Thank you 2015-2016 Library/ECDS Fellows!

As the 2015-2016 Woodruff Library/ ECDS, Alice Walker and Beck Center Graduate Fellowship year is drawing to a close, we would like to thank our library fellows for their hard work this year. They built databases, created physical and digital exhibits, and served as research and teaching partners within and outside of the library. Emory Libraries and Information Technology Services greatly benefitted from their diverse skill set and specialized subject knowledge. We sincerely appreciate their efforts.

Here is an overview of what they accomplished:

Leeann Bass, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science, worked with the Statistical Data Services division of the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship. Over the course of the year, Ms. Bass acquired web and text scraping skills, which she applied to both student projects and to her own research. (ECDS-Data/GIS Fellow)


Louis Fagnan, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History collaborated with the Arrangement and Description Team at the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. Mr. Fagnan processed the manuscript collection of Atlanta tax attorney, Randolph Thrower and co-curated a physical exhibit, presently on dis
play in the Schatten Gallery entitled, “Changing Atlanta: The Challenges of a Growing Metropolis,” which included an interactive webpage on the county unit system in Georgia (Woodruff-Rose Library Fellow)

Karen McCarthy, a doctoral candidate in Philosophy, collaborated with the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship on the project “Unpacking Manuel’s Tavern.” Ms. McCarthy assisted i2n the creation of high-resolution panorama images of the bar, known during the second half of the 20th century as “ground zero for the Atlanta Democratic Party.” The project captured the newspaper clippings, photographs, and original artwork that adorn the walls (ECDS-Digital Humanities Fellow)

Nicole Morris, a Ph.D. candidate in English, worked on the project Gathering Blossoms Under Fire: The Journals of Alice Walker (2017) with Valerie Boyd, Associate Professor of Journalism and Charlayne Hunter-Gault Distinguished Writer-in Residence at the University of Georgia. Ms. Morris, who has been working with Boyd since 2014, edited and transcribed portions of the Walker’s journals, which form part of the Alice Walker papers, circa 1930-2010 at Emory University’s Stuart A. Rose Library. (Alice Walker Fellow)

Joanna Mundy, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Art History, partnered with the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS) on projects involving data management, Django and MySQL databases, network analysis, and GIS mapping projects. In particular, she contributed to the Tracking Samothrace project and worked on database creation and data integration for Mapping Senufo, Samothracian Networks, and the Beckett Letters, among other projects. (Beck Fellow)

Jessica Reuther, a PhD Candidate in the Department of History worked with the Robert W. Woodruff Library’s Services Division as a subject librarian, providing research and instruc4tional support to the African Studies community. Ms. Reuther developed online guides to Gender and Sexuality in Africa and Francophone World Resources, and provided in-depth consultations for students doing Africa-related research. She also worked to build the library’s collections on Francophone Africa by beginning a collection assessment and establishing contacts with French language book venders in the region. (Woodruf-Subject Librarian Fellow)

Shunyuan Zhang, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Anthropology5, partnered with the Outreach & Education team at the Woodruff Library and the Emory Writing Center. She organized the popular Dissertation/Prospectus Writing Boot Camps, which served students graduate students across the University and in disciplines such as History, Sociology, WGSS, Health Sciences, and English. (Woodruff-Outreach & Education Fellow

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