The scholarly source that I have selected is about the origin of cyborgs and their characteristics in Italian science fiction. It has integral information towards the identification of women and technology that plays into the objectification of women and the history behind it all. Ross declares that technology has been given genders and erotic qualities that reflect secondary narcissism, and that this originated in many different Italian texts. She uses Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to extend her argument that science fiction narratives tend to use Lombroso’s misogynistic ideas that portray women as machines and deny their bodies, while making the rational, creator beings male. I plan on relating this article to support my views that technology has become seriously debilitating in human interaction and identity, especially in the portrayal of women as objects. This can relate to Gary Shteyngart’s Super Sad True Love Story, in how Eunice is described in relation to a robot. The description of Eunice is dehumanizing, and makes her detachment from society seem like it is ideal. She, along with the rest of their society, is absorbed into the encompassing world of the apparat. The continuous flow of data and information is controlling and strips lives down to a monotone nature, because everything is accessible. They don’t have to have actual conversations to get to know someone or find out their deepest, darkest secrets. This provides a sense of technological detachment and creates isolation between individuals. I would also like to bring in points from Ross’s article about objects, such as cars, being portrayed as female, which relates to the objectification of women. As Ross points out, cyborgs and technology are given female traits and deemed as inferior is frequently found in science fiction texts. I believe that this would be a very interesting topic to research more, and to relate to our current society.’s&searchText=%22Frankenstein%22&searchText=%22objectification%20of%20women%22&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DShelley%2527s%2B%2522Frankenstein%2522%2B%2522objectification%2Bof%2Bwomen%2522%26amp%3Bprq%3DShelley%2B%2522Frankenstein%2522%2Bcriticism%252C%2B%2522objectification%2Bof%2Bwomen%2522%26amp%3Bgroup%3Dnone%26amp%3Bacc%3Don%26amp%3Bwc%3Don%26amp%3Bfc%3Doff%26amp%3Bso%3Drel%26amp%3Bhp%3D25&seq=1#references_tab_contents