an affordance. Emory Cognition Project, #29.
- Clifton, R.K., Rochat, P., Robin, D.J., & Berthier, N.E. (1994). Multimodal perception in the control of infant reaching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 20(4), 876-886.
- Rochat, P. & Bullinger, A. (1994). Posture and functional action in infancy. In Vyt, A., Bloch, H., & Bornstein, M. (Eds.), Early Child Development in the French Tradition: Contributions from Current Research (pp. 15-34). NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
- Rochat, P. (1993). Hand-mouth coordination in the newborn: Morphology, determinants, and early development of a basic act. In Savelsbergh (Ed.), The Development of Coordination in Infancy. Advances in Psychology Series (pp. 265-288). Amsterdam: Elsevier Publisher.
- Rochat, P. & Wraga, M.J. (1993). Postural determinants of perceived reachability. In S. Stavros Valenti & John B. Pittenger (Eds.), Studies in Perception and Action II (pp. 30-35). Hillsdale (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
- Rochat, P. & Morgan, R. (1993). Self-perception by 3-month-old infants. In Stavros Valenti & John B. Pittenger (Eds.), Studies in Perception and Action II (pp. 14-18). Hillsdale (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
- Rochat, P. (1992). Self-sitting and reaching in 5-8 month old infants: The impact of posture and its development on early eye-hand coordination. Journal of Motor Behavior, 24(2), 210-220.
- Clifton, R.K., Rochat, P., Litovsky, R., & Perris, E.E. (1991). Object representation guides infant reaching in the dark. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17(2), 323-329.
- Rochat, P. (1991). Activite tactile-orale chez le nouveau-ne (Haptic-oral activity by young infants). In F. Jouen & A. Henocq (Eds.), Du Nouveau-Ne au Nourrisson: Recherche fondamentale et pediatrie (pp. 93-106). Presses Universitaires do France.
- Rochat, P., & Senders, S.J. (1991). Active touch in infancy: Action systems in development. In M.J. Weiss & P.R. Zelazo (Eds.), Infant Attention: Biological Contraints and the Influence of Experience. NJ: Ablex Publishers, 412-442.
- Rochat, P. (1989). Object manipulation and exploration in 2- to 5-month old infants. Developmental Psychology, 25, 871-884.
- Blass, E.M., Fillion, T.J., Rochat, P., Hoffmeyer, L.B., & Metzger, M.A. (1989). Sensorimotor and motivational determinants of hand-mouthcoordination in 1-3 day old human infants. Developmental Psychology, 25, 963-975.
- Rochat, P., Blass, E.M., & Hoffmeyer, L.B. (1988).Oropharyngeal control of hand-mouth coordination in newborn infants. Developmental Psychology, 24, 459-463.
- Rochat, P. (1987). Mouthing and grasping in neonates: Evidence for the early detection of what hard or soft substance afford for action. Infant Behavior and Development, 10, 435-449.
- Rochat, P. & Reed, E.S. (1987). Le concept d’affordance et les connaissances du nourrisson. Psychologie Francaise, tome 32-1/2 Juin., 97-104.
- Bullinger, A. & Rochat, P. (1985). L’activite orale du nourrisson comme indice du comportement (Infants’ oral activity as a behavioral index). In P.M. Baudonniere (Ed.), Etudier l’enfant do la naissance a trois ans: les grands courants methodologiques actuels (pp. 55-69). Paris: CNRS, Coll. Comportements.
- Pont, D., Bullinger, A., & Rochat, P. (1984). Recording system of infant oral response during regular feeding session. Infant Behavior and Development, 7, 533-535.
- Osiek, C. & Rochat, P. (1983). Codage de la forme d’un objet par l’enfant: Les processus sont-ils analogues dans les modalites visuelle ou tactile de prise d’information?(Visual and haptic coding of shapes: Analogous Processes?) Archives de Psychologie, 51, 93-99.
- Rochat, P. (1983). Oral touch in young infants: Response to variations of nipple characteristics in the first months of life. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 6, 123-133.
Comparative Cognition
- Poss, S. & Rochat, P. (2003). Referential understanding of videos in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), and children (Homo sapiens). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 117(4), 420-428.
- Call, J. & Rochat, P. (1997). Perceptual strategies in the estimation of physical quantities by Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 111(4), 315-329.
- Call, J. & Rochat, P. (1996). Liquid conservation in orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) and humans (Homo sapiens): Individual differences and perceptual strategies. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 110(3), 219-232.
Early Cognition
- Rochat, P. (2017). Baby assault on Piaget. In Marti, E., & C. Rodriguez (Eds.) After Piaget (pp.71-82). Taylor & Francis ebook Publishing.
- Taubert, J., Weiss-Sanders, K., Parr, L., & Rochat, P. (2016/submitted). The face of familiar races attract attention of infants in complex displays.
