Much of the debate on countries such as America, those in the European Union, and Australia accepting refugees is contingent on the underlying question: is…

The layers of privilege and racialization in the service industry through “front of the house” and “back of the house” positions illustrate how the privileged…

In The Positionality of the Latino– America’s Migrant Worker, Dr. Isabella Alexander dissects the various components that go into classifying how positively or negatively certain…

As a member of the Latinx community, I had so many different thoughts on the various points Dr. Alexander highlighted in her publication. There is…

An interesting common thread between the two articles was “this idea of labor without citizenship, as well as an uncanny recurrence of imperial formations that…

According to the 2015 census there are 55.4 million people identifying as Hispanic. This number excludes all…

In Francesco Vacchiano’s piece, On Frequent Flyers and Boat People, Vacchiano addresses the narrative that there are too many bodies crossing borders, and how this…

One of the phrases that really resonated with me from this week’s reading on Migrant “Illegality” in the United States was the stigmatization of Mexican…

The topic of “migration” and “immigration” has been seen as a “problem” throughout history, especially in the past few decades, in the United States and…
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