It’s disappointing that this world has the belief that we should all have equal and human rights, yet from the day a person is born,…

In a group interview, someone asked if borders are necessary and if we should have them. This question may seem like it has a simple answer,…

Miriam Ticktin’s Where ethics and politics meet: the violence of humanitarianism in France provided me with a completely new outlook on the action and impact of “humanitarianism.”…

I have always been interested in videos or artistic pieces/expressions that use role reversals to communicate a certain message, even though it can…

This idea of having a certain image in the work field sounded more than familiar to me, not just because i have observed it while…

The topic of “migration” and “immigration” has been seen as a “problem” throughout history, especially in the past few decades, in the United States and…

A friend and I were discussing the recent natural disasters, and those to come, in the U.S. right now, and she brought up a wonderful…

After reading these three articles, an unfortunate reality that has upset me for a while now exists as an underlying topic that spans each one….
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