Dining in Paris

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by Dolores Juarez | EDUCO Paris, Spring 2020

During, my stay in Paris, I did not go out to eat at restaurants very often. Since I was planning on staying for a little over 6 months, I was planning on budgeting my money so I could spend more when my friends would have come to visit. Nevertheless, I did enjoy several traditional French foods (and some not so traditional) cooked by my caring host family. My favorite was dish was Boeuf Bourguignon. My Host dad just made it so scrumptious! And it was my favorite thing to order at restaurants. Sadly, I do not have pictures of those. I was never one to take pictures of my food.

Sadly, I do not have any pictures of the river at night. But here is one of La Seine during the day!

There are so many restaurants in Paris. On every street, you will find tons of bakeries and restaurants, featuring all types of cuisines! I would always walk by them and see the waiter bringing out plates of delish food.

For one of our last meals in Paris, a couple of my friends and I decided to go out for dinner. We got all dressed up, did our makeup, and agreed we would just walk around until we found a restaurant that pleased us. Of course, we decided that it had to be a French restaurant since we were in Paris. We finally decided on a little restaurant known for its steaks. I, being the weird one, decided to get duck instead of steak. Do I regret it? Ehh…kind of after I saw their plates. But don’t get me wrong the duck was still delicious!

And since it was one of our final nights in Paris, we had a nice bottle of wine to accompany our meals. We asked the waiter for suggestions, and we decided on a red wine to pair perfectly with the steaks and duck. It felt so nice to sit down with my friends and eat our last meal together. After we ate, we walked around the streets of Paris, and finally settle on a little bar. We met some other foreigners from Ireland and talked for a bit. But the clock struck midnight, and every single restaurant, bar, and store had to close its doors because of COVID restrictions. We left eventually found a bench overseeing the Seine River. We sat, talked, and watch the water for hours. It is a night I will never forget.