- Rochat, P. (2014). La naissance de la conscience de soi (birth of self-consciousness). Revue Pour la Science. Paris.
- Rochat, P. (2013). Naissance de l’identité chez l’enfant, Soigner l’enfant, Editions Erès.
- Hespos, S.J. & Rochat, P. (1997). Dynamic mental representation in infacy. Cognition, 64, 153-188.
- Rochat, P. & Hespos, S.J. (1996). Tracking and anticipation of invisible spatial transformations by 4-to-8-month old infants. Cognitive Development, 11, 3-17.
- Simon, T., Hespos, S., & Rochat, P. (1995). Do infants understand simple arithmetic? A replication of Wynn (1992). Cognitive Development, 10, 253-269.
- Tomasello, M. & Rochat, P. (1994). “Beyond modularity: A developmental perspective on cognitive science” by Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Philosophical Psychology, 7(4), 536-539.
- Rochat, P. (1993). L’objet des actions du bebe (The object of babies’ action). In V. Pouthas & F. Jouen (Eds.), les comportements du bebe: Expression de son savoir? (pp. 209-232). Bruxelles: Mardaga Publisher.
- Clifton, R.K., Rochat, P., Litovsky, R., & Perris, E.E. (1991). Representation guides infant reaching in the dark. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17(2), 323-329.
- Rochat, P. (1985). French translation of L.P. Lipsitt, “Cognition and behavior of the newborn” in P. Vert & L. Stern (Eds.), Neonatal medicine. Paris: Masson.
- Rochat, P. (1983). “Adaptation and intelligence: Organic selection and phenocopy” by Piaget, J. Review of Psychoanalytic Books, 2, 193-195.
Cross Cultural Studies
- Broesch, T., Aime, H. & Rochat, P. (submitted). Cultural differences in infant spontaneous behavior: Evidence from a small-scale, rural island society.
- Guo, C. & Rochat, P. (submitted). Cultural Differences in Children’s Evaluation of Lies.
- Rochat, P. (2019). Fondements innés de l’acquis (Innate foundations of nurture). L’autre, Cliniques, Cultures et Sociétés, 20(2), 155-162.
- Robbins, E., Shepard, J., & Rochat, P. (2017). Variations in judgments of intentional action and moral evaluation across eight cultures. Cognition, 164, 22-30.
- Robbins, E., Shepard, J., & Rochat, P. (2016/submitted). Cross-cultural variability in praise and blame attribution: Evidence from 7 cultures.
- Broesch, T., Rochat, P., Olah, K., Broesch, J., Henrich, J. (2016). Similarities and differences in maternal responsiveness in three societies: Evidence from Fiji, Kenya, and the United States. Child Development, 87(3), 700-711.
- Robbins, E., Starr, S. & Rochat, P. (2016). Fairness and distributive justice by 3-to 5-year-old Tibetan children. APA Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,47(3), 330-340.
- Rochat, P., Robbins, E. Passos-Ferreira, C., Donato Oliva, A., Dias, M.D.G., Liping G. (2014). Ownership reasoning in children across cultures Cognition, 132(3): 471-84.
- Zebian, S., Rochat, P. (2012). Judgment of land ownership by young refugee Palestinian and US children. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 36(6), 449–456.
- Callaghan, T., Rochat, P., & Corbit, J. (2012) Young children’s knowledge of representational function of pictorial symbols: Develepoment across the preschool years in three cultures. Journal of Cognition and Development, 13(3), 320-353.
- Robbins, E. & Rochat, P. (2011). Emerging signs of strong reciprocity in human ontogeny. Frontiers in Psychology, 2(353), 1-14.
- Broesch, T., Callaghan, T., Henrich, J. & Rochat, P. (2010). Cultural variations in children’s mirror self-recognition. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(6), 1018-1029.
- Rochat, P. (2010). What is really wrong with a-priori claims of universality? Sampling, validity, process level, and the irresistible drive to reduce. [Commentary on J. Henrich et al.: Weirdest People in the World?] Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33(2/3), 107-108.
- Rochat, P., Dias, M.D.G., Guo, L. Broesch, T., Passos-Ferreira, C., Winning, A. Berg, B. (2009). Fairness in distributive justice by 3-and 5-year-olds across 7 cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 40(3), 416-442.
- Callaghan, T., Rochat, P., Lillard, A., Claux, M.L., Odden, H., Itakura, S., Tapanya, S., & Singh, S. (2005). Synchrony in the onset of mental-state reasoning: Evidence from five cultures. Psychological Science, 16(5), 378-384.
- Odden, H. & Rochat, P. (2004). Observational learning and enculturation. Educational and Child Development, 21(2), 39-50.
- Rochat, P. (1981). “La naissance de l’intelligence chez l’enfant Baoule de Cote d’Ivoire” by Dasen, R. Inhelder, B., and Reitschisky, J. Infant Behavior and Development, 4, 110-111.