It's Never Too Late

It’s Never Too Late

The topic of “migration” and “immigration” has been seen as a “problem” throughout history, especially in the past few decades, in the United States and…

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De Genova’s comments on using the term “illegal” and how it dehumanizes individuals reminded me a lot about the current situation of the undocumented youth…

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Illegal and Invisible

Illegal and Invisible

When we talked to the Syrian community partners, many of them discussed how living in Lebanon illegally was so hard because you were underpaid as…

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The High Cost of Stigma and Profit Motives

The High Cost of Stigma and Profit Motives

As I read the “Hot Spots” article (Fassin), my first thoughts jumped to the idea that the European countries in question, and more broadly the…

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When do we take action?

When do we take action?

Larsen’s  End of Dreams exhibit, a powerful piece within itself, is also eerily similar to the plight of the millions of refugees from Northern Africa…

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Privilege and Migration

Privilege and Migration

For me, reading The Crossing was a very troubling experience for many reasons. The most notable part of this experience was observing how something as…

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